PERCIVER Drafts i never uploaded

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Hello this is i promise the last update. This is just gonna be some draft shares. As its kind of just usless hiding them and and i think you guys would enjoy these.
Lets start shall we?

A disagreement

Okay why don't i start off by saying, thank you so fuckin much for 11.9k reads, what the hell are all of you? Im confused and feel so akward because i have zero social abilities and seeing so many people is overwhelming but at the same time so cool.

So  for todays oneshot i decided to add my own twist to today's story, in my previous story i felt like it wasn't really the best and the characters were very limited so today i'll be making an area for plenty of characters to show up anyways enjoy!

Percy went outside the gryfindorr common room and saw Marcus. "Hey Flint." I said calmly go towards him. "Oh hey your finally here, i've been waiting for you for the past 20 minutes." Percy just laughed and replied "it's been 10 minutes, stop being over dramatic."

Percy and Flint just walked around near the hallways being careful as to not attract any attention. Thankfully it was mid-night and many students and teachers were already asleep. They talked for a bit about other students which, was a topic both of the boys liked. Flint eventually got to Quiddtich and of course, the one boy who Flint whole heartedly hate. Percy wasn't really comfortable with talking bad about his best friend.

"Well fine if you feel uncomfortable, I'm just saying he is a huge dumbass." Flint said understanding that Percy was uncomfortable. "He isn't that dumb, Flint." Percy replied in defense if his best friend. "Come on Perce, when will you stop fancying that bimbo." Flint replied making it towards the slytherin dormitory. "Okay fine he's a tad bit dumb but that doesn't mean he doesn't have common sense." Percy said.

(I lile this for some reason.)

No title (finished story)

"Fuck you." Was the last word Oliver said before he was stripped off his clothng and forced to wear a gag and blind fold.

"You think you can get away with teasing and fighting with me this easily?" Percy asked Oliver who couldn't respond but tried to escape from percy. "You always do this to me.. why can't i do the same? I am more dominant then you and i can fuck you so well." Percy whispered in Oliver's ear. Oliver soon relaxed when percy started touching him. Oliver kept tense because of how much percy was teasing him. "Hm? Why are you so tense? Lets see what can i do to make you feel mire comfortable." Percy said as he put his hands on Olivers thighs which made Oliver let out a muffled moan. "Hm, isn't that better?" He said massaging it with one hand while using his other hand to play with Oliver's hair.
"You better stay quiet. You don't want your family to hear how much of a slut you are right?" He said as Oliver maned again. "Aw poor baby, can't even keep quiet, even if his parents find him like this." Percy kept teasing him until oliver had enough and was trying to take the gag out. Percy immediately stopped him. "Hm? What do you think you're doing baby? Trying to get away from a punishment and being so impatient?" Percy said as Oliver's hands were now pinned above his head, percy took off Oliver's blind fold and pulled him onto Percy's lap. "Hm you look so cute. Look at you in the mirror. Such cute red lips, such pretty eyes and such beautiful honey skin. You look so pretty." Oliver was forced to look at himself in the mirror. "Too bad you were being a bad baby, now you'll look so destroyed when I'm done." Percy said as he entered oliver. Oliver gasped but stopped as the gag hurt him a lot. Percy started moving as Oliver closed his eyes trying not to look at himself. Percy gripped Oliver's jaw and made him look at Percy. "You okay Oli?" He asked as he slowed down. Oliver motioned Percy to take the gag off. "Aw sorry babe i can't do that. You're still being punished but i guess i'll let you speak for a little bit." He said as he took off the gag.
"I-It h-h-hurts....." oliver barely let out. "Hm? You need prep?" Oliver nodded. "Okay then stay here and put the gag back on I'll be back in a sec." Percy said as he left Oliver. Oliver put it back on and waited for him.
"Ah I'm back baby. You didn't do anything while i was gone right?" Percy asked and oliver shook his head. "Good baby. Now get on my lap." He said as oliver sat down. Percy circled a finger nesr Oliver's hole. Oliver flinched at the sudden move inside of him. "Is this good oli? It doesn't hurt right?" Percy asked as oliver shook his head "Good." He put in a second finger and Oliver seemed ready. "You're taking this so nicely." He praised Oliver. Oliver said something but it was muffled due to the gag. "Are you ready babe?" He asked oliver. Oliver again gave him a nod and percy was ready he entered slowly just to tease oliver. Oliver became impatient and tried to just bounce on it but percy put his hands on his hips. Oliver stopped deadbin his tracks as Percy took control. "Hm what's the hurry?" Percy thrusted as hard as he could in Oliver making him limp. Oliver let out a high moan but the moan was blocked by muffling. Percy continued doing that often going harder than before. Oliver had tears and was about to cum. Percy stopped. "Now now don't come so fast. Its only been a few minutes since we started." Oliver breathed heavily. His head on Percy's chest. "Aw okay how about this?" He said taking Oliver's gag off.
"If you can cum in 2 minutes using this, your punishment will be over but if you can't you'll be shoving a vibrator up your ass and you cant take it off until i tell you to." Oliver got up onto the dildo and started slaming himself onto it trying his best to cum. He moaned loudly bouncing on the item. The timer was at 30 seconds when oliver came. He became completely limp and percy looked at him. "Good job, baby. promise me you won't tease or play with me again." Percy said as he cleaned oliver up. Oliver's breathing was still heavy as he couldn't speak properly after that high. "Hm? Wanna cuddle baby?" Oliver nodded as percy hugged him. "Okay, do you want something else?" Oliver shook his head. "Heh okay good night dear." Oliver closes his eyes as percy turned off the lights


Something more Ronmione related

Special bonus before part two.

After finally moving in Ron and Hermione got some special duties to deal with. Percy and Oliver had called them to ask for a favour.

"So you'll do it!" Oliver asked to Hermione and Ron through the phone. Hermione hesitated but answered. "Sure." Surely for them it wouldn't be that bad, i mean they did take care of Harry through high school so surely taking care of child wouldn't be that hard, Right?

They got ready and headed up hill to a lawyer and his football player husband. They arrvied at the house of the Weasley-woods and were greeted by Oliver. "Oh hey come in, come in." Hermione and Ron both came in to be met with a pretty messy house, still better than The Burrow though.

I am so sorry if you cringed hard. Please remember that i won't post here anymore. I'm not into harry potter now and now am more into some other stuff. Im sorry once again but thank uou for reading.

PERCIVER♡ ~Oneshots~ Where stories live. Discover now