PERCIVER 10: Happy birthday!

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Omg I just had a heart attack💓💓💓, HOW IN THE FREAKING WORLD DID I GET 500+ READS!!! I love all of you who are currently reading my works, I can't believe that people like this so much, So as a gift I want you to read this,

It's was a stormy day outside, Percy had just gotten up and moved down to the great hall after changing, he sat down next to Bill and Charlie his two older brothers. Percy looked around looking for Oliver Wood, the Quidditch Keeper for Gryfindorr

"Who you looking for Percy?" Bill asked, Percy who was now slightly blushing, "None of your business, Bill." Percy said giving him a deathly glare, "As your oldest brother it is technically my business." Percy rolled his eyes picking up his books and moving away. "Oi! Percy come back here!" Bill said, Percy ignored walking towards the other side now sitting next to Blue (-bluebell-) The Gryfindorr beater who was currently in her 5th Year.
"Oh hey Percy." Blue said stuffing sandwiches in her mouth. "Hey." Percy responded once again looking around, "Looking for Wood?" She said. Straightening her posture and wiping of the crumbs on her robes. "How do you know?" Percy said a bit surprisingly. "Percy, There is literally no one else you'd be looking for," Blue said getting up, "Well it's not like I only look for him." Blue raised her eyebrows and looked at him. "Are you sure?" She said chuckling a bit, "Shut up." Percy said opening his book to distract, "Okay rude. I should get going Quidditch practice." She said walking away.

"Okay, EVERYONE GET IN POSITION!" Ann (me) who was Captian and Seeker shouted getting ready for Quidditch practice, They had a match next month with Hufflepuff. "Where's Oliver?" Ann asked. "You're seeker, you should know." Angelina Johnson said chewing on gum. "Har har, Now does anyone even know where he went?!" Ann said losing her temper a bit. "Yeah I know I'll go find him." Katie bell, the sister of Blue bell said. "Go get him then. We don't have all day!" Katie jumped down going inside through the hall,
She had saw him near the Kitchens with Levi Dragan(LeviosaDragon) who was a Irish Hufflepuff, She waited a bit until she saw Fred and George come out of the kitchens. "What are you two doing here?" Katie asked, Startling Fred and George a bit, "Before you try and expel us we can explain." George said, "Oliver and his friend asked us so we showed them, We didn't do anything other than take maybe a few sweets", Katie sighed and said "Fine just could you bring Oliver out, we need him right now!" Fred and George shrugged and said "Okay go in," Katie went in seeing Oliver and Levi, "Oliver! Levi!? Why are you two making cake with the house elves?!" Katie said walking up to both of them, "Explain right now, you've been gone for so long Ann will kill you," Oliver stepped up and said "Look Katie, It's Percy's birthday and I wanted to make him something." Katie was already frustrated but decided against telling on them, "Ugh, fine just Quickly get out of here, Ann is gonna kill everyone with her shouting and complaining right about now," Oliver nodded and followed Katie outside. "Don't worry I'll make the cake!" Levi mouthed giving a thumbs up. Oliver turned his head a bit nodded and gave a thumbs up back to him.
Ann was waiting for Oliver to finally come back, It was getting late and She was losing patience and started level two, Worrying about them, Everyone was getting sick of her and started complaining themselves, "What if their hurt?! Ugh this is terrible!!" Ann said upside down on her broom. "Ugh please Ann, I'm sure Katie will find her, Stop whining!" Blue shouted. "Sorry guys! Had a personal problem." Oliver said going to the goals. "Finally also what kind of problem is worse then being late for Quidditch?!" Oliver laughed nervously and just shouted "Come on let's just Practice." Ann shrugged and started playing. Many Gryfindorrs came to see the Practice, The Weasley twins came along with their friend Lee Jordan, All of them were eating the sweets, they got from the kitchen,

