Everybodies Safe

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The next morning, Hunk and Coran were the first to awaken. Hunk, of course, was doing a large amount of prep for breakfast. He had to cook on his own today. He didn't want to bother any of his friends after their long missions. So he decided to just do something simple. Pancakes with whipped cream cheese icing and berries. He had found an old pancake hopper, and the kitchen had been equipt with a large flattop. So this was the one thing he knew he could make an abundance of. Plus, with how things had been going, the people deserved a little comfort food.

"Ah, you're at it early." Coran's voice echoed from the other side of the kitchen as the ginger man began to walk in.

"Morning, Coran." Hunk smiled brightly. "What are you getting up to?"

"Oh, just wondering the halls, this old place sure brings back memories." He chuckled opening cupboards to see old supplies left behind.

"You worked here with the old paladins?" The yellow lion asked.

"Oh yes, King Alfor and I were very close." He pulled a can from the racks. "My grandfather built this home with his bare hands."

"That's really cool, Coran. What were the Palidins like?" He went on.

"Oh, I think that's a tale best left for the whole gang to hear." The mustached man moved on to the next thing.

"Well, maybe over breakfast, you can distract everyone with some stories." Hunk brought up. "It's been a stressful week, after all."

"You're absolutely right! Nothing gets the old spirit up like hearing tales of...... Old!" The gorgeous man agreed. "I'll go get my notes." He scurried out of the kitchen.

Hunk chuckled fondly, watching the man leave with a skip in his step. He was just glad everything was beginning to calm down once again. He went back to mixing the batter in silence when suddenly an old doorbell sound rang through the building. He put his whisk down, removing his apron before he began to walk to the front door. He made it to the main hall, gulping down his fear as he looked through the peep hole.

"Please don't be Galra, please don't be Galra." He chanted.

Through the peephole, he saw the blond woman Nyma and the gruff male Rolo waiting for someone to let them in. Hunk slowly opened the door, still a little weary of them.

"Hey, big guy, long time no see." Rolo smiled confidently.

"Not long enough." Hunk grumbled.

"Awe, you're not still mad about that old thing, are ya?" He teased.

"Yup." The large male closed the door firmly.

He thought that may have been it, but they began pressing the doorbell again. He gritted his teeth, upset with the situation. He did not want to let them in.

"Hunk?" Allura's voice sounded behind him from the top of the staircase.

He turned to see the princess in a white and pink robe walking down the stairs to see what was going on.

"Who's at the door?" She said, making it to the bottom of the steps.

"Rolo and Nyma." He said as if he had just seen and not confronted them yet.

"Well, open the door, let them in!" She rushed over.

Hunk obeyed her, although he was not happy about it. He pulled open the door, and the two stared at him in surprise until they saw the princess and realized why he had changed his mind.

"Thanks, buddy, we've had a long night." Rolo stepped inside.

"Yeah, no problem." Hunk locked the door behind them.

"Are you two alright?" Allura stepped up to them. "Please, you must be exhausted, we have many spare rooms, I'll take you to yours."

"Thank you, princess. But that'll just ruin our sloppy sleep schedule more than it already is." Nyma sighed. "If we could just freshen up, that would be good enough for me."

"Absolutely." The princess agreed. "I'll show you the way for now." She ushered them into the castle.

Hunk watched them carefully, letting out a long sigh. He turned around to head back into the kitchen. When he got in there, he found Pidge and Lance stealing fruit.

"Hey!" He rushed in getting them off the table. "You aren't pack rats, can't you wait until it's done."

"But Huuuuunk, we're hungwy." Lance rubbed his belly. "I have to go find food for my wife like a good man."

"Being in a relationship has changed you." Pidge glared at the sappy male.

"Lance?" Keith's tired voice called for him from the doorway. "Why did you leave?" He rubbed his tired eyes.

"Your lover here was scavenging for food to bring home to the nest." The green lion poked at him.

"I wanted to let you sleep in." Lance walked up to him.

"When I woke up, you were gone...." The raven haired male looked down sadly.

"Ah!" Lance grabbed him into a sturdy hug, swishing him side to side. "I'm so sorry, my little panda bear, I'll never leave your side again. How dare I run off without telling you with your abandonment issues."

"That is not what I meant." Keith tried to pry the cuban off.

"You four sure are spry this morning." Shiro startled the group walking in with Matt.

"Well, would you look at that? The whole gang is arriving." Pidge teased.

"Whatchya making dude?" Matt walked around the island to see the presentation of berries and icing.

"I was going to make pancakes until these two borrowers showed up." Hunk pointed to Lance and Pidge.

"Awe, he called us borrowers instead of thieves." The young woman chuckled then paused when her brother reminded her of something. "Hey, did you hear anything from Rolo and Nyma?" She moved her gaze over to him.

"Oh yeah, no, nothing yet." Matt looked over his phone.

"They just got in this morning." Hunk said. "They're probably showering or something."

"Really? Thats great that they're okay!" The light brown haired male smiled widely. "The princess must have so many questions for them."

"Maybe she's waiting till breakfast to discuss it all." Shiro brought up.

"Even if she does, she'll have to fight for the floor when Coran tells his tale of the Paladins of Old." Hunk laughed.

"Is he really gonna do that?" Pidge cringed.

"Guess we'll have to see." Shiro looked around the full room. "Alright, unless you're going to help Hunk, let's get out of his way."

"We'll lend you a hand buddy." Lance volunteered with Kieth.

"I'm good with knives." The red lion spoke proudly.

The others left the kitchen to give them space as they went on with their mornings waiting for breakfast to be ready.

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