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Aphs POV

Few Days later

Everything starts looking normal obviously with still everything involving the sped up and short cord but everything else is going okay. I can walk around, Im basically huge at this point but Im just happy Im not in a bed all the time now, Im still in close watch and at Dereks and Rachels but I have taken a walk or two out with Aaron and I walk all around the downstairs part of the house since I cant do stairs well. Aaron and I are cuddling with a sleeping Lilith and watching our show. "I should invite mom back over now that Im doing better" he looks at me a little concerned "Are you sure shes not gonna freak out?" "Im sure if she knows it wont end well I doubt she'll try" "Maybe get the guys over first we dont know how itll react around people its not used to" I nod "Can we now?" he chuckles "Tomorrow its late" he kisses my head wanting me to go to sleep.


I wake up the next morning a little sore but overral okay. I eat my version of breakfast and Rachel has to leave the room "Im sorry Aph I have nothing against you I just myself cant" "I understand I dont blame you" she excuses herself to her room. Derek and Aaron dont mind both of them just happy Im feeling better and understanding Ultima pregnancies are weird. "Well everything seems to be going okay Im glad we figured it out" I nod. Once I eat some sort of meat he lets me eat whatever I want for a few hours, only thing he takes cooked is bacon and I dont blame him. "So did you invite the guys over?" Aaron nods and Derek sighs "Aphmau I dont know if thats a good Idea your mom-" "That was my mom we are seeing whats gonna happen with the guys and making sure my mom wont start anything before she comes" he nods "Okay Im just making sure your trying to keep yourself safe" I nod.


Theres a knock on the door "Come in" all the guys pop their heads in and seem to be the same way they were last time except Zane is around the edge of the bed with Dante "So whats been happening" "Im getting better it seems to be getting easier" "Thats good what changed" "You guys are probably gonna be disgusted but due to the fact both Aaron and I are werewolves it wa craving raw meat so I have to eat raw steak every once and a while" every single one of them gives me a disgusted look "Its not as bad as it sounds its kind of like eating a steak rare" "I dont believe that for a second" I chuckle "When you guys get prego and get off your man periods youll undertand" all of them glare at me ans Travis laughs "I got my food baby in store I get it" I laugh "How have you guys been whats happened?" They all go explaining what I believe is the same situation at once and start yelling to overtop one another to get their story heard. Aaron enters and notices me getting stressed out "GUYS" they all look towards the door "Calm it or your out" they all nod and Aaron leaves again "One at a time what happened" Garroth and Travis start and then pause for the other then both start again "You tell it" "No its fine you go" the two start arguing again trying to top the other "Guys calm it now" "We're fine Im just telling Travis he can tell it" "And im telling Garroth he can tell it" I groan and rub my temples and start to feel that tense feeling. "Both of you shut the fuck up!" they both hush knowing I usually dont cuss at them "Are you alright?" "Im fine you guys just cant stress me out, one of you can tell it and if an argument starts about it your out of here the second I detect one get it?" they all nod and Zane starts telling it "In anything basic we all went to the water park and Katelynn and Travis went back and hit it off" I look over at Travis "Really?!" he nods embarrased "How are they I havent seen them yet" "Theyre worried about you" "One of you text them get them in here" They all nod texting them

Soon they both enter the room and go to hug me to discover Im huge "APHMAU WHAT THE FUCK" I go and explain the situation once again "Whens it due?" "Little more than month and a half" "BABYSHOWER" Nana and Travis go over screaming about the different things they can do and I cringe not really wanting one for stress purposes "What do you think Aph?" "Look guys I really dont-" Nana goes off ranting how amazing it would be and the tense feeling that only went away ten minutes ago is back "Guys" neither of them hear me and everyones listening to them "Guys!" Once again Ignored I notice the door open their probably realizing my heartrate went up

"GUYS" I look over and see Aaron at the door way "All of you ae stressing her out you gotta go" They all say their goodbyes and sorry's. Aaron comes in and sits down next to me "Im sorry I didnt know they would do that" "Its fine neither of us knew plus nothing happened Im not in pain anywhere or anything so it didnt kick or anything" he nods "Thats good I was scared If I ddnt stop it something wouldve happened" I nod "Its alright we just cant have them in here all at once" "Do you want to wait to see your mom tomorrow youve gotten close calls today" "I think Ill be fine Ill hush her if he starts something but before she gets here can I have some food?" "What do you want?" "Steaak" he smiles happy Im giving into him "Yea Ill get it"


My mom comes in and notices my size "Aphmau holy crap!" I chuckle "Yup its pretty big and we still got a little over a month and a half" she looks at me concerned "Are you sure youll be able to hold it that long?" "Ill try to" "Mija Im worried-" "Mom!" she hushes "Im fine calm down" "Ill try to its just all so sudden and weird thats not natural I tried looking it up online and all I got was Ultima legends" I feel myself go pale "Those are legends mom" she shakes her head "I dont know Mija his whole family acts so weird" "Mom your stressing me out stop it" "Im sorry Mija" she shakes her head and sits on the bed next to me grabbing my hands "Hows my Mija" "im alright" "Have you gotten morning sickeness" I shake my head not feeling like talking to her about my new craving "No I think Ill be sickness free this pregnancy" she nods "Lets hope" "Oh before I forget!" she hands me a plate of strawberry puffs "Eric made these for you he's been worried sick, why not come stay with us for a few days we'll watch over you" "Ill be okay here mom" she shakes her head "They keep you locked up in here all day its not healthy for you come stay with us we can take walks and gossip" "Mom-" "I know it stresses you out but I still have a hunch what if it isnt a legend every other weird thing used to just be a le-" "Mom!" by now my stomach is starting to hurt "Enough I didnt invite you here to talk conspiracy theories about fake legends" she looks a little taken back but sighs "Im sorry" "Its alright" she kisses my forehead and leaves not wanting to further stress me out.

Aaron walks in "What happened that was a whole lot shorter then expected "She put my symptoms on the google as she puts it and got a whole lot for Ultima legends and kept saying its not completely unlikely blah blah blah so I told her off and she left "We shouldve waited till tomorrow" "Im fine still Its alright" he nods and kisses my forehead "In the next couple of days Melissa wants to take the family out to meet Xavier will you be okay here alone with a nurse on call?" I nod "I can always ft someone or just watch my show will my nurse bring me food?" he nods "Yup" "Then Ill be fine" he nods kissing me "I love you" "I love you too"

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