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   Keith and Lance had finally finished helping Hunk with the prep and were now stuck in the laundry room folding piles among piles of random thugs underwear. They were both exhausted as they shared the same brain dead expressions.

"God I want this to be over." Lance groaned.

   Keith said nothing but kept folding each pair as neatly as he could. Lance's eyes shifted to the smaller male. He looked around the room before slowly creeping up behind him hugging his torso.

"You know, we're all alone in here." He whispered into the boys long raven feathered hair.

"So?" Keith looked around oblivious.

"Sooooo, we could... "

"Lance!" A high pitched voice scared him.

   He turned around quickly letting go of Keith to see no one there.

"Pidge?" He called to the empty room.

   The small dirty blonde female popped out from behind a tower of folded shirts.

"There you two are, quick, come with me." She instructed.

   They looked over at each other briefly before chasing after Pidge into the halls. They raced down the stairs into the basement where they had to use their paladin key cards to go any further. When they went deep enough they entered a dark hall full of empty cells. Keith scanned curiously into each one half expecting there to be more people inside. Pidge stopped, Keith looked up to Lance's face but his hand covered his mouth. The dark haired male glanced past his teller partner to the cell to see his brothers body resting up against the bars. He sunk down to his knees and grabbed the large males shirt shaking him violently.

"Shiro! Shiro wake up!"

   The bruised man slowly opened his tired eyes and smiled when he saw Keith's bright worried face.


"You're okay." The muscular man groaned still smiling. "Thank the stars."

"Shiro, I'm gonna get you outta here." He promised.

   His pleading eyes moved up to Lance, his mouth quivering and his chest beating. The Cuban felt his heart sink at the males disparity.

"Of course, there must be a mistake here, Allura was probably being cautious." Lance agreed.

"And it will stay that way." The princesses voice broke through.

   They all turned to see her making her way to the cell, her face still like that of a painting.

"Allura, please let him go." Keith begged.

"You, are in no position to request anything of me." She reminded. "As I said before, you should be locked up as well."

"This again?" Lance barked. "Allura this has to stop."

"Lance, do you not understand we are at war and THESE two are the enemy." She reminded.

"They may have been once, but I've watched Keith change. I trust him more than I trust myself, and if he says Shiro is worth letting go then I will be taking his side."

"This is idiotic."

"What happened to you?" Lance asked. "I remember a kind, brave and forgiving woman that we loved more than anything. But now....." he bit back his true feelings. "Persecuting these men will not bring your father back!"

    Pidge, Shiro and Keith gasped at Lance's harsh tongue. Allura slowly stepped up to the blue paladin, he did not blink as she stared him down. He was ready to be slapped only to feel her hand in his. He looked down to see her slip it away leaving a set of brass keys.

"Fine." She gave in. "It is your choice Lance. But if anything happens to anyone, this is on your shoulders."

   She turned away escaping the jail as she left the others baffled and unsure of what to make of the gesture.

"Lance?" Pidge whispered softly.

"I shouldn't have said that." He sighed.

"No, but it needed to be said." Pidge admitted. "So what's it going to be?"

   Lance looked down at the keys and back to the cell. Without a second thought he walked up to the door turning the lock and letting the large male out. Keith raced to Shiros side helping hold him up. When the Cuban saw their struggle he joined on the other side.

"Thanks." Shiro sighed.

"Hey, gotta look out for the little guys." Lance joked.

"Lance." Keith said nervously. "Thank you."

"You can thank me later mullet." The tan male winked. "For now let's get this sorry mess cleaned up."

   They carried the man to a room where Keith helped him into a bath. Once they were out Shiro was able to walk on his own so they returned to the laundry room.

"Really? Back here?" Lance moaned.

"Why are we here?" Shiro asked.

"We went way over the budget, blowing things up and such so we have to do chores to make up for it." Keith explained.

"You gonna help out?" Lance's eyes glowed.

"I've never done laundry like this." Shiro admitted.

"Lucky." The Cuban sighed.

"We can teach you."

"Yeah, maybe if Allura sees us all behaving she'll forget you're even Galran's. Then you can join our happy family." Lance smiled.

"Do you really think that's possible?" Shiro became hopeful.

"Do you want it to be possible?" The skinny male raised a brow.

"Yes." The brothers said in sync.

"Then yeah. It's possible."

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