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Aphs POV

I hear a knock on the door "Come in!!" I see all the guys pop their heads in and they all see me very pregnant "I knew there was something going on but Holy shit Aph" I groan and Travis slaps Garroth "If youll sit down Ill explain whats going on" Travis sits on the bed next to me, Dante stand at the edge of the bed, Garroth sits on the chair next to me, and Zane sits by the window already knowing all about it. "So as its obvious Im pregnant and as its not obvious Im techincally a month along" they all look at me wide eyed "A month?!" I nod "The baby for whatever reason is growing three times its normal rate causing it to be 3 1/2 months but because giants run in Aarons family is the size of 4-5 months" "Giants dont exist Aphmau" I glare at Garroth "When I say giants I mean that in the whole percentage range of how big a human his he's on the larger size causing them to be larger then most people their age and tend to grow 6-7 feet" "Ohhhh" "Yea I didnt actually mean giant" "So how come your on bed rest you look fine" "Well due to the faster rate Im really sore and cant feel my legs much that and it broke three ribs last night" "Three ribs in one night?!" I nod "So yea thats whats happened" I can tell theyre all worried for me "Well we're all here for you Aph" I nod "Thank you" Travis puts a hand on my shoulder "The godfather the most much more then these peasents" I burst out laughing as everyone glaring at him causing me to hunch over in pain "Are you okay?!" "Yea that just hurt due to the broken ribs" "Im sorry I didnt know-" "Its alright Travis I get you were trying to make me feel better" I get a hug from all of them Travis hugs me for the longest. Ive known Garroth and Zane much longer but we didnt become good friends till middle of Highschool Travis and I have been best friends since Freshman year and he cares about me alot even if he just seems like a play boy. It was all really cute they asked which side was broken and didnt touch anywhere near it.


Later that day I hear yelling and I try to get up to figure it out but before Im even off the bed Mom bursts in and notices how tired and worn I look right off the bat "Mijjjjaaaa" she comes over cupping my face and hugging me tight causing me to cry out in pain. She immediatly pulls back "Whats in pain?" "It broke ribs mom you squeezed them" "Oh Mija Im so sorry" Aarons dad walks in "Mrs. Ramirez it would really be suggested if you leave" "She is my daughter I dont give two craps what you suggest what are you guys even doing to her keeping her wrapped up in here?!" she goes off yelling and I notice my heartbeat increase and so does Derek "Mrs Ramirez-" she cuts him off and keeps arguing "Mom-" she ignores me, "Mom-!" "Hold on Mija Im trying to explain something" I feel something tense in my stomach before theres a large crack noise and pain on my left side. I cry out in pain and both of them look over at me hunching over holding my side. Rachel comes in and sighs "More ribs broken" Derek glares at my mom and she looks at me worried "What happened? It wasnt kicking her before?" "You stressed her out, any stress hurts her thats why you need to leave now!" She comes over kissing my forehead with sad eyes thinking she caused it and leaves. Aaron walks in confused "Why was Sylvanna here" "She wanted to see Aphmau" "What happened?" "She yelled at me and caused there to be more broken ribs" he looks at me concerned and I give him a small smile "Im alright" he walks away running his hands through his hair as a nurse gives me more X-Rays to make sure there wasnt internal damage and figuring out how many broken ribs I now have.


Rachel comes in and sits down with me this time apparently Aaron is sleeping for the first time in the last two days "So it only broke one this time but it was one of the ones around your heart" "Did something get punctured?" she shakes her head "No but we're afraid if you move wrong or someone touches you it may move and then puncture your heart its the one that moves directly infront of it and it was a sharp breakage" I sigh breaking down crying and she hugs me making sure not to touch my torso by making it awkward and above my shoulders "Why does this happen to me?" "Aphmau I understand Aaron didnt warn you about all of this and he should have the second he started dating you but what happened has happened I do want to talk to you about something though" I nod and she sits up on the bed next to me "RIght around when these things started happening I really thought it wouldve been a god option to get an abortion I thought I wasnt string enough to handle it and what I want to let you know even if you cant handle it it doesnt mean getting one is an easy way out" she sighs "Im not trying to tell you to get one but this is your life Aphmau, Aaron is smart but he wont know the first thing to do with a newborn he would prefer to find a way to have you with him, he'll understand and wants you to try and continue on but this is your decision okay dont feel like its not okay honey?" I nod and she gives me another awkward hug "Your family to us we dont want to lose you because this of this baby so talk to me if you start to think anything about it okay? Ill talk to Aaron if you need me to" "Im not getting an abortion" "Im not trying to tell you to get one, Im sure you can handle this, we're just all worried you wont make it after we dont know how destructive it will be" I nod "I appreciate you talking to me" she wipes under my eyes "Ill go get you some snacks I understand you havent eaten in an hour or so" I nod as she heads off to get me snacks.


When im about halfway through my show and the huge snack platter I got from Rachel Aaron comes in "Hi honey" he sits down on the bed next to me "Hey" I notice he has his bandanna on "Whats wrong" "Im worried about you" "I know you are but Ill be fine" "Its been two days and its broken 4 ribs Aphmau" "I know but I can handle it" he sighs trying to hug me "Dont!" he stops and pulls his hands back "What?" "You didnt see the X-Rays did you?" he shakes his head "Mom didnt wanna upset me why cant hug you" "The fourth break is sharp and right infront of my heart we cant risk it" he groans "Of course" he gets up storming out "Aaron-!" he slams the door behind him and I start crying he blames himself and Im letting him.

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