PERCIVER 29: The Brother

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Percy jumped into Oliver's arms as his brother is on a couch dead.
"I'm so sorry......." percy weeped into Oliver's shoulder. "W-what happened?!" Oliver said as he couldn't see what was happening down on the ground as he was fighting through the air.
Percy silently cried on his shoulder not wanting to speak. "Its okay, Calm down, no hurry." Oliver comforted Percy who let go of Oliver and moved to his brother's dead body, at this time everyone left even George who had cursed at Percy and shouted at him because of the loss of his brother

"I'm sorry Fred, i did this....."
Pery said sitting on the floor next to his brother. He had bloody wounds everywhere and Percy couldn't help but cry. "Oliver, I'm sorry, i didn't mean to.... I-I." Oliver sat down next to him and hugged him. "I just resigned and joined him fight n-next to him b-but the wall...." Percy explained as quick as he could oliver hugged him tighter. "Relax, Perce.... It's okay you don't have to explain anything if you don't want to." Oliver said slowly moving away from Percy. "Thank you, Oli....." Percy said wiping his tears off. Oliver put his hands on his cheeks, "Come on why don't you give me a smile.... That's what Fred would've wanted..." Oliver said as Percy slowly smiled and stopped crying.

Percy and Oliver left the room where the whole Weasley family was. George avoided Percy at all costs and didn't talk to him.
"Im sorry mum, dad... Charlie, Bill and..... i'm really sorry George...." Percy said to his family with the encouragement of Oliver.
Molly and Aurther supported Percy and huggd him. "I really am sorry.... thanks for believeing me mum, dad....." Bill and Charlie also forgave him. "Its okay, its not your fault, little bro. We're both proud of you for being brave and not a git for once." Charlie said, Percy chuckled and gave them a hand shake.
George sat on the side on a bench eyeing Percy. "You aren't sorry.... you're jsut saying that to try to be more credible." George said in anger and hatered. Percy went over to Geroge and smiled and hugged him. "I have a joke about unemployed people," percy said. George replied still mad with him. "And?"
"But they don't work." Percy said laughing a bit, george held his laughter in because he was still mad with perce. Oliver stood behind with Cahrlie and Bill, he smiled at Percy, who's puns were terrible but he felt that Percy was being genuine with George.

"That was terrible." George said to Percy who let go of him and sat down next to him. "You were about to laugh don't lie." Percy said to Geroge who crossed his arms. "What? Who would laugh at that?" George said rolling his eyes. "I guess only me." Percy said. George gulped not wanting to be happy with perce but sighed and replied. "It wasn't bad, it just needs work." Percy smiled. "Thanks for thinking I'm not bad at making jokes, i would improve but no one is here to teach me." Percy said. George gave a glance to him and thought for a bit.

Oliver was looking at the both of them talk the stituatuon oit calmly and he couldn't help but be happy that Percy was happy. "Oliver you okay?" Bill asked oliver. "Yeah just looking at those two." Oliver replied smiling. "I know you and Percy are boyfriends and all but both of you are so clingy!" Charlie said. "How could a AceAro guy know when a relationship is too clingy." Bill replied to Charlie. "Hey its just my opinion!" Charlie spoke out.
Oliver kept looking at percy and George talk and Oliver was left happy and glad for Percy.

"Fine, I-I.... forgive you...." George said. Percy looked at him and smiled. "Really?" Percy shouted in happiness.  "Yes it's.... what Fred would have done.... I-I am sorry for insulting you."George replied and hugged Percy, trying not to break into tears. "Its okay George, I deserved it." Percy hugged him back as George held back sobs. Percy looked like he was gonna cry as well but he stayed silent for geroge. "I'm sorry i blamed you for Freddie's d-death." George's voice cracked. "He's safe now and i promise we'll be safe soon as well, stay brave, Georgie." Percy said moving away from him. "If you don't mind could i have some time alone." George requested and Percy agreed and let him be by himself. He went back to Oliver smiling.

"Thats my Percy, the giggly happy one." Oliver said as Percy became embarrassed "Not right now Oliver."
"Sorry strawberry."
"I swear Oliver if you don't stop I'll attack you."
"Don't hurt me sugar-"
"Okay thats it."
Percy said chasing Oliver down. The whole family in the background laughed at the boys antics, George gave a chuckle at his brother. Oliver ran as fast as he could but percy caught up with him pretty soon where the Weasley family weren't visible. Percy tackled Oliver down onto the ground. "You bloody git." Percy said to Oliver who laughed playfully. "Im sorry syrawberryyyyy, will you forgive meee?" Percy rolled his eyes. "No, now get up we have to go back."
"Hehe okay, will you forgive me later?"
"Only if you stop being flirty in public."
"Oh come on Perce be reasonable." Oliver said laughing, percy chuckled. "Shut up you giant idiot."
"Okay okay ill stop."
"Okay then i forgive you now lets go back already."
Percy said as Oliver got up and then both of them walked back
------------------------------------------- It isn't really long or the way i wanted it to be but hey enjoy angst. Also thank you so much for this many reads kn my book omg!! I can't believe it really! Thanks so much, i feel this isn't the proper present for people giving me so much attention.

Today's question:
If you could be any character in H.P who would you be?
Ans: I would be Hedwig, i die faster and i get to fly and deliever the mail of harry potter.

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