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Gob had never led in his life let alone five thousand men.
He hasn't slept in two days, the dragon of his dreams kept terrorizing him each time he closed his eyes.
Finally, he and five thousand weary men arrived the North.
One look at the fortress of the North and he became vexed beyond respite.
The supposed fortress was nothing short of desolate, the continuous barrage of attacks it had endured from the monsters of Alcron uttered scourged it.
Gob was enraged, he had been set up by grand commander Persus, sent to the fore of the enemy lines with the most insubordinate of soldiers and a dung of a fortress.
He led his men into the dump which passed for a fortress.
He knew things had to change else they were bound for failure so he ordered for a congregation.
Five thousand men gathered before him just as he'd ordered.
"I have been appointed your general but it doesn't have to remain that way.
This is the North and anyone can challenge for the right to be general, starting now"
There was an eerie silence among the men, then it erupted into cheers and chants.
They chanted for a solider named Nayriya.
The solider stepped forward, he was a big man by any standards.
Gob kept a straight face as the big man approached him.
"Ready to get beat up? "
the big man began. Gob was instantly bored.
" your antics bore me. Do you want to be general or not?"
The big man charged at him, Gob side stepped him and delivered a blow to his temple. The big man was knocked out cold.
Gob's disappointment was evident on his face, if the man they considered the best was taken down that easy, it means the rest of them were even more pushovers.
He walked away from them, he badly needed some place to think and some goddamned sleep.

The prince was in the middle of his prayers when he heard footsteps approach his tent.
He smiled as he took his seat, he braced himself for his sister.
As expected, princess Eveliet entered into her brother's tent with little fanfare.
The prince could decipher the displeasure written all over his sister's face. He laughed inwardly, she was just like their mother, she couldn't mask her feelings.
"Take that thing off your face before I pop your head like a skin of wine"
The prince laughed as he pulled the cloth mask off his face.
"Where is he? " she demanded
"I am entirely certain you already know the answer to that question"
"I do, still I want to hear you utter the words"
The prince heaved.
"He is in the North serving as a general".
"why? "
"Because he is fit job".
"I don't care what he's fit for, he's mine, my plaything. You had no right".
"No one is your plaything little sister. We're at war and we need every capable man we can get"
"Am going North to get my Plaything, and don't even think about stopping me".
"It's not safe".  The prince cautioned
"Am not like you brother. I don't cower away from my things. I bet you've never told your betrothed you love her".
The prince stayed quiet.
She hissed

Mamor, leader of the guards of Loas presented the spear of Loas to the high priest of Loas.
The priest in turn placed the spear in the grasp of an unconscious Rutherford.
Immediately his hands touched the spear his eyes flew open.

It was in the dead of the night, the icy hands of cold had engulfed the atmosphere. It was in this conditions that the prince made his way to Dalian's tent undetected.
Dalian didn't flinch as the guards stationed outside her tent wordlessly bowed to figure outside her tent.
She was certain of the figure's identity.
The prince slowly parted her drapes as he made his way into her tent.
He waited patiently for her to leave her bed and join him at the table.
"My lady, I sincerely apologize for unsettling your sleep"
"it's fine my lord. You are the future king of Xan, you owe no apologies".
"that isn't the type of king I want to be"
"I know, you are strong, kind and brave. You will be a good king".
The prince took a moment to stare at her, when he was certain he'd gathered enough courage, he pulled off his mask.
Dalian was taken aback. She hadn't seen his face in years so she studied it.
There was a huge, ugly scar that ran across his once handsome face.
She remembered the fight that caused the scar all too well. She would never forget that night. It was the greatest fight she'd ever witnessed.
The fight between the prince her betrothed and her brother.
It was part of the events that led to her brother's execution and part of the reason she resented the prince.
That night, not only had the prince lost his handsomeness he had lost her love for him.
The prince stared at her longingly.
"you said I am strong, kind and brave, I don't know if I am those things. All I know is it won't be worth anything of you are not by my side. Be my Queen".
Dalian looked at him with a iota of sympathy.
"my lord, I don't know how to say this but...."
"You no longer have feelings for me". The prince completed.
"Yes my lord" Dalian replied with   a hard face.
The prince nodded in understanding.
"I sincerely apologize my lady for disrupting your sleep".
With those words, the prince rose and departed Dalian's tent, needless to say, with a heavy heart.

General Gob slept in cot his men built for him. He was determined to sleep notwithstanding the dragon's shenanigans.
As expected the dragon swooped down on him in his dream but the general held his ground.
The monster swooping towards him was enormous but he was determined to put an end to it.
When the dragon got to him, it transformed into an old man, much to Gob's bewilderment.
"finally, you have shown the heart of a dragon and faced your fears head on".
The old man's voice boomed in echoes.
"who are you" Gob rasped
" My name is Xaruion and I am the two thousandth four hundred and fifty first being who's had the privilege to be called dragon and now, that title has been passed to you".f
While Gob was still in his dream-trance, unknown to him, princess Eveliet and her eight of her female guards had just arrived the North.

2. The prince.
4. Eveliet
5. The wizard.
6. Rutherford
Give reasons for your choice..
Love you all..

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