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Gob awoke from his slumber, astonishingly, there was no nightmare. He fetched a bag and harvested as much Fleabane flowers as he could.
He sought to dispose the task and return to his sleep.

The prince and nine thousand hand picked men arrived the shore of the sea of fish.
The prince highlighted from flame and strode briskly towards the water.
Persus met him at the edge with a handheld telescope.
The adjusted the device and peered through its lens.
He caught sight of a ship  but on closer inspection, miles away from it was another ship and solidly behind it was a frightening army of Alcrons.
He ran the numbers in his head, the first ship would be able to dock safely but the second ship would be overrun.
He returned the telescope to his grand-commander.
"what are your orders? "
Persus inquired..
"Have the men prepare for battle".

Johann knew both ships couldn't escape not with the way the Alcrons gained on them.
He turned to his father's governor..
"Have the men get ready, we'll  attack the Alcrons".
The governor questioned not his orders, he did as he was told.
Johann drew his daggers. Defending his people was the price to pay for being a leader.
He heaved before issuing his order.
"suffer the Alcrons to catch up"

The Alcrons drew nigh to Prince Johann's ship.
He and his men were prepared, any Alcron which attempted to board the ship were sent into a watery grave.

The first ship docked and the prince had his men evacuate the women and children.
With the first emptied, attention fell to the second which was heavy under attack.

Gob from his vintage point perceived war cries, instinctively, his military nature kicked in, he saddled his horse and cantered towards the cries.

The prince mounted flame,  his expressions were as usual cloaked behind his cloth mask.
He roared to his men.
"every pain, every frustration, everything that makes us mortal, we conquer. For Xan".
Nine thousand men roared back in agreement.
The second ship was few miles away from the coast. The prince led flame away creating separation between himself and the bank of the sea.
He stroked Flame's mane as he spoke to him.
"boy, I need your help getting unto that ship, will you help me? "
Flame gave a nod. The prince nodded in return. Whenever he and Flame were in agreement anything was possible.
"Flame, top speed"
Flame shifted into gear as his hooves dug deep into the ground. He used the distance between himself and the sea bank as runway.
The hybrid unicorn ran at such tremendous speed that the ferocity of the wind rushing against the prince's face caused his nose to bleed.

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