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Jioreh was placed before the necromancer. His chest was bleeding profusely
The necromancer disrobed for his ritual, runes were drawn to aid perpetuate the fetishism.
The necromancer stepped into the runes and began to dance. He grabbed Jioreh sparingly as he indulged in the unholy dance.
At the end of his ritual, Jioreh was completely healed with nothing as much as a scar to bear witness of a previous injury.

The entirety of the encampment was thrown into mourning over the passing of one of their greatest sons. Yart was a legend and his passing was greatly distressful.
However, none was more distressed than his daughter.
General Dalian confined herself to her bed while she sobbed bitterly into the softness of her pillow.
All attempts to pacify her had failed as she ordered no one be allowed into her tent.
It was this same tent Ferdil limped towards with a pipe stuck between his lips. Her guards dared not restrain a former grand commander from gaining passage.
Old age and reverence for her loss caused Ferdil to slowly part Dalian's curtain. There she was, a heap on her bed, her whimpers audible.
Ferdil sat wordlessly beside her and patiently listened to her sob.
He had watched his brother die and that shook him more than he cared to admit however, he managed to pull himself together.
"He wished for you to have this"
With those words, he tucked a piece of parchment Yart gave him under her pillow and left wordlessly.

Grienld was going through this stances while Dawn watched.
She constantly fussed over him, offering him encouragements, treats and pleas, much to the young prince's delight.
"You are a strong reminder of my mom"
He confessed, causing Dawn's cheek to blush
"Where is she?"
"She was killed during an Alcron raid on our clan."
"I am so sorry."
"It is fine, she died fighting. Just like my father".
"She sounds like such a great woman, I wish I were as brave as her".
"You seem brave to me".
Dawn smiled sweetly.
"I am not a fighter".
"Would you like me to teach you?
Dawn's mouth went agape however, she quickly composed herself.
"Yes. It would be an honor."
Grinerld laughed devilishly. If only you knew how audious it would be, you would not call it an honor."
With that he nonchalantly passed her one of his axes.

Persus allowed himself to be announced by the queen's guards before ushering himself into her tent.
However, the blond queen crashed into him before he could step inside her tent.
Persus retuned her hug with a big smile plastered across his face.
She was easily the best part of his day, the blond queen wasted no time in pulling Persus towards her bed.
"Where is your sister?"
The grand Commander queried.
"She is with her lover."
"A lover?."
"Where have you been, everyone klnows she's with Johann."
Persus swallowed his surprise a gesture that caused the blond queen to laugh heartily.
She took his face in her hand.
"You have been too busy with the war that you fail to notice the things going on around you."
'I only wish to notice you my Queen."
Those word were all it took to make the blond Queen squeeze him into a hug.
"I love you my queen, more than I ever thought I could love a person."
"You came all this way just to tell me you love me? The Queen teased
"I shall be facing Jioreh in the next duel. I intended to say my farewells."
The blond Queen's fury was immediate.
"Have you lost your mind?, Are you trying to leave me alone in this world. I'd rather die than have you leave me."
Persus was made to swear an oath before leaving the Queen's tent but he minute he stepped out, he knew he was going to break his word.

Prince Cirrus was surfing through reports when Persus barged into his tent unannounced.
The prince took one look at his determined face and responded with an emphatic
"But I haven't said anything" Persus protested.
"I know exactly what you are about to say and my answer is no, you are not fighting Jioreh."
Persus was about to argue when one of the prince's guards announced.
"Your highness, Hamiran is here to see you.
The prince exchanged quick glances with Persus before speaking
"Send him in."
The unnamed strode into the tent, surrounded by an air of grief
"I would like to face Jioreh in combat. I wish to avenge my father's death."
"Avenge him some other way, I am already locked into the duel."
Persus countered
"Then unlock yourself from it."
the unnamed growled as he approached Persus threateningly.
Persus returned the favour and both men railed into a stare down.
Prince cirrus ordered.
"Neither of you are participating in the duel, I am, and that decision is final."

