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   Lance sat in the car staring out the windows trying not to fall asleep from the long trip. He sighed softly then his blue eyes flashed in surprise. He looked over to see Keith's resting head on his shoulder. The boy had finally passed out, Lance thought of pushing him off but kind of liked the warmth. He looked in the mirror to see Rolo keeping a close eye on him.

"So? What are you guys carrying?" Lance whispered.

"You know that's really not any of your business Blue." Rolo smirked. "How's the Voltron recruitment?"

"That's really none of YOUR business." Lance bit back.

"Heh, feisty."

   Nyma turned around and smiled at the boys. "You two look inseparable, won't it be difficult when you gotta cut him loose."

"Inseparable? This mullet haired brat has been nothing but a royal pain in my fine Cuban ass."

"Oh so you two have already gone that far?" Nyma giggled.

"N-no! not like that...."

"Sounds to me like he'd make an exceptional member of the Voltron team." Rolo joked.

"God I hope not, this kid is loco." Lance smiled down softly at the black haired male resting on his shoulder.

"Psh, that look says otherwiiiiise." The blonde smiled.

"How much longer Rolo?" Lance said changing the subject.

"Not long, maybe 2 hours or so."

"Kaaaaay, I'm taking a nap, no sense watching a boy who's fast asleep."

"We'll wake you if the kid wakes up and tries to kill ya." Rolo nodded.

"Oh thanks."


   Later on Lance woke up and saw that Keith had also awoken and was watching the trees fly by.

"Where are we?" Lance yawned.

"We're here." Rolo pulled over.

Lance looked out the window to see the sign of "Welcome to Denver." Lance glared back quickly at Rolo. "Here? We aren't even in the city yet!"

"Sorry kid, can't have our buyers seeing you with us when we get into town." He explained.

"You guys suck." Lance said nudging Keith to open the door. "Thanks for the ride, I guess."

"Bye, bye blue!" Nyma sung before they drove off.

   Lance sighed and looked at Keith who had been surprisingly quiet the whole ride there.

"Nice friends you got." He mocked.

"Yeah, the best." The Cuban smiled.

"Come on, let's just get into town, get a car then go to McDonald's."

"Can we get Wendy's instead?" Keith asked softly.

"Yeah? Does this mean you are going to behave?"

"Not if you keep treating me like a child."

Lance held in a laugh and began to walk. "Come on, the sooner we get there the better."

   They began to walk for the millionth time along the side of the highway but incidentally a cop car was hiding behind the city sign. As they passed the cop saw the cuffs on the boys and he hit his siren. Lance looked over at the cop and groaned.


"I think your pal Rolo set us up." Keith suggested.

"Awe man, you think so?" Lance asked.

"Hey." The cop called out.

"Hi officer." Lance smiled awkwardly.

"What are you two doing out here?" The cop went on.

"Just, walking...." The Cuban played.

"Oh yeah why are you two hand cuffed?"

"Well.... I..... We-"

   Keith stepped up in front of Lance giving him a look that said. "Rookie."

"I know this looks bad sir..... I'll explain everything. You see, my... Lover and I went to a bush party.... And we went off alone to um..... roleplay." Keith dangled the cuffs. "We got lost, our friends abandoned us and we..... lost the keys." As the boy said this his eyes became watery and his face red as if he was scared or embarrassed. "We just wanna get home." He sobbed.

   The cops face softened and he looked back at his cruiser. "I'm not suppose to do this, but I can give you a ride back into town." He said.

"You don't have to do that!" Keith played on.

"Don't worry about it, come on."

   The cop walked back to the car while Lance stared at Keith in disbelief. Keith looked up at him raising a brow.

"What? Gotta know the right things to say."

"We are gonna talk about this later." Lance whispered as they made their way to the cop car.

   The cop drove them into town and pulled over at a building with a large car on the sign. Lance smiled when they drove up to the Familiar store that read out "Holts"

"This is it?" The cop asked.

"The owners a family friend who can help us out." Lance explained.

"Alright, well you boys be safe."

"We'll do our best." The Cuban laughed.

   The cop got out of the car letting the boys go free, he then drove away leaving the boys to start walking into the store.

"Who do you know here?" Keith asked.

"The owner, weren't you listening?"

"That's not what I-"

   Keith was stopped when a young man, older than the two, came out of the store. He had blonde hair that dangled over his ears and large dorky glasses.

"Lance!" The man called waving him down.

"Mattie!" Lance called back.

   The males walked up to each other and Matt glanced down at the cuffs giving a huge smile.

"Ah, the cuffs again Lance? That's so you." He laughed. "Do you need them off."

"No way!" Lance yelled. "This kid and I are stuck like glue."

"Uhuh." Matt nodded. "Well get in here and you can tell me all about it."

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