PERCIVER 15: Drunken mess

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Hello! I know three updates in two days! Exciting! Also no, I decided against having a break so don't mind that post. Anyways enjoy today's Oneshot, also one more thing I'd like to say is, take care of yourself today and no matter what remember if you wanna talk, I'm free as heck and will be there to let you know you're heard! Also just so you know the first half is in Oliver's point of View
After a long lasting match, Gryfindorr had finally won the Quidditch Cup with the help of Seeker, Harry potter. It had been so long since Gryfindorr won the Quidditch cup after Charlie left. I was very excited and just chuffed all the Gryfindorrs were inside the common room and celebrated our victory. Fred and George had snuck in some food from the kitchen and Percy came around and got us a bit of Fire Whiskey, which wasn't available in the kitchens at the time. "Oi, what's the occasion Percy? Usually you'd follow the rules." I asked Perce. "Well, It isn't too much of breaking rules I still asked Professor McGonagall before I snuck them in." I sighed at how much of a rule follower he was. Percy wasn't really talking much to anyone but Me and I wanted him to talk to everyone else. There was one thing that Annoyed Percy was that Fred and George had just drank Fire Whiskey and telling him to drink it. Percy was tempted to tell professor McGonagall but I stopped him. Percy hadn't drunken anything but butter beer but Fred and George really wanted him to at least try some and annoyed him. "It's okay, Perce you don--" Percy snapped before I could stop him and walked over to a bottle of fire whiskey and chugged it down. Percy slammed the finished bottle down and shouted "I did it! HAPPY!" Everyone was too drunk and just cheered. Now I kinda understand why other houses sometimes hate us. Percy wobbled over to Oliver and said loudly "Oliver~ why don't you drink some?~" Percy was too drunk maybe.

((Okay now is No one's POV))
Percy drank the whole bottle in annoyence when Fred and George started becoming competitive and teasing him. Percy may or may not have regreted it. Percy was starting to feel oddly more and more confident. Oliver was the only one of the few who was a tad bit sober. "Come on ya Buzzkill drink some~" Percy said as he had somehow got another bottle of the drink. "No Percy. Sit down and put that bottle down!" Oliver said to Percy but Percy didn't listen and just drank more. Oliver was starting to get worried. Percy even sang a song with the twins, which if Oliver checked earlier had a zero percent chance of happening. "Oliver~ Oliver! Cmere!" Percy said as he walked towards Oliver. "Percy. I think you should stop now. I've never seen you like this and I'm starting to get worried." Percy just pulled on Oliver's robes and said "NO! I FEEL GREAAAT FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE! WHY DONT YOU SLUMP ABOUT YOU'RE LIFE ALONEEE!" Percy was starting to become more and more ridiculous by the second. Only a few people were really sober by that time, and by few I mean only, Angelina, Lee, and Oliver. All the other Gryfindorrs except people under 14 were awake and still Drinking. Percy was still really confident and even arm wrestled with a few Gryfindorrs in which he surprisingly won. "Um, Percy I think we should go back now, no Prefect is here and we're all un supervised. Come on I already took Dean and Seamus to their dorm it's time to get up and go back to our dorm." Percy frowned at him and said really loudly "What will you do? Punish me or something?" Oliver was not ready for this and he quickly just tried to get him to leave. "Come on Perce enough is enough, Everyone is going back, see Katie and Alicia are going, Fred and George are being dragged away what else do I do to get you out of here?" Percy just kept on denying and saying lewd things to Oliver. "Okay I've had enough of you." Oliver picked Percy up bridal style and walked back to their dorm. "Oh Oliver You're really muskularrrrrr." Percy said as he chuckled and giggled a bit. Oliver sat him down on his own bed and said, "Okay time for bed. I'm not taking no for a answer." Percy rolled his eyes and said. "Fiiiiiinnne but only if you stay with meee!" Oliver was obviously flustered and embarrassed from all the things Percy had said through the night and was just going insane. "Percy. Ugh fine, I'll stay. Also I'm giving you your clothes." Oliver said taking some clothes from Percy's trunk. Percy sighed really loudly and started changing right there. "Percy at least go to the bathroom!" Oliver said to which Percy replied "What? Is it the first time you've seen me change?" Oliver was probably going crazy right now but said "What? You know what just change and sleep." Percy changed into the clothes Oliver gave him and said right after putting on the clothes. "Now come here, I won't sleep unless you sleep with me!" Oliver was now getting really blushy and embarrassed. "Fine, Only once!" Oliver said hesitantly getting next to him and facing the opposite of where Percy was sleeping. Suddenly he felt Percy's hand wrapped around Oliver's chest and heard loud snoring. 'Merlin, Why is he so cute?!'
Oh yay three updates in two days! Anyways I'd like to thank everyone for no reason just I want to.
Anyways anyways here's today's question!
Okay this is gonna cause ship wars but
Scorbus or Scorose?
Personally Scorbus

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