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Dalian stared at her in defiance.
"My business with the soldier is entirely not of your concern."
Eveliet was livid.
"your betrothal to my brother offers you immunity from me but it doesn't cover the solider. So congratulations your bravado has just earned Gob a night in the cold".
Dalian glared at her in fury 
"goodnight Dalian and remember am watching you".

Gob noticed Dalian leave princess Eveliet's tent from a distance. In haste, he hid behind a ledge to avoid being spotted. He knew Dalian came to see him but he was remotely interested in seeing her.
He had murdered the woman he loved and was barred from returning home to Verlain.  He was dead inside,  he was just a walking corpse going through motions.
When Dalian was safely away from the confines of the tent, he made his return.
Upon his return Eveliet's war maidens  approached him.
"the princess demands your presence".
Gob was dumbfounded.  He knew whatever it was wouldn't end well.
He entered into the presence of the princess and bowed.
The princess regarded him for a moment.
"Define covetousness".
The princess began.
Gob was taken aback
"I do not understand "
The princess picked an apple from her fruit basket and stalked towards Gob.
"if this apple was mine and you envied it I believe the word for it is covetousness "
"I do not envy your apple" Gob defended.
"no you don't but you envy Dalian "
"Dalian? I sincerely doubt Dalian is yours"
"she isn't. She's my brothers' "
Gob was almost bewildered.
"Dalian is married to the prince? "
"betrothed but I believe it's one and the same thing. You attempt to bed my brother's betrothed"
Gob knew his defense would be useless.
The princess wasn't one to be reasoned with.
"defend yourself " the princess urged.
"Yart has been a father to be and Dalian is his daughter. We ate nothing more to each other"
The princess gave him a long searching look
"I believe you but Dalian insulted me earlier today, her ties to my brother prevents me from touching her so you are to pay for it. You will be sleeping outside in the cold".
Gob didn't argue. Quietly he eased himself out of the princess tent and into the icy embrace of the cold night.
He spotted a group of soldiers sitting around a fire and decided to join them.
In no time, he fell into slumber.
He found himself in a large temple.
Thousands of worshipers crowded the temple. He watched in fascination as they prayed, there was only one problem, he was the sacrifice.
He struggled violently against the ropes that bound him but it couldn't budge.
His horror intensified when Safara walked into the temple carrying a butcher's blade.
She covered his mouth with her palm and whispered into his ear.
"all I did was love you but you betrayed me and murdered me"
With one quick movement, she severed his throat.
Gob woke up screaming.

Prince Johann looked towards the sea, the Alrcons had gotten to them.
He had successfully sent away the ship containing women and children.
His father and the militia was all that remained.
He shuddered in horror as thousands of canoes containing Alcrons flooded the sea of fish.
The attack began.
An Alcron Lunged straight at him but the prince was ready. He sidestepped the beast while pulling out his twin daggers.
He stabbed the beast in the throat and completely severed its head from its body.
"get to the ship! " he yelled as hard as he could.
More Alcrons popped before him but he dispatched them.
He spotted his father from a distance as he battled a dozen Alcrons.
Without thinking he pelted in speed towards his father all the while screaming to the militia.
"get to the ship".
King Exratia armed with nothing but a fishing spear fought back to back with his governor.
He was well aware they would soon be overrun. From the corner of his eye, he caught his son racing towards him.
"foolish boy" he muttered to himself. He idiot should be on the ship.
Prince Johann leaped high into the air and came down dagger first.
He imbedded his daggers into the skull of the nearest Alcorn.
With practised swings, he cut through the dozens of Alcrons that stood en-route to his father.
Finally, he was at his Father's side.
He helped fight the Alcrons the best he could but from their tremendous number, he knew they couldn't all escape, one would have to be the sacrifice. He chose to be the one.
He turned to the Governor.
"disengage, jump into the water and swim for the ship"
The governor turned to king Exratia for permission.
"you heard the boy" the king roared,
"get into the water".
As ordered the governor disengaged and flung himself into the water.
''father, you're next, go"
King Exratia grabbed Johann by the throat.
"you're king now, it's on you to protect our  people "
Before the words could register in Namath's head, king Exratia delivered a powerful kick to the prince's chest forcing him into the air and down into the water.
Realizing the situation, Johann's voice rang.
"no!!!!!!! "
Without any backup whatsoever, the Alcrons out manned the king and butchered him.
Johann attempted to aid his father but arms grabbed him.
"he's dead, we have to go"
Johann was still in shock as the governor dragged him into the mast driven ship.

The leader of the Alcrons watched as the people of Namath escaped in ships.
He drew out the Sybil dagger and thrust it into the Alcron closest to him.
The Alcron jerked violently as its body became conditioned for possession.
Abruptly the jerking stopped and there was a certain calm over the environment.
The leader of the Alcron bowed.
When the possessed Alcron spoke it voice was like a thousand war cries.
"you dare summon me into a foul beast such as this"
"I apologize master, it was of urgent importance "
The possessed Alcron looked towards the horizon and at the fleeing ships.
"hunt them down, none can escape".
With those words the spirit left the Alcron leaving it to fall dead to the ground.
The leader of the Alcrons  retrieved the dagger and growled to his troops,

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