Percy looked around the hall, he finally went outside to the Quidditch field and saw Oliver, Percy grinned getting up to the stands to see him. Oliver did a double take when he saw Percy waving at him, Oliver smiled looking at Percy he waved back at home when he heard Ann from a distance. "Oliver look out!" Oliver  got back to his senses and saved the goal, "Don't lose your focus in the Match, they have their golden boy Cedric playing this year, I don't want as to lose to Hufflepuff okay?!" Ann said harshly. "y-Yeah!" He gave a quick glance at Percy who was watching. "Okay back to positions all of you did amazing!" Ann said encouraging them, The Practice went on for a few hours but Ann finally ended it. "Okay everyone let's get to lunch, I don't want you starving yourself, Practices will be happening again  next Saturday and Sunday." Ann reminded them while walking back to the Gryfindorr dormitory.
Everyone followed after her, but Oliver went towards the stands, "Sorry for being gone for a while!" Oliver said panting a bit from running over to him. "You think I care you were late, Did you eat something, I didn't see you in the Great hall or the common room!" Oliver laughed and said "Oh I was just Practing, You don't need to worry about me." Percy nodded and held his hand "Come on now, let's go back inside." Oliver smiled blushing a bit, "yeah I'm hungry."
Both of them walked towards the Great hall, Percy praised Oliver for his Quidditch skills, "Let's just say Ann is a good teacher," they sat down, They arrived a bit early to the great hall, a few Gryfindorrs and Slytherins cheering on two students, They stayed their for a bit curious to as what was happening. They both got up and went to get a closer look, They saw Ann with a Slytherin which when Oliver got a bit closer, he recognized as Cotton (-cottencandy-) "What are they doing, I can't see them." Percy asked as he tried to look, "That's Cotton and Ann, I don't know what they're doing though." Percy got a bit alarmed, but as he was not Prefect yet he couldn't do anything but tell a teacher, "Should I call professor McGonagall?" Oliver got on his toes and looked a bit, they were arm wrestling, Both were in good shape as they both played Quidditch as Seekers and had been playing for a long time. "Come on, Ann you know you'll lose and you know it!" Cotton said, "In your dreams." Ann started using more force as she was very close too defeating her. All the Gryfindorrs cheered loudly. "Wait Percy don't go, why don't you relax a bit?" Percy was a bit tensed but started losing up a bit, Oliver smiled and Percy responded. "Fine but only this once!"
    Oliver got Percy up on the chairs with him as both looked at what was happening, "Gah!" Ann yelled as her hand was slammed down by Cotton. "Yes! Pay up, Ann!" Ann had started bleeding a bit but took out 3 galleons from her pocket, " You got lucky, Cott." Ann said walking away. "Such a lame excuse to being a loser." Ann growled as she sat down in defeat, "I was this close to beating  her, that foul Cockroach!" Ann said sitting down. Levi sat down next to her and tried comforting her "Hey you did amazing, Ann! Don't worry, She probably used some kind of Potion." Ann laughed a bit but started feeling better, "Anyways, why were you late Oliver, I was dead worried about you." Ann, Said looking over to him. "Well just you know, had to finish homework in the library." Oliver said nervously, "Three hours of Homework? You're really lazy Oli." She said as she put her robes back on. "Well at least I'm not like you who completely ignores homework." Ann shrugged and agreed, Percy looked at him a bit puzzlingly as to why he didn't see him in the library then. "Anyways Oliver can I talk to you  for a bit?" Levi asked smiling nervously. "Sure." Oliver walked away from the both of them with Levi, "So what's wrong?" Levi looked at him and said "I may or may not have forgotten that I left Fred, George and Lee look out for the cake." "What?!"Oliver said. "Okay I have an explanation for this," Levi said walking him towards the kitchens, " well what is it?!" Oliver said, "Professor Sport came to me while I was outside, and she wanted me to help tutor a few students!" Oliver sighed and said. "Ugh let's see what happened I guess." Oliver said opening the door, nothing was wrong. "Oh well would you look at that they listened to me!" Levi said grinning at the twins and Lee. "No need to thank us." Lee said. "Hmm well here's what you asked for 19 galleons." All of them thanked The Hufflepuff and left. "Why in the world would you give them that many galleons for watching over a cake?" Levi shrugged and said "I'm a pure blood, I have plenty more money. Anyways I'll take the cake with me, if you don't mind I invited a few people," Levi grabbed the cake and went on his way. "Okay I'll bring Percy." Oliver said as he went outside. "Okay relax Percy is gonna love it!" Oliver got boost of confidence when suddenly he heard, "Percy's gonna love what?" Oliver looked a bit more up and saw bill. "Hm? I want to know." Oliver gulped and said "You should know, since he's your you know brother. Bill looked at him confused. "Tell me , Wood." Oliver said "It's Percy's birthday and I planned him a birthday party. There happy?!" Bill had completely forgotten it was Percy's birthday, "Shoot I forgot." "Looks like you aren't a really good brother." Oliver said smugly. "S-shut up, well I'll just get him a book or something from Hogsmeade, I'm sure he won't mind." Oliver laughed a bit and then walked away from him. "Okay but if you hurt him, I'll kill you Oli!"Oliver rolled his eyes and said "Sure." He went into the great hall seeing Percy sitting alone. "Hey Percy, I wanna take you somewhere.." Percy stood up taking his bag "Sure where are we going though." Oliver gripped his hand softly and said "just follow me." Oliver smiled walking fast-ly towards the room of requirement. "Why are we here Ollie?" Percy asked. "Just close eyes and walk with me." Percy listened as he followed him inside the room. "Open your eyes!" Oliver said. "SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouted. "What's this?" Percy looked around confused. "Silly git, it's your birthday!" Blue shouted. Seems like everyone but Fred and George forgot. "Oh my Merlin, this is amazing," Percy said grinning happily. "All of you remembered! And even got presents! I can't thank you all enough." Levi laughed but said "It's okay Perce, Of course we'd remember! You've been living with us for 2 years." Ann, Levi, blue, Oliver and Percy partied all night.
Oof sorry for such a long oneshot, I wanted this to be special so I included as many people possible! I hope you like this long oneshot,  its almost 2000 words long XP. I'm so sorry if lots of people weren't featured, i'll be making many more in the future who knows maybe i'll feature everyone, (that would be stupidly long but idc honestly) anyways here's all the names for the characters, their houses and their character backstory:(if you wanna change it pm me!)

