Off we go

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Aphs POV
Melissa is watching Lilith downstairs while Aaron and I pack some stuff into backpacks
"Aaron dont forget your sunscreen!"
"I dont need sunscreen Aph"
"Yes you do your gonna be outside more often and your gonna be exposed to sun youll get skin cancer!"
I hear him chuckle from the bathroom
"Im not going to get skin cancer from a few days out in the sun"
"You never know rather be safe than sorry"
"Ill use some of yours"
"No you wont mine is skin specific you are not wasting all of mine its like 10 dollars a bottle"
"That is a waste of money it fits in your palm, over priced"
"Not when it stops me from breaking out!"

He sighs just grabbing the sunscreen and shoving it in his bag and looks at me with his hands on his hips
I partially smile
He chuckles making his way to the bathroom to pack whatever else we will need out of there.

Once we are both finished we head downstairs where Melissa is playing with Lilith.

Aarons POV (Just Quickly)

I call Melissa upstairs while Aph says by to Lilith. Once the door closes she faces me
"So are you gonna do it?"
"I dont know I feel like its really bad timing with everything thats been going on?"
"Or it may help? Make her feel like theres something to look forward to? You cant tell me you still cant see how down shes been lately especially around Lilith"
"Yea I know she feels bad cause with everything she hasnt been spending as much time around her. Thats why I wasnt sure if I wanted to take her at all"
"Look just keep the ring on you if you feel its right, do it. If she says no just remember its not you"
"Okay yea make me think she'll say no"
She glares at me
"Once again you two have been through a lot lately just try and talk to her, see how she is, but bring with you incase you dont want to miss out on an oppurtunity, and she needs something to look forward too"
"You know her mom would just stress her out"
"And Aph knows how to deal with her mother"
I sigh and she takes my shoulders
"You know her, you know when the timing will be right trust me! Just think on it and take the ring, just make sure she doesnt see it obviously"
"Ive been hiding from her for like 3 months now since we've been here I can hide it for a few more days"
She nods and gives me a hug
"Good luck, I know you wont have service but I still want details"
I chuckle as we break away
"Alright Ill make sure to keep that in mind for when that happens"
She nods
"Alrigt now go Ill be here!"


Aphs POV

I groggily continue to walk up this stupid mountain
"Aaron this s unbearable how much longer?!"
"Just a little bit maybe a mile"
I groan and he stops helping up a rock. He picks me up and I yelp in response as he chuckles,
"I got you your fine as I said only another mile I can carry you the rest of the way"
I nod as he readjusts me over his back and I wrap my arms and legs around him. I feel myself begin to fall asleep as he bounces me up waking me up.
"No sleeping we're almost there just give me a few minutes, trust me on this"
I groan
" I have a kid, almost a second, I dont know why you didnt expect this to tire me out"
He chuckles
"I did thats why we took the easier trail"
"This is the easy one!?"
He nods chuckling, I slap his shoulder only for him to laugh more.

I see a pleatu with what looks like a dug in fire pit in the middle with some logs as seats. He sets me down as I take off our backpacks (Since he was carrying me I had to take his)
"Aaron this place is beautiful"
He hugs giving me a kiss on the forehead,
"I told you"
I slap his shoulder again as he picks up our bags taking them over to the fire pit
"Give me a little bit to set up the tent if you wanna start a small fire since the sun is setting"
I nod as I quickly go to pick up small sticks I see around tossing them in the firepit that already has a decent amount of wood in it so I leave it at that. I go to my backpack and grab some matches. I light one putting underneath the wood so itll start to catch fire. I give it a few moments and I still domt see progress so I add a second one, then another, and another, god damnit.
"Aaron the matches wont light it!"
"Hold on!"
He comes over and chuckles when he sees what Im doing
"A match burns to fast to catch on logs what you do is you grab a twig and use a match the light that for the logs, here let me show you"
He grabs one of the many twigs I got lighting a match and letting it catch, then he shoves the twigin between the logs.
"Give it a few to catch and you should be fine"
He goes back over to the hopefully almost done tent and sure enough the fire started to grow, I groan not liking the fact he's right, AGAIN. I look over and see the little bit of sun left in the sky, the sun slowly falling. Aaron comes oer putting me in his lap kissing my cheek
"The sunsets up here are always beautiful"
I nod laying back in his chest
"Theres some things for smores and stuff for hotdogs in the food bag if youre interested"
I look back at him smiling
"Yes please im starving"
"Wanna go grab it"
I nod getting up quickly grabbing the back and coming back sitting next to him as he preps our skewers for the hotdogs to burn off of.
"I know youve been stressed lately so Im hoping us being up here for a day or two will help before we deal with the stress of going back"
I chuckle thinking of the chaos before leaning my head on his shoulder
"I think this was a good idea, we both needed it"
He nods petting my ear kissing my head.
"I mean hey we might be able to make baby #2 up here"
I chuckle
"Aaron you know what they said"
"Dont forget last heat season we couldnt go more than a day at one point im sure I could knock you up enough"
I start basically cacking as he continues on
"Hey its not my fault your sexy, you basically have to expect it outta me to put y hands all over you"
I roll my eyes playfully punching his shoulder
"Hey its not nice to abuse me"
"It is very nice and fun too"
"Its kind of like your asking for me to put you in your place right now"
"I might want that"
He chuckles kissing me
"Oh? is that right"
"Mhm, may make me feel a little better, as one person once said fucking someone good may help"
He starts laughing picking me up taking me to the tent as we both forget about the hotdogs.

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