PERCIVER 13: Arguments

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Here's a heart for you. ♡
Oliver and Percy have been roommates for a whole 5 years now and throughout the years as roommates it was no surprise that they argued a lot. Both of them were perfectionists in different ways but in the end they always cared for each other and had each others backs.
"Percy! Come on, its not like I need to know how to run a muggle phone, i'm a Half blood for Merlin's sake." It seemed like another day of the "roommates" bickering. "Well if you want to fail muggle studies be my guest!" Percy said as he opened up his muggle studies book. "Come on! They aren't even right about most of the stuff in it." Oliver said as he looked at Perry's book. "Seriously they think a escalator is made by a muggle who was secretly a wizard, don't tell me you believe that!" Percy became annoyed and said, "Please Oliver i'd appreciate it if you shut up." Percy ignored Oliver for a while. "What is wrong with some pure bloods, why doesn't Dumbledore just let a muggle born teach muggle studies, at least then everyone would understand this." Oliver laughed a bit before saying. "Honestly how do you read this bullshit? Its all wrong and last time i checked YOU hate it when something is incorrect. " Percy had had enough, he picked up his bag along with his books and left the common room. "Percy? PERCY!" Oliver yelled trying to get Percy to come back. Oliver groaned as he got up and decided it be best to ignore him so he doesn't interrupt Percy's studies.
There were small whispers and chattering in the library. Percy had just sat down and started opening his assignments when the scandalous Slythrin also known as Marcus Flint walked over to Percy and sat down next to him. "Hey~" Percy sighed as he replied, "what?" Marcus rolled his eyes at Percy's cold response, "Well I was wa-" Marcus got cut off by Penelope who sat down next to Percy with a small lunch box in her hand, "Hey Percy. I brought you something" Penelope said as she looked disgusted by Flint. "Ew. There's something on your face." Flint frowned. "What do you want Clear Water?" Flint said, Percy knew it was too dangerous to sit between both of them so he quickly got up and sat at the back of the library where no one would try and disturb him. He sat down on the comfy arm chair and continued studying when of course there was another interruption but this time it was by his brothers Fred and George. "Oh shoot, Fred what the heck, is the map okay?!" George whispered as he got in. "What are you two up to?" They both became nervous. "Oh um we were just looking for... A book for our.... Potions class..." Fred said. Percy already knew they were lying. "Yeah sure, follow me to Professor McGonagall. You aren't getting away with this!" Suddenly at the worst time possible Marcus and Penelope came over to him. "Hey Perce i got yo-" "no way i made that he-" Percy looked at them annoyed, Fred and George had just escaped... "What. Do. You. Want?" Percy asked in a deathly tone which freaked out both of them. "Uhh nothing we'll just be going we wanted to give you this." They said as they put two lunch boxes on the chair. Percy was internally screaming, this was his chance to get the twins detention and he failed. 'WHY WORLD WHY?!!!!' He thought to himself as he walked over back to his dormitory with Oliver with two boxes of lunch one of which smelled extremely bad. Percy opened the portrait hole and a lot of Gryffindors were talking and arguing over the next Quidditch match with Slythrin and Gryffindor. Percy liked Quidditch but right now he wanted to really throw someone off the Gryffindor tower. "Oh hey Perc-" Percy tried to ignore as many students as possible but ended up failing after a bit and he just shouted. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" Which everyone was alarmed by. Percy became shocked as he saw professor McGonagall behind him. "Percy? Why did you yell at a teacher?" Percy gulped. He had just shouted at a professor. Professor McGonagall glared at him and said. "Detention meet me in my office Tomorrow." Everyone was surprised and looked at Percy who was devastated and on the verge of tears. Percy threw his bag on the ground and got up on his bed and hid himself in his blanket. He was to upset to talk to someone. This was the worst day ever. He had just gotten detention and Every student saw. He sobbed into his blanket. "Percy? Is that you?" He heard from the outside. Percy didn't respond and just kept crying. "Well look I'm sorry about earlier, i shouldn't have interrupted you while you were studying, I hope you can forgive me." Percy was still hiding and didn't want to talk with him. "Well i guess ill just go back i guess." Percy slowly showed his head a bit and said. "No stay." Oliver was about to go back outside where all the other students were but stayed with him. "I can't believe i got detention, im so stupid." Oliver hugged Percy from the back and said. "It was a mistake its okay." Percy cried a little bit as he turned around and responded. "I'm sorry for arguing with you." Oliver laughed as he said, "You don't need to apologize, i know it was mostly your fault but you were stressed." Percy smiled a bit. "Ugh, Why are you so cute?" Percy said as he put his head on Oliver's shoulder. "Heh, stop being so flirty, i think Flint has infected you or something." Percy Laughed a bit before hugging Oliver. "Come on let's go to the great hall before everyone thinks we've been snogging in here." Oliver started getting up but Percy pulled him back down and kissed him. Percy pushed Oliver onto his bed. "Percy?"
"I like you Wood."
Oliver grinned as he put his hands on Percy's neck and kissed him back. "I like you too."
Today's Question!

What is your Bogart/ worst fear?

If you're asking me I have a huge fear of cockroaches (basic girl here) but other than that its probably the same as Molly's, the fear of seeing everyone i love dead.

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