I Shouldn't have left her alone

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Aarons POV

I get back with Lilith and don't hear anything so I go to make a bottle, I dont know how we managed to run out of formula, we're usually on top of it. I pick up Lilith setting her in the crib in the living room, I go to walk back to the room and I hear Celeste scratching. I open the door immediatly noticing she isnt on the bed. Celeste circles back to the bathroom and I go to open it just as Mom walks in.

"Aphmau hun you locked it please open it" Dad comes in being confused thinking the same thing Mom did "Aphmau open the door" I can her hear in there whimpering but she isnt opening it. I kick it in breaking the lock. I rush inside and notice Aphmau curled up in the bathtub a pool of blood around her. I stare at her blank faced "Dad-" he just nods getting on the phone. I shake out of it and run over to her. I grab her hand and pull her up so shes sitting upright, shes losing consiousness "Aphmau hey stay awake" I go to cup her face but she grabs her stomach whimpering. The doctor comes in pushing me out of the room "Wait-" dad pulls me back just hugging me as I stare at the ground. I shouldnt have left her alone.


The doctor comes out and I stand up from the couch being impatient "Shes alright we're getting everything taken care of but theres nothing we can do to save the baby she Miscarried and happened to be in one for the last several days, something happened to where nothing had really started to process damage wise till two hours ago which is why it seemed so bad and random the baby started dying yesterday and it died an hour ago" Mom immediatly comes up beside me holding my hand "And it destroyed her Uterus, she will be lucky to have any more kids" the doctor leaves and I just stand there trying to figure out where it all went wrong and every situation is just me for being an Ultima.

Aphs POV

I wake up in a lot of pain and go to rub my stomach to discover most of it isnt there. I sit up in a panic "Aaron!" he comes in with a bandanna on, hes upset. "What happened I fell asleep and now the baby-!" he sits down next to me grabbing my hands "You miscarried Aph you lost the baby" I feel tears on my cheeks "No that couldnt have happened I did everything right" I look up at him and notice his eyes are glowing through the mask red. I lay my head on his chest and he hugs me "Im sorry Aphmau" "For what?" "Doing all of this to you" "How is it your fault" "Because I let this happen" he gets up and leaves closing the door behind him. I sit there cuddling Celeste crying.


Later that day I hear a knock on the door "Its open" I see all the guys along with Nana and Katelynn poke their head in "Hey guys" they all come over and hug me "Im assuming Aaron told all of you?" "Melissa actually" Travis clears his throat "Besides all of that we are thefting you to come over to our place for movie night" I chuckle "Your thefting me?" they all nod "Allright gimme a minute to get dressed" Katelynn and Nana shoo everyone out so they can help me "Allright girlie onsie??" I nod and they help me out saying everyhing is sore "Thank you guys" they nod "Of course cmon lets go we can get your favorite snacks and we'll bring celeste over, we'll make sure the boys walk her" Celeste comes over to me hearing her name and I let her jump up in my arms so Im holding her "Let me go talk to aaron then we can head out" they nod and I head over to the office where Aarons been all day. I knock on the door and he opens it noticing Im in a large onsie and uggs "Where are you headed?" "They guys house they wanted to get me out of the room and enjoy myself" he nods "Will you be okay?" "Yea Ill be fine might break down at some point but nothing besides that" he nods "I wont keep you go for it" I kiss him taking him off guard for a moment "Love you" "Love you too" he hugs me tight and I hug him back "Stomach" he loosens up a little.

He lets me go and kisses my forehead "Can I get help going down the stairs??" he sighs knowing I can do it and just dont want to "Yeaa" he picks me up bridal style and carries me down the stairs. Nana and Katelynn look over as he sets me down "Whats up with the bandanna Aaron" he goe blank faced "He has a migraine helps with the light" "Oh" he nods whispering to me "Thanks" "Alright we're off" he gives me another kiss on the forehead then we all leave.


We're in the middle of watching Frozen since they all know that I love that movie. Ive eaten three bags of popcorn and like a whole fucking cake at this point and everyone is kinda just letting me plus Nana made like a whole feast and Im still in pregnant mode when it comes to what Im eating. "So how have you guys all been" "We've been good we've just been hanging around or going to the park" "Sounds fun" "Maybe we can convince you to come out when your all better" "When Im no longer sore and everything Ill go" they all nod and we continue watching frozen talking about whatever

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