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Yart shook his head.
"I do not undertake it for your recognition"
"I know, still you have my many thanks. Come back to us safe".
Yart chuckled.
"I'll do my best".
"your daughter Dalian, can I meet with her? "
Yart stared at him in astonishment.
"you do not need my permission to see your betrothed. Her tent isn't far off".

The guard Yart sent arrived at the princess's tent. He was ushered before the presence of the princess.
The guard bowed to the princess as it was customary.
The princess regarded him with utter disdain.
"you bow to me in mockery" the princess accused.
The guard was bewildered.
"I would do no such thing my princess"
"Really, then bow"
The guard did as he was told.
"lower "
"Lower "
The guard bent to a point of excruciating pain. Only then was the princess satisfied.
She turned to one of her war Maidens.
"release Gob to him".

Dalian stepped out of her tent to meet the prince.
"hello betrothed" the prince began.
"your highness" Dalian returned.
"I apologize for not coming to see you sooner".
"it's alright your highness, I understand you have a lot on your plate"
The prince pulled out a parcel from his tunic and held it towards Dalian.
"it's ill luck for one to visit his betrothed without bearing gifts".
Dalian curtsied as she received the parcel from the prince.
She tore the binding open and the sight she beheld forced her mouth agape.
For within her grasp was the feather from a peacock, birds of extreme rarity.
The prince took the feather from her grasp and inserted it into her hair, she was a beauty to behold.
The prince took a moment to drink in her beauty.
"how have you fared?" the prince inquired.
"have been alright, and you?".
"am still alive".
"that's good to hear".
"it's really good to see you "
the prince confessed.
"likewise your highness "
"I'll leave you to rest and visit perhaps another time "
"thank you, your highness".

Yart stared blankly into the night while sucking idly on his pipe.
A familiar scent hit him which forced him to smile.
Gob appeared behind him with a sad smile on his face.
Yart turned deliberately to face the boy.
The boy looked horrible, he knew it wasn't as a result of tiredness of the body but tiredness of the mind.
The pulled the boy into a tight embrace.
"my boy"
"how awful, you've refused to come check on an old man"
Gob smiled even wider
"I missed you Yart. I was sent to guard the princess".
Yart laughed heartily.
"You were sent to guard Eveliet, that's equivalent to a death sentence"
There was no trace of laughter on Gob's face.
"there is something demonic about this place "
The color drained from Yart's face.
"explain yourself child".
Gob gave Yart a detailed rundown of his many encounters with Safara.
When he finished Yart gave him an alarming look.
He raced to his horse and fumbled with his belongings.
He returned to Gob with a ring of some sorts. He held to ring to Gob.
"being haunted by ghost arathani is of terrible consequence. An enchanter shall arrive the encampment, when he does give this to him, he will be able to help you".
Gob disregarded his gesture
"I need not a ring, the guard tells me you and Ferdil are leaving the encampment on a mission. Where you go matters not, just take me with you "
"I can't".
"what do you mean you can't? "
"where an going you cannot follow"
"am a good fighter, I can handle myself "
Yart smiled.
"my return isn't certain. Believe it or not, you are the future your place is here "
Gob opened his mouth to counter but Yart quickly added.
"and that's final "
He pulled Gob into an embrace.
"stay safe child" and with that, he walked away leaving Gob to stare at his fleeting figure.

Princess Eveliet's war maidens announced Dalian's entry. Dalian stepped into the princesses inner tent. The princess was having her hair combed, she didn't as much as look in Dalian's direction even as Dalian bowed before her.
Dalian and Eveliet were always at odds even when they were children.
Dalian was daughter of the highest ranking general in Xan and Eveliet was daughter to the king.
Both were royalty and both were loved by the prince, so naturally they became rivals, bitter ones at that.
"what do you want? "
Princess Eveliet rasped.
"I'd like to see Gob".
This response prompted Eveliet to look up at Dalian for the first time since she stepped into her tent.
"I beg your pardon "
Dalian bit down her on her teeth to suppress her annoyance.
"I'd like to meet Gob"
With a wave of the hand, Eveliet put a halt to the maiden who combed her hair.
She rose and raised towards Dalian.
Dalian wasn't afraid for if it came to a fight she'd wipe the floor with her.
The princess stared at Dalian in absolute disgust.
"what is a woman betrothed to my brother the prince of Xan looking for in a mere foot soldier"

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