Aph's Little Secret

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Aphs pov 

I wake up to people giggling right next to me, for sure know Lilith's there and I'm assuming Aaron from the fact that they're sitting on the bed, I look over and see Aaron playing with Lilith while Ein has his arms crossed by the door pissed off. I roll over and position myself so I'm laying in Aarons lap "Aph you are weird and small" I hear Lilith giggle as Aaron continues to talk to her while I wake up by playing on my phone. I feel my stomach growl as I smell pancakes, eggs, and bacon. "Who's cooking?" he sits Lilith in her bouncy chair so she bounces herself and he pets me "My dad" I feel my eyes close and my ears drop as he continues petting me "I hate that you have this power over me" he laughs "I've known about your little spot since highschool so you might want to start getting used to it" I groan getting up so he stops. He uses the advantage that I have to crawl outta his lap to use his legs to shield me in and continue to pet me "Aaron nooo" he chuckles "You know you like it Aph" I try and push his hand away "Imma fall back asleeppp" he laughs letting me go as I glare at him going to get food "You can feed your new daughter her foods in the blue and white bag"


After I finish eating I go downstairs to see how Aarons doing feeding her and I see mushed up pears everywhere. I start laughing my ass off when I see what Aaron looks like "Oh my Irene Aaron we're gonna need a maid wherever you go" He glares at me as I continue dying on the floor from laughter. Eventually, I pull myself together and grab her so he can start to clean since the boat doesn't have any maids and I don't wanna make other people clean up for more messes I contributed in. Everyone upstairs wants to play with her so I end up never having to play with her which sucks sometimes when I miss her. I finally get to play around with Lilith when the boat stops for swimming and fucking around, I bounce her on my lap and make weird noises as she laughs her ass off. Aaron comes around and kisses me on the forehead "Wanna go chill in the water with Lilith" I think for a bit on it "If I get the floatie" he lightly tosses it as me completely blown up "Yes ma'am" 

Aaron helps me get in the floatie then hands me Lilith to set her in my lap "Take a few picturess" he looks at me and groans "Aph-" "It's her first time swimming i want pics" he goes to get his phone while Zane makes his way towards me "This is seriously how you got away with the floatie?" I nod content that it worked "Yup" he laughs as Aaron calls my name and snaps a few pics with me and Lilith, there's a lot of 'Lilith look at the camera' 'Lilith look at Aaron' I groan "Lilith look at daddy" she looks over at him and laughs as he makes weird faces "WHAT!?" I laugh at Ein's response "Cmon Ein shes 6 months old chill"


Ein can't get over the fact that Lilith called Aaron dad so she's with him for the night. "Aphhhmmmmaaaaauuuu" I look over at Aaron and see he's leaning on the wall with a towel around his waist "You're trying hard for whatever it is you want, yes?" "Boats stopped wanna go skinny dipping?" "If I don't have to swim, fine" "Why don't you wanna swim" "I'm tired" he debates it for a min "Fine just cmon"  I go change into a robe and he pulls me out of the room and out onto the deck as soon as I'm out. He drops his towel and jumps into the water splashing me "Aaronnn" "What your gonna get wet anyway" I groan taking off my robe and quietly getting in, he immediately picks me up and kisses me "Hey sir I'm not having sex in the ocean" he smirks at me "Really?" I nod looking around "Uhm yea" "What are you scared the fish are gonna watch us?" "No, like what if someone comes out here to get water or something and hears us" "Oh come on its 1 in the morning no ones out here" I debate it "Come on Aph its heat season I know u wanna, this boats only stopped for another hour" I sigh and he smirks knowing what my answer is "Fine only this once" he pulls me closer to him kissing me


I wake up tired and with a huge headache. "Aphhh" I throw a pillow at Aaron "Fuck off" he laughs climbing in bed "Cmon it's 11" "I don't caree" "We're leaving in an hour and u still need to shower eat and take some medicine for your hangover "Is that what that headache is?" he looks at me confused "How much more did u drink after I went to bed?" I just turn away and close my eyes again. He groans picking me up and sets me in the shower "No Aaron" "Yes Aaron he turns on the water closing the stopper and adding bubbles "You'll thank me later" he leaves closing the door leaving me to be a giant baby

Aarons Pov

I head back upstairs and see everything is a mess still, everyone's probably relaxing, I see a bottle of wine empty on the counter along with a beer or two "Well Ik what she drank now" I quickly pick up everything and wash the dishes, I head back to our room to see Aphmau dressed but back asleep on our bed, At least she showered "Aph cmon" she groans "Noo" the boat makes a sudden halt and apparently it makes her sick, she runs to the bathroom throwing up the nothing in her stomach "Aph cmon you needa eat it'll make the hangover better" she just groans and heads back towards the bed. I sigh grabbing her and take her upstairs, I see a couple of people have come out and they all look at me confused "Why?" "Hungover as fuck" Mom sighs "Is that where my wine went?" I nod, I set Aph in the chair and she rests her head down. I give her a cup of water and start cooking. I look over and see Zane walking up, he notices Aph and walks over to her. I hear him sigh as she walks downstairs "Can you bring her food down to my room I needa talk to her" I nod as he follows her

Zanes Pov (A lot of different ones today ik)

I close my door behind me and she climbs onto my bed laying down "You know you shouldn't drink that much alcohol Aph" she sits up propping herself on pillows taking my water cup on the table "I know" "Then why did you?" "I don't know, I just did" "This isn't turning back into a habit again" she sighs "I know" "I know Aaron doesn't know about your high school life after Freshman year but It is not turning back into what it used to be" she nods "No more drinking unless someone that knows is with you" "So you and Ein" I debate it "Ein didn't really care much-" "You and Ein" "Yes me and Ein" she comes over and hugs me "So what happened last night to start it?" she blushes red "Well uhm Aaron decided to take me swimming-" "Skinny Dipping" she looks over at me "How?" "I've been up for several hours I cleaned up your guy's shit before someone else saw" she turns even redder "Okay anyways so yea that happened and then when we were done Aaron thought it'd be a good idea to drink and then went to bed" he nods "then you continued after" she nods. There's a knock on my door and Aaron comes in handing her the food and leaving.


The boats making its last stop before we get there and Aph is in her tube with Lilith smiling and laughing a lot even though she's super hungover, she is wearing my super black sunglasses so the sun doesn't bother her but eh. Aaron walks over beside me "Your not getting in?" he shakes his head "I know its honestly none of my business but if what did you talk to Aph about? If its 100% personal you don't have to but I get worried about her you know that" I nod "Honestly it's none of my business to tell but I do think you deserve to know and I know shes too embarrassed about it herself to tell you" I nod listening "After you left in highschool from her accident, she started dating Ein as you know, and Ein was a partier like hardcore, so she started going out to parties with him a lot ya know how she is" I nod "But uhm she picked up drinking with those parties and as much as I hate to say it she turned into an alcoholic" I look at him dumbfounded "What?"

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