Catching a New Ride

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"Dad!" Matt called out in the car shop. 

   Keith forcibly followed Lance into the building to the front desk where an older man also wearing glasses came around the corner. He wiped grease off of his forehead with his sleeve and smiled when he caught sight of Lance.

"Well, well ,well. Look who came to visit." The man smiled.

"Hey old timer! Long time no see!"

   Mr. Holt walked up to the boy giving him a hug that forced Keith to awkwardly stand with his arm against the father. The two let go and gave Holt time to see the cuffs and sigh.

"I assume by those you need our help."

"Yeaaaaaah." Lance said a bit embarrassed. "But nothing to crazy, just a vehicle."

"You don't need those o-"

"No dad, I asked the same thing." Matt chuckled. 

"Well, if it's a vehicle ya need the you came to the right place."

    The older man lead the boys out into the lot of used vehicles and held out a presenting arm.

"Alright, it's your choice."

"I gotta get something pretty cheap." Lance admitted. "This little psycho drove my brand new Impala over a cliff and into a mountainside." 

"Oh Allura is going to have your head for that Lance." Matt cringed. 

"Oh, I know! She's gonna make me do all the laundry for a month!" The Cuban cried. "Do you have any idea how much Hunk sweats?!"

"Well, I do have one car, But we've been using it for parts. We just got it in and all we've taken from it is the alternator but we can put it back in and you can have it for free." Mr. Holt suggested.

"Alright, show me the car fax!"

   Matt looked over at Lance not understanding the reference. "Really?"

"No, not really." Lance sighed.

"Alright, Matt come with me and we'll get it up and running, you two just wait in the lobby."

   Lance and Keith sat in the lobby waiting not so patiently for the car to be shown. Lance looked over at the dark haired boy whose head rested on his hand tiredly, Lance sighed and looked back up and around the room.

"I can't wait to eat something, fells like it's been 10'000 years."

"Can you stop talking, I'm too hungry to handle you right now." Keith bit.

"You know you don't have to like me but the least you can do is try not being a dick."

   Keith sat up snarling at Lance. "I don't have to like you or be nice to you. YOU kidnapped ME!" 

"You know I wish I had the choice of any OTHER son of Zarkon, but I got stuck with you!"  

"Yeah, well then let me go!" 

"Not on your life."

"Then stop complaining!" 

   Lance tried to cross his arms only to forget about the cuffs and knock heads with the aggressive Galran.

"Argh, Lance!" 

"I'm not enjoying this either!"

   They stopped, looking away from one another in frustration, Keith went back to resting his face in his hand and stared out at the door. Lance let his head fall back over the chair as he stared at the ceiling. 

"I'm sorry." Lance sighed.

"For what? Being a jerk or just straight annoying?"

"I'm trying to have a moment here!" Lance snapped.

   Keith sighed and closed his eyes. "Fine, sorry for what?"

"For kidnapping you and all that, It really isn't personal, we just didn't have any other plan."

"So, you're desperate."

   Lance sat up straight looking into Keith's dark eyes. "Yes, we are." He said honestly. "I'm just hoping when you meet everyone and see what we are, you'll see we need you."

   Keith smirked. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint, but Zarkon won't come after me. Nor will he bargain with you, he'd rather see me dead than lose anything to Altea."

"What a nice dad you got there." Lance smiled. 

"It's not all bad." The dark haired boy let a soft grin cross his lips. "My brother, Shiro, he makes it all worth it." 

"Shiro, the other adopted son?" 

"Yeah, he's always been there for me."

"Wanna go back and kidnap him too?" Lance joked.

   Keith let out a genuine laugh that made Lance jump. "Can we?" He played on.

   Mr. Holt returned in the room alongside his son and the two waited for the others to notice them. Keith and Lance looked up and sat up quickly.

"It's all ready to go whenever you are." Matt said.

"Alright, let's see this bad boy."

   The Holt's brought the boys outside and presents an old, rusty Volkswagen beetle. Lance's face looked like he fell in love while Keith looked disgusted. 

"Thank you so much guys, you're a life savoir." Lance smiled.

   Matt tossed him the keys. "It's always fun helping you out, you're always in the most crazy trouble."

"Hardy har har, we're leaving now!" Lance said pulling Keith with him. "We'll send you a postcard when we win!"

"Bye bye you two, have fun fighting the gang war!" Matt waved.

"Oh, we will." Lance winked back.

   Keith rolled his eyes and grunted before dragging Lance into the car. Because of the cuffs Keith had to get in first, crawling over the middle but eventually they were in and back on the road.

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