PERCIVER 37: A Beautiful Night

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Percy stared out the window through his dormitoy, the skies were clear tonight. Percy stares blankly at the stars, his book lying on his lap unread. Tonight wasn't the most pleasant of days, Percy was reminded by his twin brothers that he was a prick and asshole once again and teachers pressured Percy's already declining mental state with high expectations.

It's easy to call someone an asshole when you've only seen them from the surface. Percy continued to stare blankly onto the Quidditch grounds below, he wondered how his friend felt about the ban on his favorite sports.


Percy looked behind him and saw the person he'd desire to see right now.

"Oh Wood."

"Why aren't you sleeping, ya know dementors are still around here right?" Oliver asked as he sat down next to him. "I know, but what more happiness and hope do I even have left?" Oliver laughed at Percy's response. "Perce, you're joking right, mate. It's just one year, the ministry of magic will recover hogwarts back to its orginal state. You trust the ministry don't you?" Oliver asks. "It's not that, wood. Of course I trust the ministry, they are professional witches and wizards working there. My problem is more minor compared to that."
Oliver sighed as he put a hand on Percy's shoulder. "You can tell me bout it if ya want." Oliver said smiling. Percy smiled back giving a slight chuckle. "what's there to say? I'm just a bit stressed is all." Percy says.
Bottling up his feelings felt worng but it wasn't worth to cry over such miniscule issues.
"You sure? I mean I know exams are coming up and you have been prepared for this exact exam for years now but don't you think you're a bit tense right now?" Oliver asks, trying his best to explain. Percy thankfully understood and politely declined. "I don't need any help Wood, I'm perfectly fine..."

Percy and Oliver went silent for a few moments. Just enjoying each other's company even if it seemed awkward.

"Still you can talk to me whenever ya like." Oliver replies. "Look at the stars." Percy replies plainly as Oliver also now looks through the window. Staring at the stars, so many different things to see. "Oh look! That's uuhh a big dipper right?" Oliver asks. "No that's the constellation Gemini."
"Dammit not even close."
"okay okay, that has to be the little dipper."oliver asks pointing over to Percy's side of the window. "What me?" Percy replied jokingly. "what haha no but... Now that you say that..." Oliver narrows his eyes closing in on Percy. He touched his cheek. Percy is a little startled as Oliver traces his finger across Percy's freckles. "there we go that's a taraus!" Oliver says laughing. Percy slaps his hand away. "Shut up, dork." Percy laughs as well. "what am I worng?"
Oliver asks still Close to Percy.
"yes cause my freckles. Shockingly aren't stars." Percy says as he puts the book he had on his lap for so long on the side table. "well they are to me." Oliver replies looking away and smiling a little. "Hm? And what does that mean, Oliver?" Percy asks condescendingly.

"It means you're my universe Percy."

Percy sat in surprise as Oliver moved back. "Heh, shocking right?" Oliver asks, scratching the back of his head out of nervousness. Percy looks away as well with a clear tint of pink across his pale skin. "it is but... I feel the same way Oliver Wood." Percy replies. Inching closer to Oliver sat infront of him. "wiat really?"
Percy laughed. "Yes Oliver you too are my universe."
"but how would that make sense? At least you have freckles the resemble stars from afar, what do I have?"
"You are the one thing I stare at when I feel down, you make me feel small yet known. I call you  beautiful but in a vaccum it's usually unheard."
It took a moment to process but Oliver soon understood.
"you could've just said I love you and not make me feel dumb for not understanding you." Oliver said hugging Percy. Percy chuckles. "sorry couldn't help myself."

Such a beautiful night.
Writing dump hehehhehehehe

No questions me tired

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