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The dragons stayed quiet as Gob verbally rained on them, only when Gob's anger began to abate did his predecessor Xaruion step forward.
"We could not tell you of this responsibility because you were not ready. We hoped to shield you  from it a while longer, unfortunately, this responsibility has found you out and you must see to it"
Gob stared at his predecessor in near disbelief.
" I am to be king over men in rags? "
Xaurion smiled, as he placed a his hand over Gob's shoulder.
"the true burden of a dragon is rendering help to all who turn to us, irrespective of appearance".
Gob had heard enough, he willed himself away from the dragon cave and went in search of Safara.
As expected, he found her sitting atop their tree. In his dream land, he had absolute control over all happenings. He willed himself into the air and dropped gracefully beside his love.
Safara did not bother looking in his direction, Gob noticed his and tried to reach out to her but she shrugged his hand off.
"you have not visited me for days and now you show up seemingly out of the blue".
Gob smiled sadly.
"Weariness has hindered spending time with you."
Safara considered him for a while before responding.
"Am well aware and I know your feelings for me has not changed"
Gob smiled victoriously and moved to hold her but once again she shrugged him off.
Gob was puzzled.
"Is there something else bothering you?"
"You need to let me go"
"Not again" Gob declared
He sighed in expiration and attempted to move away from her but she held unto him.
"You cannot be king over your people if you cannot create fire and you cannot create fire with the weight of my spirit on yours."
Gob glared at her sternly.
"those words, send me away, let me go.  Do not utter them anymore I beg of you. I lost you once, I refuse to loose you again."
Tears gathered around Safara's eyes but Gob took her in his arms and held her firmly.
While still in the clutches of Gob's embrace, Safara whispered into his ear.
"Long live the king"
Gob couldn't help laughing.
"It is probably a kingdom in rags".
"Then you do what you do best,  build. Now go, your people await."
Gob opened his eyes to find Rymeia and his company kneeling before him.
Gob considered the old man for a while before speaking.
"Tell me about this kingdom and it's people."
"My King, I shall fill you in during our journey but it is imperative we leave immediately."

Gob strode briskly towards his tent, he had been stripped of his position as Lord of assassin which meant the tent was no longer his.
He did not have much to retrieve save  few clothing and his blade.
As expected, his guards were absent, they had probably been reassigned. Briskly, he stepped into his empty tent and scanned the room for what items to pick.
He hastily packed whatever items he deemed essential and turned to leave only for find the enchanter standing stoically behind him.
The shock threw Gob off balance but the young king quickly regained composure.
The enchanter prowled towards Gob in intimidating fashion but the dragon held his ground.
The vulture perched on the enchanter's shoulder leaned in to sniff Gob but he was unperturbed.
"I have no time for shenegegans, I need to leave".
"I know"
the vulture concurred. The fact that the vulture was speaking to him startled Gob a bit.
"you may leave, however do not forget our fight and do not fail to return".
Gob said nothing as he maneuvered past the enchanter and headed straight for the exit.
Gob and his new company mounted their horses but just before they rode out, Rhymeria turned to Gob.
"Lord dragon, there is a matter you must be aware of"
Gob narrowed his eyes in curiosity.
"thirty years ago, our village was prosperous, trade and food were in abundance. However, we lacked the leadership of a dragon as the last dragon has died one hundred and fifty years ago. it was then a shaman came to our village, he told us he could re-establish our connection with the dragons.
We welcomed him with open arms, aided his efforts with all he needed including the bones of the last dragon.
He succeeded in establishing a link to the dragons but instead of helping us connect with them, he managed to siphon power off them".
Gob was dismayed,
"what do you mean by he siphoned power off them"
The old man considered his choice of words before replying the dragon.
"What I mean is, he now possesses the powers of a dragon".
The information chilled Gob right to his very spine, he crashed his heels against the sides of his horse in brutal fashion forcing his horse to canter off into the sunset.

From a vintage point, Eveliet watched Gob and his company ride off. Something in her broke, she knew not the situation, however she was certain wherever Gob was heading would not be good for him and she could do nothing, she could not protect him, neither could she protect her brother.
It was in her state of hopelessness she made a vow.
She would learn how to fight and would bring all her loved ones enemies to their knees.

The Unnamed whose real name was Sema, shifted a piece on his chess board, he was trying to out himself. It was then he smelt her fragrance.
Had he not known the purpose of her visit, he would have allowed himself to panic. He stayed calm as Dalian threw open his tent curtain and marched in confidently.
The Unnamed removed his gaze from his chess boards and placed it in her, she was absolutely stunning in her blue dress but the unnamed disallowed his gaze to linger on her longer than necessary.
Despite possessing the audacity to barge into his tent, she discerned she'd approach the matter with a little bit of tact.

The unnamed had always attached chess in every situation, so he allowed her make a move.
"I came to enquire about him". Dalian began.
"What about him?" Unnamed returned without bothering to feign ignorance.
"I heard he left the encampment. Do you have any idea why?."
Without halting activities on his chess board, he responded.
"If the rumors are to be believed,  he is the new Lord dragon and he's gone to reclaim his kingdom".
Dalian stood there stunned and seemingly transfixed.
The unnamed looked up from his chess board and upon Dalian.
"You are in love with him".
It wasn't not a question and Dalian knew it.
Wordlessly, she twirled and left his tent.


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