A Rivers Fury

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    Lance hit the water which slashed at his body viciously. He began to desperately swim for the surface when he felt something drag him down. He opened his eyes against the the currents trying to see in the dense water. When it all faded in he could see a faint figure of the dark haired boy weighing him down. Red water rushed past him and he swiftly yanked keith towards him pulling them both up till they came over the water. He breathed in deeply trying to hold up the other male and began to swim towards the shore. The water was strong and quick but Lance hadn't spent his young Cuban life fiddling on the sand. No the boy was bred for this sort of current or even stronger with the thrashing waves of the sea. He finally reached the grassy river side and yanked Keith out of the water and onto the dry land. He then followed behind and looked over the boy. In his soaked black hair a small trail of blood leaked into the grass. Lance leaned his ear over the boys lips to hear for a breath but none came. He sat up swiftly and his blue eyes widened.

"No. No mullet you can't do this to me." He begged.

   He checked again but then decided he needed to do CPR. He placed his hands over his chest locking his fingers and bending his elbows. He then began to press against it over and over counting up to 30. When he got there he leaned in to breath into the other males mouth. He listened for a breath but still nothing.

"C'mon princess work with me."

   He began the compressions again then leaned over him giving him two more breaths and as he did he felt Keith's chest jerk and water spewed from his mouth as he began to cough violently. In a moment of emotion and fear Lance lifted the boy up and into his arms hugging him tightly.

"Keith! Keith oh my god."

"Lance." The smaller male breathed.

"Yeah buddy?"

"Your... hug.... too tight."

"Oh!" The Cuban lightened his grip. "Heh. Saves you from drowning then suffocates you right after." He smirked.

"I'm sorry." Keith pouted shaken from the water.


"I didn't tell you..... I can't swim."

   Lance smiled hugging Keith's head and holding in a laugh.

"Ow hey!" Keith pushed the tan male.

   Lance let go once again and felt something hot over his hand. He looked down at it to see Keith's blood and he remembered the wound.

"We need to get you patched up." Lance whiped the blood in the grass.

"But where are we?"

"I dunno." He reached to pull out his phone but when he tried to turn it on the screen stayed black. "Oh right. Water." He sighed.

   Lance partially expected a retaliation from keith, a sassy gesture or witty comeback. But the boy kept his head down.

"You are really getting the grunt of this whole thing." Lance sighed. "Falling out of trees and drowning in rivers."

"Yeah." Keith's voice shied.

   Lance looked at him begining to feel worry and slight panic. He reached his arms out and began to slowly lift keith to his feet.

"Easy does it." He said. "We're gonna get you outta here."

   The tall Cuban held onto Keith's arm holding him up incase he was still winded. They began to walk along the river side down to wherever it lead. It was a solid guess that somewhere along the line they would meet with a small town or at least a bridge that didn't have bombed trains on it. In that thought he looked up at the wreck and was relieved to see small figures that must have been people escaping the ruin. The river had cast them far enough that the people aboard wouldn't have had the time to see the two or even the vision with how much smoked covered the train. This was the one thing that aloud Lance to feel some sort of relief.

   Meanwhile Keith was beginning to feel shaky and naucious. His body was shivering from the water and the cut in his head was causing him to become dizzy as he wobbled along side the other male. Lance could feel Keith's body slowly becoming heavier. He held onto Keith's belt keeping him up. The bleeding had slowed but was still rushing over his face sticking his slicked hair to his brow.

"Tell me if you think you need to stop."

   Lance's lips tried to contain a smile but as he watched the blood run over Keith's eyes his heart pounded in fear.  He wanted to stop the bleeding but his shirt was soaked and wouldn't be much help till it was dryer. He thought about princess carrying him again but he was also exhausted from pulling them both out of the rapid river.

   They went on feeling their bodies become heavier and heavier as their muscles became weak. Then lance heard the familiar sound of a honking car echoing over the trees. He looked in it's direction and hope flurried in his heart.

"People.... Keith you're gonna be alright." He looked down at the male who's eyes were drooping and his skin becoming pale. "I promise."

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