PERCIVER 32: Are you okay?

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Im back after a month break which i dont regret it was refreshing tbh. Many things happened and it was nice to get a new start of things!

A small glimpse of the weather could be seen where the history of magic was held, the blinds were shut along with the Window because of the tough flow of the wind. Flying classes for the first years were cancelled and The Quiddtich teams also had to cancel their matches for the next week along with practices, the wind was freezing and tough making any Quiddtich player move out of course.

With this Oliver Wood, the definition of an obsessive Quiddtich player was upset about the stituation, even though he was mad he was a captain now and complaining about mere wind was a dumb idea and he knew that players especially second and third years would easily fall of their brooms cause of the weather. Percy convinced him that it was more better to take a break now as they would soon have a match, the only issue was that...

they were one player short.

History of magic continued, the class may only be 45 minutes or 1 hour long but to the students the class seemed 24 hours long, the clock seemed to slow down, professor bins voice became more and more dull each passing minute. No matter who you are, if you have never thought professor bins was boring you would be classified as a teacher's pet or professor Bin's bitch. Which was reasonable and one of the few people who didn't mind him was Percy. Yes Percy Weasley.

This comes as not much of surprise as Percy was always respectful to his teachers and listened to every teacher, it didn't matter if they were treating him badly, it mattered to percy that he was gaining something from it such as power or status. So like any other teacher's pet, he would endure an hour of professor bins mumbling as his classmates slept through the class like babies. He would always try his best to seprate himself from others because he thought of himself as more useful if he has more power, he would always do favours for people such as homework to gain more recgonation and attention and even if he was bad with the students, most of them had signed an unseen contract with percy which binded them to his work....

The only person who found a loop hole and befriended the power hungry student was Oliver Wood

"Class has ended, you may leave now." Professor bins annocened to the students who had fallen asleep during his class. Professor bins had no interest in scolding students who slept in his class as it was their loss and he was ghost what could he do? With that the class headed back over to the dorms. A bunch of people were whispering about Harry potter but Oliver had more things to worry about such as who else he could get to be a seeker for the team and how they would practice after the wind has lightened up. Percy had a slight curiousness about something else though. He knew harry was a huge star in the wizarding world but he knew he was too oblivious and dumb to ever help Percy recive high levels of power. Instead he kept his eyes on one boy. Oliver Wood.

Not for power though but because he was curious to see how he was doing. Percy may not be good with feelings and definitely not talking about them but even though he was cold eye hawk he was willing to give a chance and talk with Oliver.

Percy was gazing towards Oliver who was ahead of him talking with Alica spinnet a chaser for the gryfindorr Quiddtich team. Percy was quite envious of Alica, he assumed it was because of how fake she was with her feelings and how she still could make oliver hopeful.

"Yeah, i hope we find one last member, we've held two tryouts for seekers but none of them are good." Oliver sighed as alica put on smile and even though she had lost hope that gryfindorr could ever win again after charlie left she lied and gave oliver false hope. "I-I'm sure it'll be fine Oli.... We'll find the perfect Seeker." Oliver smiled. "Heh yeah I'm sure of it too, i asked professor McGonagall if she could catch some good players! I'm hopeful that this will work out." Oliver grinned as Alica gulped down the feeling of guilt. "Yeah anyways I'll be going now, see you later Oli!" Oliver waved her a bye and went inside. He still hadn't noticed a very observant Percy following him. Oliver opened the door to his dorm, only then did he see Percy. He jumped backwards startled by Percy's sudden appearance. Before he could notice oliver moved a little too back and felt some books under his feet, he tripped down

but thankfully he found his balance and gasped for air. Percy gave a small giggle.
"OI SHADDUP!! YOU CREEPY SLINKIE YOU ALMOS' MADE ME FALL!" Oliver yelled as he stood normally fixing up his hair. "Sorry wood, I was just curious i didn't mena to startle you." Percy replied, still smiling. "You were so curious you had to stalk me?" Oliver replied.
"Well technically yes but that wasn't full on stalking, I just happened to have overhead your conversation with Alica." Percy said as he sat down on his bed next to Oliver. "That's stalking mate."
"NO ITS NOT!" Percy replied to Oliver who had his broom in hand. "Well whatever at least you're not being a full on fanboy of mine." Oliver said acting like a narcissistic asshole. "Shut up will you?" Oliver became silent curious as to what percy had to say about his and Alicia's conversation "As I was going to say, well listening to both of you talk, didn't you feel a bit weirded out, i mean......" oliver sighed but as to clear up things he replied, "I know she wasn't true to her words and she wasn't exactly the most best liar but i still apperiate her, she lied to make me feel better and decided to avoid given any kind of criticism to me which is bad but i cant do anything about it." Percy fell silent for a second, even though oliver had probably been dropped as a child that didn't mean he couldn't recognize a white lie, he was an expert at that as Quiddtich had taught him to be a better observer and catch peoples emotions immediately.
"Perce?" Pecy shook his head as Oliver stared at him. "What were you thinking about, you just silently there for a sec." Percy got his conscious back and replied "Sorry, had to just process the garbage you just told me." Oliver looked offended he just told percy about how he felt about Alica lieing to him and that was his response. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL PER-" percy put a finger on Oliver's lips and continued. "Let me finish." He said looking over to oliver who was about to insult Percy at the spot.
"As i was saying. You deserve better than her. She just lied to your face about being hopeful for your team." Oliver became spechless at Percy's sudden change of persona. "You need to tell her exactly how you feel Oli! You can't let people like that run over you and lie to you just to make you feel better. Plus what's worse if that you knew she was lieing and you let her." Percy moved closer to Oliver. "You're such a dumbass seriously. Dont let someon do that to you. You. Deserve. Better. Than. This. Treatment. Of. Yours. Dont let your temamates walk over you, lead them."
"Perce a bit too close."
"Right now i dont care about that, tell me did yiu desrve to be lied to?" Percy asked oliver who had been knocked into a corner by his friend. Literally. Oliver was blocked into a corner by percy who was being agressively nice and complimenting him. "Well..... i don't but!" Percy hushed him and replied. "Exactly cause you are a amaxing keeper and you are amazing at recognizing emotions of others but all you need to is to improve the way you treat yourself." Oliver was flustered. "Percy, will you pleas-"
"I want to help you oliver. I want you to learn that you aren't a pawn." Percy said as Oliver became more and more embarrassed and speechless.
"Tell me. Do you need my help?" Oliver was stunned at the moment but thinking about it, the storm in his mind was slowing and vanishing, he was losing his senses but he knew that percy was being genuine, percy would always be like a bussninessman when offering others help so this seemed to different. Oliver slowly spoke up. "Y-yeah i do. I want to learn from you." Percy smiled he couldn't help himself and gave oliver a hug as Oliver became more and more comfortable with Percy. "Thanks perce....." oliver said hugging him back. "Your welcome, you oblivious fool." ------------------------------------------
Had fun writing this in the middle of the night well why dont we end this with a simple question of the day!

What's your favourite season?
Mine is autumn, no reason i just like the asthetic.

Thanks for the support! :D

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