Keith's Opportunity

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   Keith slowly opened his dark eyes to see the handsome Cubans face resting soundly beside him. He felt warmths on his hand. When he looked down at it he saw Lances hand clasping it softly. He looked at the boy surprised. His heart fluttered at the warm sight but then changed as he saw the cell walls.

"This can't be good."

   When the words escaped his lips he felt a heavy throb in his head. He let out a long breath then looked back at Lance and smiled softly. Seeing the sleeping boy by his side put him at ease. He thought about waking him to ask what was going on but he wanted to stay in this moment a little longer. So he held Lances hand back closing his eyes again to rest a little longer. But as he did he heard footsteps in the hall. He opened his eyes and sat up on one arm keeping lances hand in his as he looked at the young girl that stood before cell door.

"Ah you're awake too now." She paused when she saw the Cuban curld up on the floor with his head resting on Keith's bed. "The uh chief would like to speak with you. If you are ready."

"I-" Keith hesitated looking back at the Cuban. "I suppose."

   He sat up and let go of Lances hand. This woke the tan male and he looked up.


"I just gotta go talk to the police." He said standing up. "I'll be right back."

   Lance sat up quickly looking up at the dark haired male giving him a puppy like look.

"Right back." Keith reminded.


   Rowen treated Keith differently. She opened the cage and lead him out without cuffing the young male. Lance sat up watching him leave down the hall. Rowen lead Keith to the same room and sat him at the table. She left him and the chief came in with a glass of water. He placed it before Keith then sat down in Front of him.

"Keith." The chief began. "I'm chief Fredrickson."


"I spoke with your friend a little bit ago. He claims you two are lovers. Is this true?"

"Yes?" Keith raised a brow.

   The chief sat up and began leaning against the table.

"Now son. This is a safe place. We want to help you. Now, something has me worried that you are lying for him. You have that gash on your leg and your head both new. Did he do this to you?"

"Lance? He would never hurt me." Keith reassured.

"Then how did you get these wounds?"

"I fell out of a tree and into a river." Keith told the truth.

   The chief sighed. "What about the cuffs."

"We were only fooling around." Keith raised a brow.

"The condition your wrists are in indicates you have had those cuffs on for days."

"We lost the key."

"And that's all there is to it?"

"Of course."

"Keith. This is your chance to tell us anything you maybe worried about."

   Keith looked down for a moment, this could be his chance to tell the cops that Lance had taken him, it was his chance to be free. But instead he looked back up with his brow furrowed in frustration.

"There's nothing. Lance would never hurt me or anyone else for that matter. I don't know what would make you think he would do me any wrong but he saved my life! I love him officer and that's all there is to it." He fought.

   The chief watched over him for a moment before looking back to the door.

" Then you're free to go." He decided. "Rowen!" He called the girl back in. "Go get his partner and send them on their way."

"Yes sir." The woman said leading Keith back.


   Lance and Keith left the station after helping Rowen fill out the report.

"So..." Lance began.

"So?" Keith glanced up at the Cuban.

"So... Why did you do it?" Lance turned to the boy.

"Do what?" Keith's brow raised.

"Why did you protect me? Why didn't you tell them you were kidnapped?" He whispered.

   Keith paused blinking slowly up at the giant. "I don't know." He said honestly. "I guess I don't want to see you go to jail. You're too cute. You wouldn't last a day."

"Ah.... You think I'm cute?" Lance smirked.

"Dear God. I will go back in there." Keith threatened.

"Awe don't be so sour mullet."

"I must have a cuncusion." The dark haired boy smiled back.

"Must be." Lance looked at the bandage. "Does it hurt?"

"A little." Keith admitted.

   Lance bit his lip still staring at the bandage. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault."

"It was my fault." Lance sighed. "You keep getting hurt, I didn't want any of this to happen. I was supposed to protect you."

"Oh really I thought you were only here to kidnap me." Keith joked.

   Lance turned his head averting his eyes from the wound and Keith.

"Lance." Keith grew serious and reached his hand out to gingerly turn the other boys face. "The truth is I think what voltron is doing is right. My father is a monster. I am starting to see it all. Lance I don't want Zarkon to win I've been trying to help you. So we've been in this together the whole time. You saved me just as much as I've tried to save you."

"You..... want to stop him?" Lance's eyes widened.

" Yes. So let's get back to wherever we're going before something else happens to me."

   Lance smiled widely. "Yeah. Let's get some food, Maybe some clothes, then head home."

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