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Instantly, all heads turned towards his direction.
"What is your reason my lord?" Prince Cirrus quired.
"Resurrection magic".
"Resurrection magic, what is that?"
"It's the rarest, deadliest and darkest form of black magic. The ingredients needed to perform this magic is extremely difficult to obtain, casting the spell requires permission from Lucifer himself and the power required to cast the spell is astronomical.
"What exactly does this spell do"
Yart chirped in.
The enchanter stayed quiet for a while, a gesture which increased the tension in the room.
"The spell makes resurrection possible"
"You think he brought someone back from the dead?"
"I do not think, I am certain. Until we foil their plan, we cannot risk an attack".
Deafening silence fell on the gathering until Prince Cirrus issued his order.
"Place your armies on high alert, anything can happen at anytime".

King Johann trudged through the night in an effort to return to his tent, as one of the seven monarchs present in the encampment, he was saluted by every soldier he came across, however he was uninterested in their salute as his mind whirled with thoughts.
He was admittedly scared, they could barely fend off the last batch of monsters, now another was on the horizon. His thoughts disallowed him from noticing the red haired queen trailing behind him. A rock struck hard on his head: instinctively, he swung his neck only to find the red haired queen staring at him in near amusement.
"Are you this careless with security?, no wonder half of your people died".
Immediately, anger flashed across the king's face as he roared.
"Don't you dare speak about my people."
Instantly, the ice surrounding them dissolved into water just waiting to be weaponised.
"Calm down, I did not mean to hurt your feelings.".
Her meager apology worked for the water slowly reverted back to solid ice.
"Why are you here" Johann queried in a cold tone.

Gob and his company trotted their horses through the barren streets of the dragon village, ragged dressed women and children lolitered while the elderly lay helpless at various positions in the street.
Gob stared at them in near dilemma and the locals in turn glared with utmost curiousity.
He quickly turned to Rymeia
"Where are the men?"
Rymeia sighed heavily before responding.
"The shaman has bent them all to his will".
"Where is this shaman".
" He dwells in the center of the dragon village".
Gob urged his horse to canter towards said location.
He arrived at a well built hut, probably the best in the village.
Posted outside were over eight hundred men, whom Gob identified as the male villagers.
Upon sighting Gob and his company, the men reached for  their crude weapons and eyed him suspiciously.
Rymeia bravely trotted towards them and spoke
"It is an honor to introduce to you the dragon, the real dragon. He has journeyed all the way here to take his rightful place as the ruler of the dragon village."
The men began to gaze at him with a glint of hope in their eye, Gob thought Rymeia had won them over only to watch in mild horror as they pulled out their weapons.
Rymeia was livid.
"How dare you draw your weapons on the dragon!"
It was obvious to Gob that their fear for the shaman was more than their hopes in him and the best way to deescalate the situation would be to display some dragon abilities.
He reached for his connection with the dragons and found absolutely nothing.
He could feel that powerful magic had been used to server his link to the dragons, he was nothing but ordinary.
It was then the shaman emerged from his hut.
He was a tall, thin and unattractive man. His body was covered with scars, an indication that his soccerery involved bodily harm.
Armed with a piece of dragon's bone and an audible incantation, the shaman matched towards Gob with authority.
Without his dragon powers, Gob knew he would have to rely on his wits.
However, he was caught off guard when the shaman shot a beam of fire directly at him, Gob swiftly saulted off his horse.
He was quick enough to save himself but the beam of fire found his horse and consumed her.
Gob knew it was not a game, the shaman meant to kill him.
Again, the shaman began another round of incantation, before Gob could gather his bearings another beam of fire was shot directly at him. Even he knew he couldn't escape.
Just before the beam could collide, a horseman rode in-between. Gob only had a millisecond to gaze at Rymeia's face before fire swallowed both he and his steed.
Gob cringed in pain as Rymeia's cry of agony filled the air. In seconds, the old man's body had disintegrated into bones.
Gob was livid, once again, the shaman began to chant, Gob knew he had only seconds before another beam of fire was shot at him so he prepared himself.
As anticipated, the beam came, he swiftly flipped away.
He knew he had few seconds to get to the Shaman before another beam would be shot his way, so, with everything he had, he ran.
His speed served him well, as he got to the shaman in time: however, he did not anticipate the shaman would be a class fighter.
Immediately he got close, the shaman hit him with a combination that sent him to the ground.
Gob tried to wiggle out of the situation but the shaman pounced on him and chanted.
Gob began to panic, he was trapped. Without his dragon powers he was certain the beam would incinerate him.
He struggled against the weight of the shaman, instinctively, he reached for the dragon bone which the shaman clasped in his hand.
Immediately, a surge of raw undiluted power struck him and it struck him hard.
Gob was sent into a daze, in that daze, he could feel the diabolical powers the shaman had used to siphon dragon powers to himself.
Gob knew he needed fire to break the enchantment, but he had no fuel.
The shaman jerked the bone forcefully out of Gob's grip while simultaneously launching a beam at him. Watching the beam surge towards him somehow made Gob extremely angry, he was the dragon, not the shaman and he would be damned to killed by a mere conjurer siphoning his own powers.
His annoyance forced his willpower into play and that was all the fuel he needed.
Just before beam could hit him, Gob stopped the beam midair while using psychic powers to set the dragon bone ablaze thereby destroying the enchantment.
The shaman watched with horrified eyes as the beam was redirected at him.
Without the dragon's powers, he did not stand a chance as the beam disintegrated his body just as it did Rymeia.
With the shaman gone and the dragon village liberated, Gob slipped into unconsciousness as the villagers bowed and worshipped him.

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