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Aarons POV
We head over to Eins' house with the doctors and knock on the door, no answer. I see Aphmau get anxious and open it cautiously seeing him and Lilith asleep on the couch. Aphmau cautiously grabs Lilith and I then take her as they begin to check his pulse and everything. She grabs my hand and they stand up looking at her "He's alright just asleep" Aphmau sighs and wakes him up "Yea??" "We got some doctors"
They get him set up in his bed having several different machines running and testing. The doctors meet me outside the second they get results "It is true he does have stage four cancer but it's not as far along as we thought he still has a chance to fight it but we have to start treatment immediately" I nod "It's all his decision not mine" she nods and walks in having Aph get out to talk to him "So?" "It's not as far as we thought he has a chance" she nods "Thank Irene" she hugs me and I hug back "You are definitely a mother" she chuckles "No shit Sherlock" I kiss her foreheads and she lays her head on my chest hugging me "I hope he ends up okay" I nod "Anyone would"
We all sit in his room, he decided to tell everyone so while he got his treatment done we told everyone.
-An hour prior-
We get everyone on the phone and tell them all to meet at Eins place and they all end up here "So what's going on?" "Last night we discovered Ein had stage four cancer and he's currently in treatment, he isn't too far along so he has a fighting chance but he wanted everyone to know" Everyone looks at each other surprised and Travis randomly goes to his bathroom and comes back out with hair clippers "Who's with me?"
All of the girls cut their hair bobs or a little longer and Katelynn went full Pixie cut, while all the guys went super short at either a buzz cut or a little on top, and the sides shaved.
-Back to current moment-
He wakes up and sees all of our hair and chuckles "What the hell you guys" he gets up and Garroth and Me help him out "My turn fuckers let's go"
We all take a picture of all of us with Lilith and Ein in the middle, Lilith on Eins lap. We all look at it "That's the Christmas card" we all laugh
Aph and I lay down cuddling that night, Lilith is with Ein and there are nurses and everyone with him so I'm trusting nothing could happen. "Want some icecream" she shakes her head "I've gained enough weight" "Aph you've gained like 10 pounds" "It looks like more than 10 pounds I'm getting fat" "Your not fat honey" she shakes her head "Ik I'm not but I feel fat" "Your okay to eat some icecream honey" "Noo" I go get myself a bowl and leave one downstairs knowing she'll steal mine. "Can I have a bite" I give her the bowl and go grab mine and she looks at me "Really? You plan for me to steal it ahead of time?" "What no" she chuckles kissing me "Bullshit" "A lot of bullshit"
Felt like this Chap was really emotional so I kept it short also cause I couldn't really add anything to it without it being weird.

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