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For the first time ever, Prince Cirrus barged into Dalian's tent without permission.
Dalian sprang in surprise from where she lay.
"Kneel" he ordered.
There was a flash of indecision on Dalian's face but it lasted only a moment as she went down on her knee.
Prince Cirrus drew the ceremonial sword reserved only for generals and placed it upon her shoulder.
"Will you accept the title of General and lead the men under your command to the best of your abilities?."
The shock on Dalian's face was evident.
However, she managed to pull herself together
"Yes, I will"
"I then name you, Dalian Yart, General of Xan's army."
Prince Cirrus look a long look at Dalian. Although his feelings weren't returned, he loved her greatly.
If it was going to be his last day, he would die without regrets
With that, he leaned in and kissed Dalian.
The new general responded in fright but she let him have his way.
Prince Cirrus disentangled his lips from hers.
"You need not say anything to this, but love you Dalian."
General Dalian said nothing even as he strode across the tent and out into the darkness.
It was time for prince Cirrus to bid his last goodbye and he knew this would be the hardest.
He sighed heavily infront of his tent before stepping in, to confront Dawn.
As usual, she was perched in a corner fast asleep.
The prince knew it was a a ploy but he went along with it.
He shook her gently,
"We should talk".
Dawn's bright eyes shot open, betraying her pretense of sleep.
"I came to thank you, I am well aware of your feelings for me and I know I have not been able to reciprocate them, despite that, your love has not waivered neither had your relentless care.
For this reason, I wish to tell you this in person.
There is a good chance I will not be of this world tomorrow, I want you to lead a happy life even after my death. 
Promise me you will not mourn too long but swiftly progress to live your life to the fullest."
Prince Cirrus expected her to sob and wail but he was greatly surprised when she drew close to him and held his look.
"Take me with you, let's fight whatever comes together and die together if need be".
Cirrus's smile was wide.
He drew her into a warm embrace before leaving the tent.
Immediately he exited, Dawn's resolve shattered and she sobbed uncontrollably.

King Harpiscus took one last look at the sleeping form of his son, he knew the boy was a bit spoilt however, he was certain the boy could lead his people to prosperity.
He was a hard man, it was how he had been able to grow his influence to unimaginable heights while keeping a firm grip over his tribe.
He bottled his emotion and set his mind to the task at hand, he needed to find Cirrus.

Prince Cirrus was stroking Flame's mane lovingly when king Harpiscus pushed open the stable doors.
The Prince did not hesitate to bow to his master. Harpiscus cared little for the gesture as he turned towards Flame in keen assessment.
"An astonishing beast"
he declared.
"It is a shame he is the last of the Gymeils".
"Yes, it is"
Cirrus concurred.
It was then king Harpiscus turned to Cirrus.
"You will not be fighting tomorrow, I shall."
Prince Cirrus was perplexed
"With respect, it has already been decided."
"Yes it has, the younger generation has to stay alive to fight, should they fall first, old timers like us won't last in this war".
"It my duty and responsibility."
"No, your duty is to win this war, else the realm of men will be lost."
The prince was downcast,
"I do not wish to see anyone else I care about die."
King Harpiscus dropped his tough poise and attempted to comfort the prince.
"The past must give way to the future. It is the cycle of life, painful as it is.
You are the future, so is my son,
I have decided to custody my son in your care.
Should I fall, be a father to him."
Prince took off his mask to reveal the ugly scar that mutilated his face.
"I swear it to you this day, I shall guide your son to the best of my ability".
King Harpiscus gave Cirrus a weak smile as he reached into the prince's cloak and pulled out the blood covered piece of parchment.
With that, king Harpiscus walked away.

King Harpiscus stayed awake sharping the blade attached to his tail until the early hours of the morning.
His fight was at dawn, it did not take long before the warning bells chimed.
It was then he knew combat was imment.
His armour bearer who happened to be one of the elder statesman of the clan suited him in his war attire.
The kangu clan war attire consisted of the toughest of  animal skin which had been reinforced to offer maximum protection.
King Harpiscus was garbed in these kingly attire. After the rigorous process was over, Harpiscus grabbed his armour bearer in friendly fashion and pulled him into a hug.
"Thank you for your many years of selfless service my friend".
The elder statesman bowed in return.
Harpiscus pulled the royal insignia from his finger and handed it over to his armour bearer.
"When he is ready, crown him."

