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The prince closely followed by his cheif commander, strolled through the army settlement in a bid to return to his tent.
He was first to notice Dalian emerge from the male barracks but choose to ignore it. He was about to walk past the scene when he felt a tap on his back.
He paused to acknowledge his cheif commanders call.
"Over there"
Persus indicated
The prince looked, he watched Dalian walk away from the barracks with a dejected look on her face.
His heart fell, although she was betrothed to him, she hadn't come to visit him since she arrived the camp.
"Should I find out who she went to see?"
Persus enquired.
The prince gave it a bit of thought before responding
"No, it's been a long day, go get some rest".
Persus nodded.
The prince turned away from the path that led to his chamber and took a subsequent path that led to the stables.
Persus was certain the prince intended to sooth his annoyance by visiting his horse.
Although he and the prince were best friends, the prince seldom shared his emotional duress with him, he preferred speaking with the horse.
Flame sensed his master's arrival, he held out his head to be patted.
The prince drew the half unicorn half horse's head into his embrace.
Flame neighed softly in the Prince's arms.
"You're tired of the war right?" The prince noted.
" Am tired too but seems there will be no end to this war".
He sat on the floor of the stables and proceeded to tell flame about all of his fears.
The leader of the regiment of Alcrons uttered low indecipherable grunts.
His regiment seemed to understand for they drew their metal bows.
The leader of the alcrons strapped the explosives to himself.
He gave off a grunt. Instantly, his regiment began to shoot their arrow into the Xan army camp.
Like an animal crazed, the leader of the regiment ran through the camp in absolute frenzy.
He made a straight line through the army and headed  for the Prince's tent.
Commander Alba jerked out of his sleep as his junior commander yelled his name.
Alba sprung from his bed, he always slept in his armour.
"we're  under attack" the junior commander bellowed.
The Alcron  wove his way straight for the  princes' tent.
Alba sighted the Alcron from afar,  in wild frenzy, he went after it.
The Alcron did not totally arrive at the princes' tent,  it didn't have to. From its position, it detonated the explosive.
The blast levelled half a square mile from where the Alcron stood.
The force of the blast flung commander Alba to the ground. The blast thundered throughout the entire encampment.
Persus heard the bang, instinctively, he knew it came from the princes' tent. With haste, he made a quick dash for the princes' tent.
Yart along with his brother Ferdil lay around smoking tobacco when the blast thundered. Without any tract of hesitance, Yart blazed through the encampment towards  the direction of the blast forcing Ferdil to stutter after him.
The Prince was last to hear the blast for he was further away from the tent than another.
The bang startled all the horses in the stable save Flame who watched the prince with intelligent eyes.
The prince gave Flame one last pat before racing towards the origin of the blast.
Alba,  Persus, Yart and Ferdil assembled at the princes' tent, or whatever was left of it.
The tent and most of the area around it was completely obliterated.
There was no way the prince could survive a blast of that magnitude. That all stared at each other in utter hopelessness.
Persus was first to spot the prince race towards them.
"thank the spirits". He declared.
The rest of the men turned  towards the princes' direction,  upon sighting him, they all let out a collective sigh of relief.
The prince assessed the situation.
"I want a gathering at Yart's Tent. And send for Sema, I want him present as well".

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