PERCIVER 31: I'm gonna kill santa Claus

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I just found this idea in my notes while i was going through them.... i was supposed to post this in fucking December. omfg im so lazy. Anyways enjoy this.

Inspired by I'm gonna kill santa Claus by danny Gonzalez

Molly was pissed. She always did everything to act good and get one of her favorite gifts... A CAR WITH A KEY but sadly she had always got a broom or some clothes.

This Christmas she had a different plan though.

One day before Christmas, Percy and Oliver were making hot chocolate and cooking some delicious food, Molly sat on the dining table upset.
"Molly what's wrong?" Oliver asked with a plate of chicken soup in his hand. "Well first I'm sick, second of all i know I'm gonna get a broom this christmas as well. I already have 3 brooms!" Molly whined. Percy came right after with a tray of hot chocolate. "Well yes but that maybe because...... Santa knows... you'll be a great Quiddtich player?" Percy said to cheer up molly.
"Come on Dad! Everyone already knows that, i want something else." Molly confidently declared.
Oliver was proud of his confident 2nd year daugther but percy not as much. "Okay dear, we'll see what happens who knows maybe Santa will get you what you want." Percy took a sip of his drink as molly ate chicken pretty madly. Oliver gave a chuckle at how both of them are practically the same.

"Come on now cheer up you two geumps." Oliver said as percy gave a giggle. "Fine you idiot, come on now help me clean dishes." Percy asked. Molly picked up her plate and went to the sink. She began washing the dishes.
Percy and Oliver both were being their lovey dovey selves which disgusted Molly. "Stop being so flirty!!!" She yelled towards her parents. "How about no?!" Oliver yelled back. Molly rolled her eyes and laughed. She finished her chore and started walking upstairs to her room.

"Are you going to sleep, molly?" Percy asked her. "Yes dad!" She responded going into her room.

She was still pretty pissed about the Santa claus thing. So what's the best thing to do when you don't get what you want... kill that mf who doesn't give you the thing and that's exactly what she planned to do.
Percy and Oliver were downstairs doing dad things so Molly decided to get a knife from the kitchen careful not to get noticed by her parents. She went back up again and waited till midnight......

"Its midnight, he should be here." Molly said her back againist the door of her room. Suddenly some footsteps could've been heard downstairs. Molly opened the door with the knife in hand. She sneaked down the stairs and look around the room to see a shadowy figure near the christmas tree in their living room.

Molly charged at full speed towards the tree. "YAHHHHHHHHHH IM GONNA GET YOU, OLD MAN!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, the figure yelled back "MOLLY STAHP!!" The person moved away so Molly hit the floor face first. "Molly dear are you okay?!" The voice sounded oddly familiar to Molly. Her face still to the ground, she realized who it was. "Wait.... Dad?" She got up slowly to see Percy above her. "Molly what was that?!" Percy yelled to Molly who had just gotten up, she had pretty nice looking blood on her head now. "I-I why are you here?!" She asked.

"Hmm, what's happ- WOAH MOLLY WHAT HAPPENED?" Oliver shouted running towards Molly. "Wait why is dad here? Isn't Santa supposed to be here." She asked clulessly. Oliver and Percy both were in shock and were mad with her. "Molly! Why'd you do that!?" Percy said as he got bandages immediately. "Molly that was very dumb what if Perce got hurt!" Oliver scolded Molly who was still confused. "Oh dear, Molly are you okay?" Peecy asked Mollh who's brain was found dead in Miami. "I-I'm fine but what the bloody hell? Where is Santa?" She asked. Percy and Oliver looked at each other. "Thats not it dear why did you have a knife?"
"Because i wanted to kill that old man." Molly said. Oliver paniked. Oliver was never a parent before this was hard for him to process why a 12 year old would kill fucking Santa claus. Percy sighed and blatantly said. "Molly. Santa isn't real." Molly stood straight staring into a wall. Oliver shook his hands to see if Molly was okay. "Molly?"
"So biscally i done goofed." Percy nodded as he stood up. "Go to your room young lady and rest." Percy said as Molly walked away still staring into an abyss.
"Sooooo. Now what?" Oliver asked Percy. "We sleep, i don't wana get killed again."
No question just listen to Im gonna kill santa claus by danny Gonzalez

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