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Aphs POV

A few years later 

I'm with the girls and we're at the mall, Lilith is in preschool and Aaron is at work so I have some free time. I haven't been feeling well so the girls thought it'd help if I got out
"You guys want to stop at the food court?"
I nod 
Nana nods too
"Good idea Katelynn I'm starving"
Nana and Zane have gotten engaged and they're waiting the wedding out but in a way she's kind of matured a little more. We all sit down after ordering and we both look at Katelynn
"Has Travis asked?"
Nana giggles and whispers in my ear
"Garroth found a ring in his closet the other day"
I gasp and she giggles 
"Are you serious?"
She nods
"Oh c'mon guys that's unfair"
"Totally not! He should just pop the question!"
I nod and she groans turning red
"Whatever guys!"
We both giggle and our food gets here so we quickly eat
"Anything new with you and Aaron"
I shake my head
"No, Lilith's doing good in preschool I've been feeling sick so I didn't go in today"
She nods
"Did you eat something weird?"
"Yea we tried this new restaurant last night and I've been nauseous ever since"
"It was probably just the food"
We finish eating and get everything thrown away and we go to leave and my stomach basically flips 
"Aphmau you okay?"
I bolt to the bathroom and they follow me holding up my hair and rubbing my back
"Hey your good just breathe"
I lean back flushing the toilet and Katelynn and Nana share a look
"Do you think you might be pregnant?"
"I don't look pregnant"
"You've gained a little bit of belly and now your nauseous, have you been crying at zombie movies again"
"I don't only cry at Zombie movies when I'm pregnant"
"You do Aph, so have you?"
Nana giggles
"Lets grab some tests and we can head home okay?"
I nod and follow them out of the store 


I'm now sitting in the bathroom with Nana and Katelynn  while we wait for this test thats face down on the counter
"I hate how long these take"
"Me too"
Nana and I look over at Katelynn
"Hey 'Ive had a few scares, I'm not pregnant Jesus"
Nana squints her eyes glaring her down
"I'm not!"
I hear Katelynn's phone go off and we all stand up off the floor and I hesitate
"Oh c'mon just flip it"
"You do it!"
"I'm not touching your pee stick!"
I roll my eyes and flip the test. Nana squeals and Katelynn breaks out laughing
"We're finally getting Aarmau babies!!!!!!!"
"Nana tone it down, please"
She shuts up but is practically jumping around 
"Congratulations your having baby number three!"
"Are you not excited?"
I realize we still have no idea if this will harm me like the other one, we never asked
"I am just nervous I guess"
"Its normal c'mon what are you craving"
"You'll yell at me! I'm not falling for this trap like I did with Lilith and then you yell at me for eating weird shit"
She rolls her eyes 


I hear the front door open and I look over half asleep on the couch
"You okay?"
"Yea I'm just trying to take a nap"
"Your good I already have the little one sleeping"
I nod and he returns downstairs a few minutes later and he freezes 
"You hear it?"
"Are you pregnant?"
I look up at him tiredly and nod
"I just found out earlier"
He comes over pulling me in for a kiss and I kiss him back
"We're having a baby?"
I nod and I watch his eyes turn red and a tear fall down his cheek
"I love you so much"
I don't even get to respond before he kisses me again
"We need to get you an appointment and see if everything is okay!"
He hushes 
"We can do that tomorrow, I feel fine as of right now I want to sleep"
He nods and I pull him onto the couch
"We should go make sure Lilith is asleep"
"She'll come downstairs if she needs us or play in her room she's never broken anything before"
I nod and he kisses my forehead


With the pregnancy there were several complications but it was easy compared to the other one, he just ended up too big and I spent 12 hours in active labor since I refused a C section if I could help it. We waited until she was born for the gender, I was convinced it was a boy but it was a girl. We named her Alena, she has my eyes and Aarons dark hair. She is a Ultima, Aaron has experience in helping with the eyes but we cant do much until she can begin to control her emotions. As of right now we use the excuse she has sensitive eyes and doesn't like most people. 

Travis finally got engaged and Zane and Nana got married when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and a bowling ball. They were on they're honey moon when Alena was born. 

Rachel is obsessed with her especially since they look somewhat alike when she was a baby apparently. Mom and Eric couldn't hold her until she was around 3 months and her eyes finally went to her natural color, they obsessed just the same. 

I hear the door open and look over from the couch, I have Alena asleep on my lap and Lilith is quietly playing with toys. Aaron comes over and gives me a kiss
"Want me to go put her in her crib?"
"Yes please"
He takes her lightly bouncing her and goes upstairs
"Yes Lilith?"
"Can I play a bit louder now?"
"Yes daddy took her upstairs your good to play normally, she was grumpy so I was trying to keep her asleep"
"Okay Momma!"
She goes on playing with her large thing made out of Legos, maybe it's a plane? I have no idea but she keeps using it to crush the buildings she keeps making. Aaron comes back down and Lilith gets excited dropping her plane and runs over to him, he squats down and she runs up to hi giving him a hug 
"Hi daddy!"
"Hi, are you playing with your Legos?"
She nods 
"Make sure you tell Aunt Melissa thankyou when you see her next okay?"
She nods 
"Momma said I had to be quiet cause sissy was sleeping but now I can play as loud as I want!"
"Still keep it a little quiet okay?"
She kisses his cheek and runs off to continue playing 
"What have you been up to?"
He sits next to me
"Well, once we got home from picking Lilith up after we had lunch with you Alena was screaming so I had Lilith go to the table to work on those math worksheets and yea then you found us once she went down"
He nods 
"Did you start on dinner?"
I shake my head
"Alright well why don't you go do whatever the fu- you want and Ill watch them and cook"
Lilith chuckles 
"Daddy almost said a bad word!"
"Don't repeat it"
"I know Momma"


Aaron and I go upstairs after getting both of them to bed and we lay on the bed 
He turns his head slightly 
"Are you happy with our life?"
He come over to me and stands in front of me
"Where is this coming from?"
"Just answer the question"
"Yes I'm happy with our life, we have 2 kids we're married, our friends are happy"
I nod 
"So where did this coming from?"
"I just can't help but wonder what would've happened if we didn't find each other again"
He sighs
"Like what if Nana never put that good word in and your dad hired me?"
He chuckles
"Knowing us we still would've found each other"
I nod and he pulls me in for a kiss 
"I love you Aphmau"
"I love you too Aaron"

And guys, that is the last chapter of this story, pretty close to three years later! It was difficult writing at times and I've had writers block a shit ton, but it is finally done! I hope you guys enjoyed this series!!! 
Also I have been thinking about rewriting the first book and maybe some chapters of this book, I didn't have good writing at all in that first book so I've been thinking maybe rewriting it I will like it a little more so let me know if you guys are interested!
As always, I love y'all thank you for supporting me and I hope you like a new book I'm thinking about that will start posting for these two with the upcoming season! <3

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