PERCIVER 16: "Best plan yet"

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"Everyone knows about Percy Weasley, The try-Hard and Oliver wood, the Quidditch fanatic. Okay now I'd like you to imagine Percy as a Quidditch fanatic and Oliver as a the try-Hard...." Ginny said to the twins, who looked at Ginny in a confusing manner, "What would be the difference? It's not like Percy doesn't like Quidditch and Oliver is the most try hard person I've met except of course Percy." George said. The twins and Ginny were bisacally trying to plan a prank on Percy and Oliver so they sat in Fred and George's dormitory and brainstormed some ideas. "Can't you see? We can make poly juice potions and then we can make it seem like Percy likes Quidditch a lot and Oliver is a git like Percy!" The twins looked at eachother and agreed that Ginny's plan was almost flawless. "Okay, that's an awesome! So who wants to be Quidditch fanatic Percy?" Fred asked. Ginny relactently raised her hand. "Well no one else will do it."
So the plan begins.
Percy just came back from the library and saw Oliver there as well. Percy smiled as he strolled over to him and asked him, "Oliver, what are you doing here? Isn't your practice today?" Oliver looked over to Percy and said closing a book he had in his hand, "None of your business Percy. Plus today aren't practices, you should know." Oliver then left the library. Percy looked at him walking away, he said all of that so coldly and rudely. Percy ignored it and just went back to study.
Oliver just came back from a stressful day of planning strategies for the new match they were gonna be having with the leading champion Hufflepuff, he was very stressed out cause he had to win this one . Percy stormed into the dorm and fell onto Oliver's bed. "PERCY!" Oliver said getting startled. "What? Are you scared or something, Keeper boy?" Percy said in a harsh tone he looked at Oliver's startegy and scoffed. Oliver looked at him in utter confusion and asked "What? Is something wrong with my strategy?" Percy laughed and said "A lot is wrong with it." And just left. Oliver became worried but also soo confused. What had just happened...
Ginny giggled as she came inside the twins dormitory. "Haha, he couldn't believe it, this possibly one of your best plans yet." Fred who still looked like Oliver said "possibly yes. You should've looked at Percy's he was more than confused." George who was still himself made some more of the potion and said "well what do we do now? We can't just end it like that." George suddenly had an idea. "Well this is a bit messy but how about we do something a bit crazy..."
It's another day Percy just woke up with Oliver next to him. "AhhhHhh hhhhhHHHHH" Oliver shot up and said "Percy what the hell?" Percy looked at him in shock and asked "Why in hell are you in my bed?!" Oliver chuckled and said "Percy what are you talking about? You wanted me to sleep next to you." Percy looked at him and said "N-no I didn't, Did I?"
"Percy you did. Stop acting like that and get ready." He said as he walked away to change. Percy looked around in absolute confusion. "Bloody hell was that?"
Oliver knew Percy was sleeping so he left early and didn't wake him up cause he had been studying in the library all night but Oliver kept thinking about what happened yesterday with Percy, why was he acting like that? George Ran towards Oliver and yelled "Oliver Oliver! You need to see this!" George said as he led him towards the Quidditch grounds. "Where are you taking me?"
"You'll see." George replied as both of them made it to the grounds and saw Percy Weasley playing Quidditch with Fred, as a chaser. He was playing very smoothly even Slytherins were impressed. "What the actual fu-" Percy noticed Oliver had just made it to the field and flew down. "What? First time seeing such a handsome cahser?" Oliver was speechless, how? "What cat got your tounge?" Oliver snapped out of its and said "u-uh.... T-that was really g-good...." Percy rolled his eyes and said "Hm? What did you say Oli?" Since when was Percy so confident? "Hm I asked you something." Oliver gulped and reapted "that was great..." Percy smiled and said "Thank you, Oliver. I appreciate the compliment." Percy then just walked away...... "What in the actual fu-"
Oliver went back to his dorm all confused and decided to just relax but-
Percy was sitting on the bed still in his pajamas and his hair still ruffled up. "Hey! W-wait weren't you in the bathroom a second ago?"
"Weren't you busy being an awesome Chaser?"
Both looked at eachother in absolute confusion and uncomfortableness. "Uhhh..... Wait a second." Both looked at eachother and then both said in complete unison "FRED AND GEORGE!!!" Which both of them heard. "Shit." George said a Ginny sneakily tried to escape but Percy and Oliver were already standing there. "Oh how funny isn't it?" Oliver said angrily and Percy continued "well get ready for three months of detention, you too Ginny." All of them sighed angrliy. "No sighs you deserve it." Oliver said as he left along with Percy.

"Worth it." Ginny said as Fred and George both threw a pillow on her. "We hate you." They both said in unison
Today's question
Who's your favourite professor?
My answer professor McGonagall

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