PERCIVER 17: The Try hard Lover

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Oliver looked over from his table and saw Percy scolding a first year who had brought a certain product from Fred and George. "Now give it to me and don't get things like these, or it'll give you a weeks in detention." The first year was a bit upset and angry but groaned and handed it over. Oliver got up from the table and went to the newly made head boy. "Hey Perce, why did you take this thing away from a first year?" Oliver asked. Percy responded, "First it was by Fred and George. second of all, it was one of George's special "Colored bombs", imagine the disaster that could've happened if I hadn't taken it away." Oliver quickly snatched the "Bomb" from his hand and analyzed it. "Hey! Give that back!" Percy said. Oliver easily stopped Percy from grabbing it back because of Oliver's tallness. "Ugh not fair, Give it back, Wood!" Oliver chuckled and said, "If you can reach it." Percy became more angry and tried his best to get a hold of it. "Oliver! Come on!" Oliver laughed and then just put his arm back down and gave it back to Percy. "Git." Percy just mumbled as he quickly walked away. Oliver just laughed and got back to the Gryfindorr table which as usual were talking about Quidditch cause guess what their nemesis Slytherin will be playing against them. All the Ravenclaws were tired from hearing about the match and were probably planning on creating a new spell just so they could stop hearing. Hufflepuff's though annoyed still tried to support both of them. Oliver as Captain was really excited for this but not as excited as all the Gryfindorrs. Oh would you look at the time, time for Oliver to go to Potions the best class in the whole wizarding world. Oliver slouched his way to the class and just tried to survive. He didn't really have the best grades in Potions, even though he tries to study day and night, just so he can understand one sentence. Professor Snape isn't the best teacher at explaining things simply. So in this new sunny day, Oliver put one foot in the deogun and was
greeted by a grim figure also known as Greasy hair, Severus Snape. "Your late." Oliver looked confused and said. "Um... Im on time sir, I came at exactly 9am." Snape snarled and said, "Don't talk back to me, Wood. You don't want to lose more points do you?" Oliver feeling threatened just sat down. Saying nothing. "Good, okay everyone open up your books and start your Newts first topic..." Oliver had been a bit oblivious and didn't notice he had been sitting next to Marcus Flint, 'The Slytherin' he only noticed when Marcus laughed quietly. "Hey Oliver." Oliver looked over at him growling, he whispered when Snape turned his back. "Shut up, Flint. Unlike you I need to pass this test." Marcus scoffed and whispered back. "Really? I didn't know you could read." Oliver just looked away and tried his best not to punch Flint in the face.
It's now night time. Oliver's in the common room with some other Gryfindorrs. "Ugh Sirius Black has made life hell for us right now, NO Quidditch, like Siriusly (pun intended)." One Gryfindorr said. Oliver quickly replied. "Hey I'm upset to but Sirius Black is a dangerous Wizard okay?" Everyone sighed and looked at the time. "It's getting late I'm gonna go to bed, don't want Sirius Black to kill me at night." He entered his dormitory and quickly changed into more comfortable clothes. He laid down on his bed and slowly fell asleep.

"Oliver! OLIVER!"
Percy whispered to which
Oliver opened his eyes and saw Percy right next to his bed. "Oh hey Perce." Percy quickly replied in a whisper. "Shh, be quiet. I'm taking you somewhere." Oliver got up and Percy just held his hand and walked away from the dormitory and safely got outside the common room. "Where you taking me?" Oliver whispered. "You'll see." Because Percy was Head boy, he was able to avoid Prefects cause all of them had went to bed. Percy and Oliver Quickly and safely made it to the room of requirements. "Um why are we here?" Percy was quick to reply. "So no one sees us." Percy and Oliver both got in and closed the door. It was pitch black. Oliver used Lumos with his wand and found a light switch which then turned on. "Wait what's this?"
"Surprise..." Percy said as he had arranged a small desert and had successfully snuck in some butter beer. "Woah this is amazing!" Percy became a bit shy but replied "all of it was in the Kitchens, had to get some help from The golden boy, Cedric Diggory turns out he's great at baking." Both of them laughed. "But why did you do this? With Sirius black on the run?" Percy blushed just a bit and said. "Well Sirius black hasn't reached Hogwarts yet so.... I thought maybe just have one day for ourselves before you know Hogwarts ends." Oliver laughed and said "you know I can still meet you at times right?" Percy smiled and said "I know but then I don't think I'll get to say this to you..."
Oliver looked at him confused and said "wait what won't you get to say to me?" Percy chuckled and said "I love you, Oliver..." Percy looked away in embarrassment. Oliver was surprised and was just processing this new information.... "I like you too, Perce..." Oliver replied. "Wait you do?" Percy looked at Oliver who started to lean in. Percy quickly closed the gap and both of them kissed.
Hey.... Back from a month long hiatus how are y'all? Anyways

Today's Question what's your hybrid house?
Mine is GryfinClaw. (Gryfindorr and Ravenclaw)

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