Ann Iris:                                                                                                                                                                                       House: Gryffindor                                                                                                                                                                   "She's the Gryffindor Captain and became Seeker after Charlie let go of Quidditch. She was always paranoid and encouraged her team to take care of themselves, her mother was beater for hollyhead harpies, her father was a Auror, Ann is in her last year in this story, she is now playing for hollyhead harpies."

Blue bell:                                                                                                                                                                                     House: Gryffindor                                                                                                                                                                   "Blue is the sister of Katie bell, She is into Quidditch and is a chaser, Her family were Blood traitors, but they still have their wealth. Blue was friends with Ann, and knew how many panic attacks she has in a day. Blue was a calm and collected person but wouldn't hesitate to curse out people."

Levi dragan:                                                                                                                                                                               House: HufflePuff                                                                                                                                                                  "Levi was a favorite of Professor Sprout and Would sometimes go with Charlie Weasley to take care of magical creatures, both of them worked together as a dragon trainers. Levi was close to Oliver, and Sometimes would do pranks with the twins and Lee."

Cotton Malfoy:                                                                                                                                                                         House: Slytherin                                                                                                                                                                     "Older sister of Draco Malfoy, Cotton. She was the Slythrin Quidditch Captain and head girl. After graduating, She started to work at the Ministry in the department of Mystery.  She is mean but doesn't care about blood purity,"

that's all today's Question!

Which would you rather have, The elder wand, The Resurrection Stone or The invisibility cloak?     my answer is the resurrection stone, cause if i had the power to resurrate people from the dead then of course i freaking will!! i'll probably bring back my grand mother honestly, she was awesome and i don't want to lose her again, i barely spent any time with her.

PERCIVER♡ ~Oneshots~ Where stories live. Discover now