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Prince Cirrus was about to dismiss the idea but a thought struck him.
Dalian was a much better fighter than many of his generals. However, it would be a dishonorable to send a woman much more his betrothed into a war.
Dalian took note of his confliction and attempted to further plead her cause but the Prince cut her off.
"The battlefield is no place for a woman".
Her response was immediate.
"We are all part of this war, irrespective of gender, I want to fight for my country and defend her. If the war is lost, I shall equally be affected despite being a woman".
Prince Cirrus let go his practice sword to clang loudly on the ground.
With thathe walked away from the stables.

Gob set his subjects to the gruesome task of providing shelter for his dragon.
A stone cave high as thirty feet was constructed to provide comfort for the young dragon.
Obisteiskan and Gob bonded quite spectacularly, deep was their bond such that Gob repeatedly passed his nights in her cave.
She was neither old enough to ride nor breathe fire, however, their conversations were always soothing.
Gob took his place beside the sleeping dragon and immediately he shut his eyes, he found himself before Safara, her smile ever pleasant plastered across her face.
Gob gathered her in his arms and pressed her against himself.
"I have a dragon"
He bragged.
Safara elbowed him slightly for his boast.
"I always knew there was more to you." She cooed
"There is nothing to me. Am just a man lucky enough to be loved by you."
Safara gently reached for his face.
"There is so much more to you, you are destined to protect a great many people, to be a beacon of hope and strength.
This is just the beginning, you have destiny not even you can begin to grasp."
Gob laughed at her words as he pulled her into a loving embrace.
"I love it when you stoke my ego."
Safara allowed herself to be engulfed by him but even she knew his destiny would separate them, one day, she would have to let him go.
King Johann stood atop a watchtower, his eyes were shut as he did his best to communicate with the water contained within the snow that spread far and wide such that it seemed neverending.
Suddenly, he heard the rushing sound of water in his head. It was a warning.
"Evil is coming"
Instantly, king Johann flung open his eyes and drew his dagger simultaneously.
It did not take long before the warning bells tolled.
Johann leaped from the two hundred feet watchtower, the snow below sublimed to water to create a cushion which allowed him land unharmed.
"What is going on".
He queried a solider.
"The enemy has sent an envoy to deliver a message my Lord."

King Harpiscus was last to march into the strategy tent, closely following him was his son who wore a smug look on his face.
It was untraditional to have a boy attend a war meeting but King Harpiscus was too powerful and influential for anyone to rebuke.
The king scanned the room, all his eyes met were grim looks.
There was a piece of parchment on the table which he peered into.
The parchment was covered mostly in blood with a strange symbol imprinted upon it.
"What is this?"
the king queried in near annoyance.
The enchanter's voice broke out.
"The enemy has issued a challenge. A single duel to the death."
King Harpiscus settled into his seat as he processed the information.
It was then Prince Cirrus rose to address the room.
"My Lords. I gathered this meeting to formally announce that I shall accept this challenge.
More-so, I have decided, should I fall, the position of monarch of Xan must go to my sister; the only surviving member of the royal family.
I place my faith in all of you present that ye shall support her just have ye have always supported me, to end this war and defeat the enemy."
The room stayed quiet for a moment.
"It cannot be you"
Yart interjected
"Too much depends on you."
"I am well aware. It is more reason I have to accept this challenge."
Cirrus turned to the enchanter with softer tone.
"Should I fall, coronate Eveliet immediately."
With that the Prince grabbed the piece of parchment and dismissed the war meeting.

King Harpiscus walted in kingly fashion towards the enchanter's tent.
He knew the enchanter had sensed him yards away, however he paused respectfully before the tent before throwing open it's curtains.
The tent was dim, in a corner lay the enchanter, mumbling to himself in near madness.

The king assessed him quickly before speaking.
"I have come to custody my last will and testament"
The enchanter's face instantly glimed.
"You intend to replace the prince in the duel".
The king's bold stare gave the enchanter his answer.
The enchanter presented his vulture to the king.
"Place your hand over her and invoke your testament."

Prince Cirrus heard heavy footsteps approach his tent, when he did not hear his guards apprehend the stranger, he
braced himself for the onslaught that was sure to follow.
It did not take long before his curtains were thrown open and in walked a visibly annoyed Persus.

"What is this madness I hear."
Prince Cirrus shot him a knowing look.
"It was a secret meeting, how did you get wind of what was discussed?"
Those words only served to further infuriate Persus as he stalked the prince threateningly.
"Don't patronize me. I shall never consent your engagement in that duel."
"My resolve cannot be wavired."
"Let me fight in your place. Should you fall, both this war and Xan will be lost"
"No it won't, Eveilet will assume the throne."
"Eveliet?, Is this a joke?, She has no military experience, no allies and no loyalties from any of the generals."
"You are right, she does not, but you do."
"In the event of my death, you must look after her. I am well aware she can be difficult but she has a good heart and with little guidance, she can be a good queen."
The gravity of the Prince words hung in the air as Persus struggled to come to terms that he could likely lose this best friend."
Cirrus placed a hand over his friend's shoulder.
"Do you remember how we became friends."
Persus laughed painfully in return.
"We started out as enemies. Prince Cirrus continued.
"We were just kids"
Persus offered.
"Yes, but we grew to protect each other. I will forever be grateful for your friendship and loyalty, althoughmost of it was not deserved."
"Is there nothing I can do to persuade you from fighting?."
Prince Cirrus took a deep breath before responding.
"It has to be done."
Persus pulled the prince into an embrace.
"Do not die."
Prince Cirrus held Persus tightly as he spoke
"And should I fall, I need you to come to terms, although Eveliet sits on the throne, the real protector of Xan is you. Xan is in your hands now."
"I swear on my life and that of my ancestors. I will perform your request to the best of my abilities or die trying."

Eveilet hoisted her training sword and went through the stances the best she could.
Her heart was heavy, she was yet to recover from the absence of her love intrest and now, if rumours were to be believed, her brother was to be involved in a duel to the death against an enemy with diabolical powers. It had began with her mother, then her father then Gob, now her brother. It seemed she was destined to lead a lonly life
So engrossed was she in her thoughts that she failed to notice her brother standing patiently behimd her.
"A warrior always takes note of theie surroundings"
he chided kindly.

Usually when he surprised her like that, she would throw herself upon him in tight embrace but her mood was all but somber.
"I take it the rumour have found its way to you."
He offered
"It is true then?"
Prince Cirrus pulled her into an embrace.
"After tomorrow, things will change, but no matter how things seem to change, know that I love you. 
Remember, you must always do what is best for our people."
"I don't want to rule"
Eveilet admitted.
"I know but we are born royalty, it I required we things we do not wish to.
It is in the protection of our people we prove ourselves."
"I cannot do it, I am not like you."
The Prince released her from the clutches of his embrace and stared at her sternly.
"You are not like me, you are better, you have strength of character and you would do anything to protect what you love.
Should I fall tomorrow, all I ask is that you love our people, like I love you."
Eveilet grabbed her brother and sobbed into his garment.
Prince Cirrus kissed his sister on her forehead and left her sobbing, he couldn't afford to let her tears weaken his resolve, if he was dying tomorrow, he had a lot to do to prepare his people

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