Trust in Lotor

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Lance and Matt began to move towards the staircase when suddenly two people began to patrol the halls. The blue paladin pulled Matt into a room quickly hiding behind the wall. They waited as the two Galra's walked past and disappeared down the halls once again.

"Guess there are people here after all." Lance sighed. "We gotta be careful."

"I hope Keith is alright." Matt worried. "He's not one to get caught easily right?"

"Weeell." Lance thought back to the first time he was here when he kidnapped the aggressive male. "He won't go down without a fight at least."

Once the two gaurds were gone they raced for the stair case rushing down to the first floor. As they got to the bottom Lance could hear voices. He reached out to stop Matt but the man had already stepped out into the hall. Lance yanked him back into the stairwell listening carefully.

"Did you see that?" A females voice questioned.

"See what?" A deeper womans voice responded.

"I thought I saw a foot going up the stairs." The first woman spoke.

"Probably the ghosts. You know this place is haunted."

"Ha ha. I'm going to check it out, you coming or not?"

"I guess so."

Lance quickly tried to push Matt back up the stairs but stopped when he saw more gaurds passing from up above. They looked back ready to be caught by the two Galra women but were surprised when they heard silence and then the sound of two bodies hitting the floor. They stared at one another slowly sneaking back down the stairs. At the bottom they saw the limp bodies of the two Mafia women in clean black and violet suits. They looked around the corner expecting to see Keith but were both taken by surprise when they were met with the handsome tanned face of Lotor.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Lance shout whispered.

"I'm saving your lives." Lotor adjusted the silver pony tail above his head.

"We dont need your help, we have it all under control." Lance got up in his face.

"Clearly." Lotor rolled his eyes. "Where is Keith."

"We ain't telling you nothing." The cuban stood his ground.

"He's missing isn't he." The prince furrowed his brows. "This was obviously a trap."

"Well the plan was to just get info and leave." Matt explained.

"Until you and Keith decided to be heroes by searching the house correct?" Lotor raised a pale brow.

Lance's face became flush in anger and embarrassment. "Did you come here just to mock us?"

"As I said I came to help, and its a good thing I have. Where's Keith?" He asked again.

"In the cellar." Matt responded.

"Sendak's play room no doubt." Lotor snarled. "We must be quick."

"Who died and made you boss?" Lance demanded.

"Lance, please. Let's just work together. Lotor knows this place way better than us." Matt tried to reason.

"What if he's leading us into another trap?"

"Then if you're afraid of getting caught we should leave." Lotor responded. "Keith can handle himself."

"We aren't leaving him here!"

"Then shut up, put your pride away, and listen to me. He's my brother as well remember." The Galra male stepped back taking a deep breath to calm himself. "I apologize. I want to help, and to do so I need you to trust me even if it's just this once."

"Fine. I dont trust you, but I will follow you." Lance gave in.

"Thank you." He sighed. "I have the key to the basement. There is a way out through the garage. We get Keith and sneak out through there."

"Alright you lead." Matt stepped over the bodies of the women carefully.

"I'll unlock the door but one of you needs to watch out for Sendak." Lotor reminded as they began to walk towards the cellar door.

"I will." Matt volunteered.

"Good, then let's go." He opened the door heading down the stairs to the second door.

Matt stayed at the top watching for and Galran goons while Lance waited for Lotor to unlock the door. The prince pulled out a set of keys searching through them for the right one.

"Could you hurry up." Lance hissed.

"Oh hush up you blue stick bug I'm working on it." Lotor snipped back.

He pulled out a smaller silver key unlocking the wooden door. He opened it wide and just as he did someone leapt through tackling the white haired male to the ground. The raven haired man grabbed Lotor's arm strapping it behind his back.

"Keith its us! Lance call off your dog!" He demanded.

"Naw I'm gonna give him a minute." Lance crossed his arms pleased with his boo.

"Lance?" Keith's eyes looked up at the blue paladin before he realized what was going on. He got off of Lotor letting him get back up. "Sorry."

"Dont be." Lance rolled his eyes.

"Lance." Another voice startled the young cuban.

He looked into the room to see his older brother limping towards him. The young man rushed to his side holding him up.

"Marco! Oh thank God we found you." He said gratefully. "Your face! Im so sorry, we're gonna get you outta here."

"Matthew come down." Lotor called up. "We have to leave right now."

"Did you get the info?" Keith remembered.

"Yeah, we can get going." Matt couldn't restrain a wide grin.

"Whats up with you?" Lance could feel his happiness becoming contagious.

"I'm just glad things are working out." He answered honestly.

"Would it be wrong of me to say your friend is cute." Marco finally smiled.

"Not at all." Lance shook his head. "Lets go back."

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