The encampment gathered late into the night to bear witness to Yart's cremation and pay their last respects to the heroic high general.
Despite the dreadful snow, logs of woods were gathered and a prye was built.

Yart was adorned in his full military regalia, he had served as the Lord of assasins to king Reban in addition, he was the first high general of Xan and the only one to have faced and defeated a demi god.
Six generals hoisted his corpse on their shoulders and marched towards the prye as a long list of his achievements was being read.
Torches of fire illuminated the air, and served to accentuate the somber atmosphere.
Dalian wept uncontrollably, as her father was placed carefully on the pyre.
The unnamed gritted his teeth and did his best to fight back the tears welling in his eyes
Immediately Yarts corpse hit the pyre, as per the deceased generalys last request, the enchanter placed a hand over his vulture and began casting a spell.

Gob was stroking his dragon when he suddenly fell into an unanticipated trance, he found him himself standing in the midst of the encampment.
There were thousands of soilders holding torches and even more were grieving.
His surprise was astounding, he caught sight of prince Cirrus and grand Commander Persus.
Their faces wore grim looks of sorrow. Gob surveyed the scene intently, he tried to converse with a solider but his words were ignored.
He decided to grab the man but his hand went straight through, it was then it dawned on him; he was invisible to everyone.
He walked straight to the front of the crowd and stumbled on a weeping Dalian, instantly, his heart fell.
If Dalian were weeping, it could only mean one thing.
His frantic eyes fell on the funeral pyre and his biggest fear was confirmed.
There lay Yart in his full glory; dead.
Gob's breath became laboured and soon, the voices around him began to dim all he could hear was the stillness of the corpse and that scared him.
Suddenly, Yarts eyes shot open as his hardened face dissolved into a welcoming smile.
"My dear boy".
The corpse began
Gob stood there transfixed.
"My beautiful boy, do you remember the first time I met you, hanging been heaven and earth?.
The minute I saw you, I knew you would be what saves us and
I have watched you grow and with each day, my conviction more resolved.
Through your pains and loss, you learned duty and honor.
Through your suffering, you learnt strength and unlike the rest of us, you managed to keep your humanity.
Some of us, went through the very same journey and in the end, we forgot how to smile but not you Gob, not you.
You are the saviour we've always prayed for.
Which is why you must heed my words child."

Prince Cirrus approached Dalian who was sobbing uncontrollably. He gently placed his hand over her shoulder.
"His final words to me was that I look after you, your father loved you to the very end, honor him."
With that he passed her a torch. Trembling, general Dalian approached the pyre, she reached out and held her father one last time before setting the pyre ablaze
The pyre blazed with such intensity that it became almost beautiful to watch.
Gob watched the scene unfold before him but could do nothing about it, he was literally a ghost.
"Heed my words child"
Yart demanded with a sense of urgency as the fires began to eat into his flesh.
"It is your destiny to win this war, despite his best effort, Cirrus has failed to defeat the enemy because it was not written so.
I knew you would be great, but you have turned out to be outstanding and I am most proud of you. Win the war."
With that the last of Yart's skin turned to ash.
Powerless to stop it, a grieving Gob let out a pained roar causing a great deal of fire to jet out of his mouth.
That was all it took to have him to collapse in the real world.

Prince Cirrus was still gazing steadily at the blazing pyre when Rutherford approached him, flanking him were his priests.
His robes were raggedy but his carried an air of royalty.
Cirrus bowed slightly to the welder of the spear of Loas.
"I shall face the wraith. It is born of magic, so am I."
Somehow, prince Cirrus stood there, speechless. In the end, al he would do was nod.
Dalian pulled open the parchment her father left her and for the first time read it's content.
The message was was written in an old tongue but Dalian could easily translate it, the words were
"Forgive me, I love you!".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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