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The prince closely followed his cheif commander promenade towards "the encampment", a region in the camp reserved for only the highest ranking members in the camp.
The soliders on shift bowed briskly and respectfully to two of the most important figures in the camp.
The prince clad in his leather attire, complete with his red cloth mask made his way towards the lodging of Yart and Ferdil.
Yart was smoking on his pipe when he heard a soft rap on the door. He didn't have to check on the door for he already knew.
The prince closely followed by his chief commander stepped into the room.
The prince knew he was in no danger but instinctively, his eyes scanned the room.
Arranged almost neatly to the corner was a slew of barrels. Asides that, nothing else seemed out of the ordinary.
The prince made nothing of the barrels for it had been whispered to him his teacher had taken a liking to playing in barrels.
With his expression well hidden behind his red cloth mask, he attempted to sit.
His bottom didn't touch the chair when a voice broke through, it belonged to Ferdil.
"Bow to the barrel"
The voice ordered.
The prince sighed inwardly he was the crown prince and apparently next in line to be king, he could easily ignore Ferdil but Ferdil tutored him in combat and in studies.
Ferdil maybe a crazy old man but he was definitely his master.
In obedience to Ferdil's orders, the Prince bowed to the barrel.
Ferdil emerged from one of the barrels.
"That was a good bow"
He acknowledged.
"But next time, bow lower, I enjoy being bowed to".
As per his nature, the prince ignored Ferdil's remark and took his seat.
He waited patiently for his master Ferdil to settle into his seat before speaking.
"Uncle Yart, thank you for defending Xan in my absence, I owe you a great debt".
Yart nodded once then returned to sucking on his pipe.
"I'll get to the point. Our lines are growing thin while the enemies line wax strong.
We need more men".
"Well, we don't produce men."
Ferdil interjected.
Yart shot his elder brother a look before addressing the prince.
"What would you have us do?"
The prince produced a piece of parchment from his tunic.
"This parchment contains a list of possible allies, I need you two to travel to these cities and convince them to in our cause".
The prince held the piece of parchment to Yart who received and tore it open.
"We have been at war with most of these kingdoms"
Yart observed.
Ferdil snatched the parchment from his brother's grasp.
"Cratua?, Verlain?"
Ferdil yelled.
"Our ancestors av been at war with them for centuries. If we set foot there they will behead us" Ferdil cried further.
"If you're not up for it, I can make other arrangements"
The prince informed.
"No," Yart cut in " it will be an honor to do service for Xan".
"Av always wanted to die in Verlain, their burials are usually eccentric".
"For accepting this perilous task, I sincerely thank you".
The Prince's features were safely hidden behind his cloth mask but the gratitude poured though the tone in his voice.
"We shall leave at dawn".
Yart concluded.

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