PERCIVER 33: Long hair 1 (muggle Au)

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.... Shudup okay i just like long hair. Hmph. Baka!
((Pls someone kill me.))

It was a pretty nice and sunny day today, the perfect day for a calm walk so because Oliver and Percy had been stuck at home for a long time because of their duties, Oliver taking care of molly and Jacqueline and Percy having to still work while at home in quarantine, they both agreed that it would be good to have a break for a while.
Luckily for them, the young couple, Ronald Weasley and Hermione were in the town that percy and Oliver lived in so they finally had the chance to calm down and have a day all for themselves.
"So you'll do it?!" Oliver asked excitingly while on the phone with Hermione and Ron. "Yeah of course Oliver, we'll be glad to, when should we come over?" Hermione asked. Oliver and percy thought for a second. "Perphaps today would be nice?" Percy suggested. "Hm well we don't have any plans so yeah we'll be there by 1." Ronald and Hermione agreed to come over so Percy and Oliver were relieved, a baby Molly was sleeping right next to them on the couch. "Oh finally, A day to ourselves." Oliver sighed in relief. "We better get ready they'll be here in 20 minutes." Percy said as both of them went to their room to get ready.
They had gotten ready in a causal long sleve shirt and trousers. Percy had been really stressed so he didn't have much time to look outside or go get a hair cut so his hair had grown till his shoulders in a span of months. "You should tie up your hair perce, its pretty sunny outside." Oliver suggested. "Well yes mister obivious, of course I'll do that." Percy snarkily replied. "Hey! I was just saying." Percy giggled as Oliver hit his elbow. "Heh sorry Ollie."

Hermione and Ron had just arrived to The couple's house and rang the doorbell.  Percy and Oliver moved away from their shanangins, got their masks and headed downstairs. Percy also grabbed a book along with him. Oliver opened the door to a curly haired girl and a ginger boy, Hermione and Ron. "Welcome, Welcome! Come in you two." Oliver greeted the two as they got inside. "Thank you Oliver." Hermione replied. "Hey Wood, nice to see ya again." Ron said giving Oliver a fist bump. Percy stood right next to Oliver greeting the two and showing them to the living room. "Sorry if its a bit messy, Molly was just here and doing her usual." Percy said as the living room was not the best place to be, their were toys here and there and Hermione was surprised Percy hadn't cleaned every bit of it. "You mean her usual is biting pillows?" Ron said as he looked at a pillow with spit and goo on it. "We're so sorry about that, its been a while since I cleaned the house especially with so many things happening." Percy apologized to the pair as the four of them sat down on the couches. "Well its no problem, I bet me and Ron can get this place better in a day with no probelm." Hermione said. "Oh no there's no need for that." Percy replied as he was cut off by a screeching sound. "Wait a second you two, Molly is crying, Oliver can you just give them this book and tell them where everything for molly is?" Percy said running off to Molly's room. "Of course dear!" Oliver yelled over to Percy. "Well you two will have fun with reading this, Molly's bottles are in the kitchen on the top shelf, milk is in the fridge and she needs to be fed after every single hour otherwise she will go insane and for jacki-" oliver cut him self off as he noticed that ron's horrified face at the 40 page book of rules for just babysitting a child. "What the bloody hell? This is so much." Ron responded terrified. "Oh Ron dont be rude its just a book plus how hard will it be to take care if a kid and a dog." Oliver looked at hermione with a straight face. "Oh how naive you kids are." Oliver said as Percy came back with a little molly over his shoulders. "Sorry for that, i just needed some time to calm her down,  so anyways as i was saying, she and jackie are gonna be sleeping for a while but as soon as both of them wake up its time to feed them also its important for you to play with them." Hermione was confident,  Ron not so much. "O-okay, so where is your dogs food?" Ron asked. "Oh its in the third cabinet to the bottom left don't let her get in there though. Anyways let me just put Molly back to bed then we'll be leaving."
Percy and oliver headed back to Molly's room to put her into her crib.
"Hermione is that a child or a car?" Ron asked. "Oh come on stop being dramatic surely it cant be that bad." Ron stared at her. "Hermione that child gave the shriek of a devil just a moment ago." Percy and Oliver arrived back again. "Well have a nice day you two and remeber read the book. Bye see you by night." Oliver said leaving the both of them to get working.

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