The armies of the necromancer fell to formation miles away from the encampment.
Over at the encampment, prince Cirrus and his legion stood at the ready,
King Harpiscus matched out of his tent with his most trusted warriors, his animal skin was dazzling.
Grinerld, King Harpiscus's son, beamed with smiles as his father strode through the army.
His father was a living legend whom had never lost a single fight.
Despite, the disturbing conversation with his father the night before, where the monarch had commanded him to yield to prince Cirrus care in the event of his death, Grinerld knew thar even if his father was paired against a hundred lions, he would be victorious and today, be expected no less.
The unnamed watched from behind his hood as the Kangu clan cheered their king on while he strode towards the enemy army,
King Harpiscus stopped considerable distance away from the enemy.
The Unnamed was curious as to whom his opponent would be. Soon, the enemy army fell to their knees as they allowed an eery veiled figure pass through them.
King Harpiscus held his ground as the veiled figure approached him.
The veiled figure stopped few metres away from king Harpiscus, as if it were expecting him to do something.
King Harpiscus thew down the piece of parchment, a signification that he had accepted the challenge.
Only then did the figure unveil himself.
General Dalian looked on in shock as her dead brother unveiled himself before her eyes, She trembled.
Immediately her eyes sought out her father in the crowd, when she found him, he too seemed perplexed.
The unnamed pulled off his hood in astonishment as he stared at his foster brother.
Prince cirrus tightened his jaw as he watched the scene unfold before him.
Jioreh was responsible for the ugly scar over his face and it had led to a mirage of events which ultimately caused his father to order his death.

King Harpiscus recognized the boy as Yart's son whom King Reban had forced Yart to murder.
He wasn't familiar with magic but he knew only the darkest of magic could have resurrected the boy.
He lowered his double axe and fell into stance.
Jioreh reached around his waist and unsheathed an unusually long blade.
Decades of experience had taught king Harpiscus to always gauge a fighter's intention from his eyes.
However, when he peered into the boys eyes, he saw no humanity there, what he met was a wraith.
He knew if he was to stand a semblance of a chance against the dark creature, he would have to dictate the pace of the fight.

Grinerld watched with much pride as his father sprinted towards the enemy, despite his age, his father was more agile than anyone in the clan.
King Harpiscus steadied his tail for better maneuverability as he lunged into the air and came down axe first.
The figure rolled out of harm's way before latching at the king with protent attacks of it's own.
King Harpiscus fended off few strikes before returning to attack mode, he skillfully whirled his double axe as he struck the fighure with a barrage of blows.
When he found an opening, he thrust the blade attached to his tail at the figure.
The figure was quick to side step the blade, but he wasn't quick enough to prevent injury as the blade cut through his left cheek.
King Harpiscus watched in near bewilderment as black fluid seeped from the figure's face.
The figure gripped his blade tighter and awaited the king's attack.
Harpiscus steadied his tail as he lunged forward again.
This time, the figure numbly evaded his attack and swerved towards the king's side. Harpiscus did his best to react but the figure easily floored him.
It wasn't the first time Harpiscus had been sent to the ground in a fight, with flair, the king popped himself up using his tail as anchor, with annoyance, he added his tail to his attack.
With three weapons against one, the king continuously forced the figure backward.
However, it did not take long for for the figure to make a counter of his own, he saulted into the air and landed behind the king.
Harpiscus couldn't turn around quickly enough so he offered his tail in feeble defense.
Grinerld watched in horror as the figure severed his father's tail.
King Harpiscus's roar of pain reverberated through the ice land, the figure gave the king time to find his feet.
Harpiscus did his best to push the pain away from his mind, he latched at the figure once again but the wraith was ready,
With the aid of black magic, the wraith created two illusion of it's blade, making a total of three weapons.
The figure hurled the blades in different directions at the king. Harpiscus had few seconds to discern which was the actual blade. The king crossed his axe in defense of one of the blades but he lost his gamble as the blade he blocked was just an illusion.
The real blade impaled his neck and stapled his body into the ground.
In seconds, king Harpiscus was dead.

Grinerld let out a loud wail as he ran towards his father but prince Cirrus was quick to grab hold of him.
He held the boy in place, as the wraith threw the parchment towards Xan's army.
The figure had issued another challenge and he swore within himself to answer it.
The wraith sheathed his blade and departed with his troops.

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