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A hand shook Gob roughly. Gob reacted almost instantly. His wounds hurt but compared to how he felt the previous day, the herbs he was treated with were working.
His gaze settled on the man standing over him. He recognized him instantly, he was a general and commander of the central forces, second only to high commander Persus.
Gob wondered what such a high ranking general was doing in his barracks.
The general's message was forward.
"the prince demands your presence"
Gob's head spun,
"The prince? "
Those were all the words he could muster.
"make haste for he awaits your presence".
Gob made his way to the prince's tent, he wordlessly walked past the Prince's guards and when he got to the entrance of the tent, he took a deep breath then let himself in.
His courage fell when he saw the personalities present.
There was the prince as expected also was there Persus and most imposing was the enchanter and his vulture which rested untethered on his shoulders.
Gob bowed to the prince who sat stockily behind his strategy table.
His facial features were incomprehensible due to the mask which covered his face.
On his strategy table was a ceremonial sword reserved only for generals and a gold armour.
The prince acknowledged his salutation with a nod.
Gob waited patiently as the prince rose whilst simultaneously grabbing the blade.
He strode with the blade towards Gob.
"usually this occurs with a great deal of ceremony but regardless, your actions has spoken volumes and your intent has proven thee worthy to be named general
Will you accept the title of General and lead the men under your command to the best of your abilities?".
Gob was petrified, he opened his mouth to speak but what came forth was gibberish and incomprehensible.
"just declare your affirmation let's get this over with".
Persus barked.
Gob took a deep breath and uttered the words.
"I accept"
It was then the prince sank to one knee and with both hands offered him the ceremonial sword.
Gob received the blade with a glint of fright.
He had just been promoted from a common foot Sergeant to a general in a matter of minutes.
"under your command is five thousand men. The grand commander shall allocate to you your position.
You may take your leave".
Baffled, Gob grasped tightly to the blade and made his way to the entrance of the tent.
He passed by the enchanter who placed a hand on his shoulder, immediately, a shiver ran down his spine and he began to perspire immensely.
The vulture perched on the enchanter shoulder spoke in a clear voice.
"Your place is here, you belong with us in the skies".
Gob freed himself from the enchanter's grasp and ran out into the icy embrace of the night making his way straight to his barracks, leaving the prince and the grand commander to gawk at each other in utter confusion.
Gob arrived his barracks in emotional quagmire, he took one look at his hand, in it was the general's blade, a reminder that he was now general and a barracks was no longer his abode.
He threw the blade on his bed and proceeded to pack whatever belongings he had.
It wasn't long before an authoritative knock rapped on his door.
He didn't even get the chance to respond when the door was kicked open.
Standing behind the door was grand commander Persus, in his hands was the general's armour which Gob had left in the prince's tent.
Gob was astonished to put it lightly.
In just one morning, he had two high profile visits from two of the most powerful men in the army.
Persus strode into with room with an air of confidence.
He stopped short few inches from Gob's face and held out the armor.
Tentatively, Gob received the armour.
"what was that between you and the enchanter".
"I have no idea"
Gob lied.
Persus was incensed.
"you think you're special don't you, you have seized the attention of both Princess Eveliet and the prince and it seems you've gotten the enchanter's attention as well.
So that makes you feel special, well general, you're nothing, all you've been having is blind luck.
But since you feel so special, I think you're up for this challenge general.
Outside this barracks there are five thousand men placed under your command, your position is North of the encampment, opposite the Alcron territory.
Am sure for someone so special the barrage of attacks won't be a problem.
Bottom line is, just like all the others, you won't survive".
Gob inched closer to the grand commander's Face.
"you really should ask about me. I always survive the impossible".
Persus considered punching the oaf in the face but decided against it, it would most definitely send the wrong message to the rest of the army.
With a scoff, he retreated and strode out of Gob's quarters.
Gob made his way with his amour, blade and belongings in tow as he headed towards the north gate.
He felt the earth rumble as five thousand horsemen rode towards him.
He panicked for a moment as all five thousand horsemen bowed to him.
A general's horse was presented to him.
He took a good look at the five thousand men placed under his command.
They were far from professional fighters.
They had very little or no confidence in him but he couldn't blame them for not even he believed in himself.
He mounted the horse presented to him and he and his five thousand rode North of the encampment.

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