PERCIVER 24: Doggo

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Have some ✨Wholesome✨ cause tommrow you'll be greeted by Angsty content weeee
Requested by the avacoado:

After a usual day at the ministry, Percy went outside to be greeted by a rainstorm. Percy couldn't use floo powder in the fear of his muggle neighbors finding out he was using magic and he couldn't apperate for the same reason so the only thing he could do was walk back home.

He sighed as he took out his umbrella and he started walking out of the ministry. He was used to this but it was still extremely tiring to always walk back home like this. As he was walking he made it to some shops lined up together and a alley way right at the end of it. Percy tried to avoid this way a lot because there were a lot of criminals in that street and rude people living there but his other way was closed due to a car crash which had occured earlier. Percy was hesitant but ended up going from there. Besides a bunch of people insisting him to get the products those shops sold everything was so far good. He made to the end of the street where he saw some teenagers kicking something. "Fucking piece of shit!" One of them shouted as a whimper was heard. Percy made his way over there peaking towards the corner as he saw a dog with brown fur, scratches all over his face and torso and a blind eye. Percy quickly ran over there and scolded the teens immediately. "SO WHAT?! ITS JUST A DUMB DOG?" The teen shouted. "At least it has brain unlike all of you disgraces now scram before I report you to the police." The teens left in anger and the dog was scared for teh most part. Percy kneeled down and patted the dog. The dog was a bit threatening at first but soon started to become a bit more loving. "Come on why don't I take you home huh?" The dog barked happily wagging its tail. Percy checked around if someone was there and used a quick healing charm to get rid of some of teh dogs bad bruises. The dog jumped happily and in shock at how it's scars were healed. Percy picked up the fairly big dog and took him home.

Side note Percy may be a germaphope but if it's for a dog then give it to him he does not care what the dog does to him.

Percy slammed the door open with a dog in hand. Oliver did a double take when he saw Percy with a dog in his hand. "Woah woah woah where'd you find this." Percy's fiancé asked. Percy grinned and closed the door and put the dog on the ground. "This little girl was being hit by those rotten kids while I was coming home and I couldn't resist and I brought her home." Percy said to Oliver. "Well I mean that's nice and all but how are we gonna take care of him we already have Hermes." Oliver exclaimed. "Please look at her!! She's so cute!!" Percy said as the dog played along giving puppy dog eyes. Oliver sighed and he couldn't reject two faces begging him to keep teh Doggo. "Fine..... But you'll be the one taking care of her." Oliver replied the dog wagged her tail. "Hey this is our dog not just mine!" Percy said sitting next to his fiancé. "Look I didn't except you to come home with a dog." Oliver trying to come up with a alibi. "Don't make excuses, this is our dog." Percy rebatled. "Okay fine so what are you gonna name her anyway?" Oliver asked Percy. "Hmm maybe.... Daisy?" Percy suggested. "Nah that's too boring. What about Jacqueline?" Oliver said. Percy shrugged. "Why don't we see what she likes." Percy said as He shouted to the Doggo. "Daisy!" She didn't reply still sitting. "Jacqueline!!" Oliver shouted. The Doggo stood up and ran over to Oliver. "Hey rude, I saved you." Percy replied jokingly as Jacqueline jumped onto the sofa. "I guess she just doesn't like boring people." Oliver replied as Percy hit him on the elbow. Oliver laughed and patted the dog. "I guess she is pretty cute."
"I know. Come here Jaquelin." Percy said as the dog jumped on him licking his face. "H-Hey! Haha that tickles." Oliver laughed as well with Percy.
And that's story of how Percy without Oliver's permission got a dog and named it Jacqueline or if you want to make it short Jex.
Okay so todays question

What is better cats or dogs?
My answer.... Cats..... Don't kill me I'm just allergic to dogs....

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