Aaron day

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Aarons Pov

(Same Day as girls day just Aarons POV)
I wake up to Aph tapping my shoulder, "Time to get up butt head" I groan rolling over "Cmon Aaron you promised I could have the day" "I know but five more minutesss" she gets distracted when Katelynn calls her down "Coming!" She goes down the stairs and I sit on the edge of the bed trying to wake up a bit.
I put Lilith in her stroller (Th ones where you attach a car seat to it) and hand her some toys before we leave the house I decided I needed a haircut today so Lilith can hang out with me while that's getting done.
The entire time I'm getting it done she sits in her car seat screaming at me cause she doesn't understand what a hair cut is, "Lilith I'm fine bubbs," I give her my finger and with no hesitation she tries to put it in her mouth, "Okay we are not doing that" she blows a raspberry at me
When we get back home she's tired so I put her down for a nap. I take a quick shower then sit on the bed answering emails
I get a phone call and I step out of the room so I don't wake Lilith up "This is Aaron Lycan" "Hello Mr Lycan, I was calling to see when you'd be available" I hear what sounds like Garroth snicker in the background and I roll my eyes knowing it's Travis "Uh well I'd be available when you and Garroth would stop prank calling me" "Wait how'd u know?!" "Cause you two suck at it" he groans "But seriously you wanna hang today?" " I mean sure just be aware Id have Lilith with me" "I don't care my god daughter can hang with us" "Well I'm available anytime after one" "Aight see u at two then" "Yup" I hang up and head back into the room putting my laptop away, might as well get a workout in while she's sleeping and I don't have to meet my parents for another two hours.
I'm currently sitting at a restaurant with my parents and moms hogging Lilith "Aaron this is the reason you need to give me grand babies of your own" "She will be your step granddaughter mom" "Well I want more" I roll my eyes as my dad just shakes his head.  

"Anyways what is the deal with the Zval's?" My dad shrugs "They haven't contacted us since that meeting last year with them" "Have we tried talking to them?" "Yes Aaron why wouldn't we have attempted to make peace with them"  "I was just asking calm down" he puffs as we get our food "What do we do about them though?" "I don't know we can figure it out more when we get off the island let's just relax like we planned to, I nod as mom still plays with Lilith and she just blows raspberries.
I sit down on the couch with the boys while Lilith sleeps on Zanes bed, "So how have y'all been?" They all start to talk at once then realize they're all talking so they all try to talk over the other till I turns into a screaming match "YALL CHILL" they all be quiet "I now understand Aphs reason for needing to relax after being with y'all" Travis just shrugs and Garroth looks super offended.
On the way back someone bumps into me and I feel myself panic a bit when I recognize them "Aaron Lycan?!" "That's me" "It's been so long do you remember me!?" "Yes Jenna I remember you" she squeals "I can't believe I'm seeing you here" she pauses looking at Lilith "With your daughter.." "Yea she's my soon to be step daughter" "Oh your engaged?" Disappointment slowly covers her face "No not yet I hope to be soon though" she nods slowly starting to get hyper again, she grabs my hand and gives me a pen and paper "Here wrote your number down so we can catch up" I wrote it down willingly hoping to never see her again "Cya" "Cya" I quickly head back home and see Aph in the bed as I put Lilith down for the night
Aph goes on a rant about Sasha and I just sit with her listening cause I know she doesn't like much input when she talks, I learned that one the hard way. She goes on for a long while and I just continue listening and give my input when I feel she wants it.

She gets a bowl of Icecream and chilling on the bed. I keep looking over at her trying to think of ways to propose to her and forget Im staring at her "What?" "Nothing" she takes another bite "No what?" she sets the bowl down "Tell me" I shake my head "Im serious Babe its nothing" "Then why won't you tell me" "Cause its nothing" She gets in my face "Tell me" I put her in my lap "Well some dessert would be nice" I look her up and down hoping she'll forget about it "Someone's Horny" She tries to get up but I grab her hand and put her back on the bed"Cmon baby I know you wanna" "And how do you know that" "Cause I know you and its heat season" She rolls her eyes smirking "I hate that you know me oh so well" I smirk  "But if you know me you should also know" I raise my eyebrow and she kisses me"I like to tease" She gets up heading downstairs "Aphh waittt" I follow "Cmon Lilith is asleep for the night, everyone else is probably asleep" I hug her from behind and kiss her neck, she quickly turns around "None of that" I look at her confused "Why? You have a hickey from your secret boyfriend?" I smirk and she rolls her eyes "No" "Then why" She pulls her hair out of the way and I react how she first did with mine "Did you get a tattoo of my name?!" She glares at me and I chuckle "Cmon that was funny" "Fine it was but still" I kiss her and pick her up "Aaron I'm fat good luck with that" I pick her up fine"I was just distracted your not heavy" "Ahh was that it" I nod "Let me distract you again so you fall down the stairs this time maybe it'll knock some sense into you" I shake my head "Nah we got a guest bedroom down here for a reason" "Aaron no" I roll my eyes and take her upstairs "Fine no guest bedroom."

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