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As per custom king Harpiscus was embalmed for inceneration
Prince Cirrus watched as warriors of the clan cleansed the  remains of the dead king.
His servered tail lay along side his body.
Prince Cirrus scanned the room, the king's son Grinerld was absent.
Immediately, he spun off in search of the young prince.
After a long search, he found the prince sobbing in the snows, a respectable distance from the boy was his father's amour bearer.
Prince Cirrus approached the duo.
The armour bearer bowed to Crirus but he was only interested in the shivering boy.
"He has been sobbing in the cold for hours"
The armour bearer informed.
Prince Cirrus said nothing as he continued glaring at the boy.
"King Harpiscus named you his guardian, should I have the warriors forcibly remove him to his tent".
Cirrus mulled it over in his head before giving his response
"No, let him grieve".

Persus was cuddled up with the blond Queen as they locked lips in estacy.
"I have something for you" Persus declared.
The blond Queen was visibly excited.
Persus smiled at her enthusiasm.
He reached for his sheilds and grabbed one of it.
The blond Queen looked on with disapontnent as Persus presented  her one of his shields.
"Why would I want a shield?"
"It is my most prized possession, it's been in my family for hundreds of years.
It is worth more to me than my life and title however, am giving it to you as a symbol of my heart, because I love you, more than I have ever loved anything."
The smile on the queen's face was wide.
"I love you too. I accept your heart, but I reject this sheild, it is way too ugly and heavy for me."
Persus laughter was cut short when he heard footsteps approach.
His tension relaxed when he realized who it was.
Prince Cirrus appeared seemingly from the shadows.
Persus was about to rise in acknowledgement but the blond Queen held him down.
"I do not care what you wish to speak to him about, but he is with me and I am not releasing him to you".
Prince Cirrus said nothing in response.
Persus leaned into his lovers ears and whispered.
Grudgingly, the blond Queen yeilded to walk away.
Prince Cirrus watched the blond Queen depart in smiles.
"I am glad you have found love, it may be what takes you through these difficult times.
Persus felt uncomfortable discussing love with the prince so he quickly sought to change the topic.
"You wished to see me."
"Yes, your vacation is over. I am officially reinstating you as grand commander, pack your things, you are returning to the front lines".

General Dalian marched off to her father's tent, she intended to confront him over the re-emergence of her dead brother.
He had murdered her brother years ago, she did not put it past him in having a hand in his return.
The general arrived her father's tent only to discover he was absent.
Dalian followed his trail to the enchanter's tent. She reached for the curtains but decided against it, she would wait for her father to emerge.
With that, the general sat in the snow and did her best to resist the cold.
The enchanter waited patiently as Yart invoked his testament on the vulture.
Satisfied what the his testament, Yart exited the enchanter's tent in somberness.
The moment he stepped out, he was stunned to see his daughter waiting in the cold.
Dalian had not broken a word with him in over eight years and he longed to have her speak to him.
He waited anxiously for his daughter to utter a word but Dalian remained mute. In dejection, he walked away.

Prince Cirrus strolled into his tent in near dejection, his meal had been laid out for of him. He attempted to take a bite when Dawn ran out to leap into his arms.
Her action forced a smile out of him, he allowed her embrace to linger a while before speaking.
"Relax, I wasn't even in the fight"
"It matters not, I feared for the worst, thank you for coming back to me".
Prince Cirrus managed a smile but Dawn would have none of that as she held unto him.
Cirrus held her gaze and saw fear in her eyes, but Dawn pushed her away her fear and went on to damn consequences as she declared her feelings.
"I love you Cirrus"
Unable to respond, prince Cirrus drew her into an embrace.

The unnamed seldom left his tent, but on this rare occasion, he decided he needed a bit of the icy air outside his tent.
Garbed with simple robes and hood to compliment, he stepped outside only to find his foster father waiting in the cold.
If the unnamed was shocked, he did nothing to show it.
Yart stood stoickly in the cold as the unanamed watched him from behind his hood. No words were exchanged, it was just two men; father and son gazing at each other.
This endured for a while before Yart broke the gaze and departed.

The enchanter along with his vulture trodded through the ankle high snow as he approached Grinerld, the young prince was still hunched in mourning.
The enchanter placed his vulture beside the half monkey and stepped back.

Immediately, the vulture began to speak in king Harpiscus's voice.
"Son, if you are listening to this, it means I am dead and you are in line to be King.
Everyone can cry and wail but not you, everyone can mourn and grief, but not you.
Your duty is to our clan, to protect and help them grow.
You are a tremendous fighter, however you lack virtue. Which is why I have entrusted you to Cirrus, he will school you on patience and virtue.
I am sorry for thrusting such enormous responsibilities on the shoulders of one so young, but it must be done.
Perform your duty well to our people, when your time comes, I shall greet you on the shores of the afterlife, not as son, but as a fellow king.
I love you son, I have loved you in this lifetime and I will love you in all lifetimes."
Grinerld fell face down and wept bitterly as the enchanter left with his vulture.

Prince Cirrus was absentmindedly chewing on his dinner when a weary Grinerld threw open his curtain.
Cirrus peered into the boy's eyes and all he could find was a firm resolve.
Without ado, Grinerld spoke
"My father entrusted me to you"
The prince was about to say something when a guard politely announced his presence.
"Your highness, elder Yart is here to see you."
Cirrus knew the boy had not had food in a while so he turned to Dawn and delivered his instructions.
"Have him fed, his comfort is your responsibility."
With that Prince Cirrus exited the tent.
Dawn attempted to help the weary young prince inside but he brushed her off.
His father had commanded him to show no weakness, and he intended to obey it.
With that Grinderd half leaped to his seat.

Yart took prince Cirrus on a long speechless walk until they reached a vast area of snow as far as the eye could see.
It was here Yart began to speak.
"Jioreh was a traitor but I should have protected him from Reban. It is the single biggest mistake of my life that cost me everything including the love of my children.
I have been an irresponsible father and all I seek is my redemption.
Jioreh has been brought back from the dead to exact his revenge and I shall ensure he gets it.
All I ask, is that you love my daughter Dalian as your betrothed and care for her as your wife."
Prince Cirrus pulled Yart into a deep embrace.
"Thank you Elder Yart, for your loyalty to my father and your belovelence to me.
I swear this day to you, I shall take Dalian as my wife and love her as though she were my own soul."

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