50 Tries one Success

188 5 2

Aph's Pov

I look over at the Island that's coming into the view from the front of the boat and start getting Excited. I run downstairs to get my stuff together since I've yet to and Aarons sitting on the bed and he looks like he's contemplating life and has a mask over his eyes, he looks up at me all weird "Hey what's wrong?" I close the door behind me "Nothing" "Aaron there's something wrong what is it?" he gets up "I said nothing!" he storms out pushing past me slamming the door behind him. I stare at the door for a minute "What did I do?"


We pull into the shore and Aarons still acting weird I'm currently talking to Nana and Katelynn about it when he comes up and glances at me weird before walking over to his fam "See what I mean?" they both look at each other "Yup"

About 30 minutes later we start heading off the boat and I feel myself get hella excited again. "Okay everyone let's just get to our cabins and then we can join up and take a small tour at 4 - 6, get some early dinner and watch a movie in one of our cabins" I nod "I like it" Melissa laughs "Okay here's how cabins are split" "Aph and Aaron, Mom and Dad, Sylvanna and Eric, Myself, Nana, and Katelynn, then Zane, Garroth, Ein and Travis" "Travis?!" "Ello!" I look behind me and see Travis with a captain hat on "Sorry I didn't say hi sooner I wasn't allowed out of my little headquarters to drive the boat" I hug him "Whatever Travis I'm just glad you came I thought you just ignored my invitation" he shakes his head "Nope, I heard there'd be pretty girls here so I had to take a look myself" We all laugh and head off to our cabins.


We all meet up for the tour and I'm super excited I'm basically jumping up and down Zane laughs at me "Did you drink caffeine before this?" I shake my head and he shakes his head laughing "Oh my Irene Aph"

On the tour, I see huge water slides and a lot of places for Tacos and I get really happy cause I love tacos. "Aaron look over there" I point over to the roller coaster "We should go ride ittt" he shrugs "Maybe" I huff as he walks ahead of me "Any luck yet?" I shake my head "Nothings working Nana" "You tried fucking him good yet?" "Nana that's not how you solve guys problems" "I know but it could put him in a better mood so he'll open up" I shake my head walking away "What?"

Further along, we get to a photo booth and Nana shoves me towards Aaron "Aaron lets take a picture!" he looks over at me and gives a small smirk "Fine get it" I smile pulling him in for a photo

Further along, we get to a photo booth and Nana shoves me towards Aaron "Aaron lets take a picture!" he looks over at me and gives a small smirk "Fine get it" I smile pulling him in for a photo

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(The photo of Aph and Aaron, the background is like a green screen thing)

I come out stashing the photo in my pocket pleased I got him to do it as I head back over to the girls "That's one success" Katelynn groans as we continue "50 tries one success whoop whoop" Nana smacks her and I laugh


Its currently movie time in my cabin and I notice Aaron isn't here, I head upstairs to our room, I see him just sitting on the bed staring at the floor. I close the door behind me and head over to him "Aaron what's going on?" he looks over at me and looks hella pissed "Why don't you trust me?" I look at him dumbfounded "I do trust you" "Not as much as you trust other people" What are you talking about?" he gets up running his hands threw his hair "I know you used to be an alcoholic" I look at him blank-faced "I was gonna tell you" "When Aph?! When!?" "I- I don-" "Exactly you never planned to tell me!" "Aaron calm down" "No! I deserve to know why you don't trust me!" he gets close to me and I smell alcohol in his breathe "Aaron it'd be best to talk about this when your sober" "Like you could be talking" "Excuse me?!" I feel myself start to get angry but I know it's not in my best interest to get angry when he's drunk "You heard me alcoholic" "Aaron Lycan!" he takes a swig of the bottle that's next to him "Aaron that's enough it's probably best if you sober up if you wanna talk" he laughs "Again like YOU can be talking" "Aaron stop" he starts heading towards me and I back up into the wall "Aaron cam down" "Oh so your scared of me now?" "I'm not scared of you" he shakes his head "BULLSHIT" "Aaron I'm not-" "Why would you back up if you're not scared of me?!" "Cause your drunk and I don't know what your doing" "I'm confronting you, you don't fucking trust me, and you never have, have you?" "Aaron I-" he slams his fist against the wall causing a picture to fall and shatter "HAVE YOU?!" "Yes, Aaron I have always fucking trusted you!" He slams his fist again "BULLSHIT" he rubs his eyes groaning, Melissa runs in and takes me out of the room as his Mom talks to him and calms him down, she starts walking me to the girl's cabin while everyone else watches the movie hella confused "Did his eyes go red?" she looks at me and sighs "I don't know we just heard him yelling so us being used to his temper assumed the worse" "Does anyone else know what happened?" she shakes her head "They think we went up there to convince you to come with me to get food" I nod as she takes me up to her room I sit up on her bed and she sits down next to me "You know he didn't mean it Aph" she hands me a tub of ice cream and a spoon "I know.."

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