PERCIVER 8: Your Kiss Last Year

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okay I'll probably be posting my new wattpad story as a webtoon as well so yes, my schedule will most likely be very messy, just a heads up I'll probably start worrying a lot more from now on, I've been feeling extremely  anxious these days and i think i might have mild insomnia as well, but enough about my issues here's the story you came for! Enjoy. Oh and yes quick reminder this "*" means the next day or a time skip.


Percy had always liked girls, at first it was another Gryfinndor, then in 5th year it was Penelope Clearwater than..... something happened to Percy, he fell in love with the person, who was the complete opposite, 

It was 6th year, his sister, Ginny Weasley had just came to Hogwarts before Penelope was petrified Percy was having different feelings about Penelope, he felt something strange and empty whenever he was with her, Sure she made him happy and tried cheering him up, but he was starting to second guess his decision about dating her, Ginny always came to Percy when she had a major problem and Percy was most open with her, One night right before Hogsmeade, Ginny came to Percy who was really tired due to all the classes he was taking. "Yes Ginny?" Percy asked Ginny inviting her in his dormitory which was currently empty, "Well, i was gonna ask could you get a few sweets from Hogsmeade tomorrow, Luna is feeling lonely and i want to cheer her up." Percy nodded and said "Sure, but this is the last time." Ginny grinned and replied "Thanks! I'll tell Luna!"

 As Ginny was about to exit Oliver came in, Oliver jumped a bit when he saw Ginny walking out,without even flinching a bit. "Damn, that girl is creepy." Oliver said walking in making sure not to get too much dirt in the dormitory. "So Perce, What did your sister want?" The second person he ever trusted was Oliver Wood, the Captain of the Gryfindorr Quidditch Team. " She just wanted to cheer up her friend loony or something."  Percy responded sitting next to him on his bed. " You look tired, you should rest, Don't you have that... 'date' with Penelope tomorrow? Percy was too tired to be surprised all he did was groan "Uhhhhh... how did i forget..." Percy fell back laying down on Oliver's bed. "It's okay to forget, plus you have like what more than 20 hours. You can still be able to do something for... her.. Right now you could rest, you need it, you look like a dementor right now," Percy groaned slowly getting up, i'm going..." Percy cut himself off by yawning then getting up slowly walking our to his bed and immediately closing his eyes and falling asleep. it was extremely cold out so, Oliver tucked him in his blanket and looked at his closed eyes and took off his glasses putting them on the night stand, he continued to admire Percy, he got up and looked at him one last time bfore going over to his bunk and getting ready to sleep himself. 


It was a cold morning, Percy got up early and went to the great hall, waiting for Penelope, he looked around and Ginny wasn't around as well, though it was early and nobody was really awake yet, he sat down at the Gryfindorr table waiting, He sat there at the table for a long while, Oliver came and said "Percy! it's urgent come look!" Oliver pulled Percy out of the great hall and taking him through the hallway, soon enough there was a crowd of students at the corner, Percy pushed a few students aside and saw a petrified Penelope, Percy got down and became upset, Professor McGonagall came through the corner and asked Percy to take her to the hospital wing.

Percy was really upset but decided to leave a bit after getting her to the wing, he went outside looking down a bit, He saw Oliver  who ran towards him, "Hey, are you okay? What about her, she's fine right?" Percy without looking at him or even responding started walking towards the great hall, "Percy! Percy!" Oliver shouted calling after him, "Percy stop!" Oliver ran after him and gripped his hand, Percy stopped without looking said, "Oliver leave me alone." 

Oliver let go of his grip and Percy quickly walked away....


                                                                   to be continued when i stop being



today's Question!!

If you were a Professor at Hogwarts, What would you teach?

I think i'd teach History of Magic or Defense Against the dark arts as at least a full time teacher who doesn't just leave after one year.

PERCIVER♡ ~Oneshots~ Where stories live. Discover now