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Aphs POV
Once I got over being sore and we were certain I wont transform anyone we began our actually honey moon with only a week and a half left. We're in the water in the middle of the night fucking around.
He picks me up setting me up on the dock and he shakes his hair out as I yell at him
"Stop that!"
He laughs
He gets up next to me and I look over at him
"Show me your eyes again"
He lets his eyes out a faint glow illuminating them. 
"You are aware you have the same ones right?"
"Yea but still I like yours more"
He breaks out laughing
He kisses the tattoo on the side of my neck and I lean into it
"I love you Aphmau"
"I love you too Aaron"
We end up sitting there for a good minute just taking in each others company and stealing small kisses. 


I wake up to Aaron calling my name and I open my eyes to see him holding breakfast plates and coffee
"Breakfast in bed what did I do to deserve that"
"Nothing Im just trying to enjoy the rest of our honey moon before we have to return to our boring lives"
"Work is boring the rest of it is okay"
He kisses my cheek and I sit up taking a plate and eat while we watch our show
"So how do we plan on hiding my eyes?"
"Im hoping they're going to be back to normal by the time we leave if not, you'll just have a bandana on"
"Well if I cant turn anyone why not worry about it say its contacts"
"Everyone knows what ultima eyes look like, you already have Ein and your mom up our asses about it, its dangerous"
I groan laying back down and he chuckles 
"Lazy day?"
I shake my head
"I want to go out, don't they have like cool lunches and shit like that?"
"Yup, they also have little hiking trails to get to a water fall and some hot springs"
He nods before joining me in bed and pulls me onto his lap
"I have a bit of a serious question"
I look over at him
"What baby?"
I watch red slowly spread across his cheeks
"Since your no longer infertile, do you want another kid?"
"Couldnt the same thing just happen again?"
"I have no idea to be honest, I have a feeling they'll most definetly be an Ultima due to the both of us now otherwise, I dont know"
I nod 
"I think we could try it again once Lilith is a bit older"
"Yea, once she's a little more independent and past the whole toddler stage of hating life I think that'll help"
"We should start looking at preschools for her once she's 3"
"Thats in two years babe"
"Still! The good ones take forever to get into!"
"Not when your a Lycan"
I sigh
"You and your powerful family are amazing but I hate just using your last name as some powerful thing"
"We're powerful people, we cant help it"
I roll my eyes
"Whatever Mr. Lycan"
"Dont forget who you are Mrs. Lycan"
We both break out laughing and he pulls me in for a kiss


Its around 10 at night and we're walking up a small trail
"Why are we doing this right now? In swim suits?"
"You'll see"
We keep walking up and I groan, he suddenly goes off to the side of the mountain and we walk onto a little ledge, he jumps down and I look down at him
"Cmon Ill catch you"
I jump off and he catches me 
"Look behind you"
He sets me down and in the side of the mountain is a huge hot spring
"What is with you and finding these oh my god!"
He breaks out laughing as I run over to it and lightly stick my foot in 
"Oh these are warm"
"Its called a hot spring for a reason babe"
"Shut up!"
He chuckles just jumping right in and comes back up shaking his hair
He looks at me confused
"The hair"
"Its a habit alright! We have some dog trait you know this!"
I giggle as he grabs me pulling me in with him 
"Aaron no! Not my hair!"
"Just relax wash your hair later!"
We both break out laughing and he kisses me 


After returning and a nice shower Im in a towel walking around the room looking for one of Aarons shirts
"Oh cmon where is his luggage"
"Wheres whos luggage?"
I look up seeing he just waled in
"Im looking for one of your shirts"
"So your the theif who steals my clothes"
"No its the crazy cat lady from down the street"
He rolls his eyes
"Theyre in the drawers, I figred we'd unpack a bit"
I open one of the drawers and quickly throw on his shirt and some shorts 
"Y'know I don't think life can be any better"
I look over at him
"I mean this feels like our happy ending, I have stated it several times I never thought I'd see you again after that accident now, we're married and talking about a second kid in a few years"
I feel a smile spread on my face 
"Maybe it is, our story is finally closing there's no more to it"
"I mean when Ein gets back that'll be difficult"
"We can explain it to Lilith when she's older, she's a year old, she'll understand we're protecting her, at that point if she wants a relationship with him we can work it out but as of right now you and I both know it's what's best for her"
He nods 
"I think we can make the rest of this work"
"Exactly, have more faith in us we're Lycans"
He breaks out laughing
"I love you Aphmau"
"I love you too Aaron"

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