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Xaruion grabbed Gob by the hand, together they sailed through air, high above the clouds until they reached a cave suspended in the clouds.
Xaruion stepped aside to allow Gob take lead into the cave.
Gob was visibly hesitant but Xaruion urged him.
"it wouldn't speak well of a general to be afraid would it?".
Gob summoned his courage and strode with unsteady steps into the darkness of the cave with Xaruion hot on his heels.
"welcome to the cave of dragons".
Xaruion exclaimed with pride evident in his voice.
He clapped his hands twice in quick succession and the pitch black cave lit up with a thousand tongue of fire.
Gob was mesmerized, in the cave were over two thousand dragon statues all enormous in size. Out from the mouths of these dragons came humans, some young, some old, some middle aged, of all body types and categories.
All two thousand, four hundred and fifty one past dragons assembled before Gob.
Needless to say, Gob quaked in his boots.
"we dragons retain the last form we held before departing the mortal realm"
Xaruion informed.
"Gob, these are your predecessors and you are their successor. They shall guide you in your path to being dragon. Every knowledge they acquired during their lifetime is available to you, you need only ask".
Gob swallowed hard as he prepared to ask his first question.
"you guys wouldn't happen to know how to build a fortress would you?"
Xaruion burst into a hale and hearty laughter.
"we know the plans and designs for every fortress ever built down to the first age. Not only that we know all the techniques required to defend and attack from a fortress as well as the practical experience of more than two thousand dragons".
Gob was ecstatic.
"you would help me then"
"of course we shall help you. If you pledge to take your training seriously".
Those words froze Gob in his boots.
"what training?"

Princess Eveliet along with eight of her female guards stormed the  dilapidated fortress.
The soldiers bowed as soon as they gazed upon her.
Instantly, Gob was summoned.
Gob was shocked to see her in the north.
"your highness, he began, what are you doing here?"
Gob questioned.
"Have you lost your manners?", the princess lashed.
Gob was taken aback but he recovered quickly.
"Forgive me,  your highness, how was your trip?"
"Much better. Well my trip was atrocious, the dirt and cold and strain was ridiculous".
"I apologize your highness but you shouldn't have undertaken such journey, you would have sent an emissary instead".
Eviliet smiled from ear to ear.
"my little plaything, an emissary would never be capable of doing what I came to do".
"and that is? " Gob questioned, worry evident in his voice
"save you"
Gob did his utmost to repress the laughter welling up inside him.
"you my plaything aren't cut out to be general, I in my infinite mercies came to save you from such fate and take you back so you can return to what has given you much joy and happiness which is being my plaything".
Gob stayed calm, he had to handle the situation with plenty of tact for the wrong sentence could incur her wrath.
He began
"your plaything is grateful that a personality so dignified as yourself sought out a nobody such as I.
But it is unfortunate that the prince named me general and only he can relive me".
The princess thought for a moment before replying.
"well then, I shall stay with you so my presence can bring you comfort my plaything".
"It is far from safe here your highness" Gob admonished
"I dish out the orders, not the other way round, now where's my quarters?"
"I shall have the men build you a tent immediately"

Four thousand men worked on constructing the fortress while the remaining one thousand were sent to the forge to craft what Gob referred to as a boomerang, (a curved piece of metal that when thrown would return to the thrower).
Gob supervised both projects with almost an dictatorial approach.
Even deep into the night he offered them no rest, as he drilled them in combat formation.
Each man had only three hours to sleep each day. If they didn't like his leadership, they were welcome to challenge him for it.
Gob was constantly tired, when he wasn't busy ensuring the construction and weapon manufactures went according to specification, his ass was being served up to princess Eveliet who found creative ways to torture it and when his three hours of sleep came, the dragons were waiting, impatient to drill him in the bitter training of weapons and hand to hand combat.
Most annoying was he couldn't get a hold of Safara whatsoever.
His life was in shambles and he was powerless against it.

Sefth waited on a hill along side fourteen of Fagi's best soldiers.
He was garbed head to toe in kingly clothing, complete with a gold crown upon his head.
He knew he needed no protection against Rutherford but  the commander of his bodyguard insisted upon it.
He was here to broker a peace treaty between the leader of the worshippers of Loas and his new people of whom he was governor.
He didn't wait long for a group of eight priests clad in overflowing garments of grey stormed the hill, much to Sefth's surprise, no guard accompanied them.
Then there was another, a man clad entirely in red garments with hood over his head. Slung over his back was a spear concealed withing a piece of ragged clothing.
Sefth distinguished Rutherford instantly, his pace were slow and deliberate.
Soon, they were face to face with each other.
The hooded figure nodded once at the priests and they departed.
Sefth did same with his men.
Finally, they were alone. Rutherford unveiled his hood. His hair had been completely shaven off, his face showed hardness that Sefth had never seen in Rutherford.
Not to mention the air of confidence around him. Sefth couldn't deny, he was intimidated.
"what did they do to you?" Sefth queried, sincerely concerned.
Rutherford stayed mute.
"you've changed a lot" Sefth confessed.
"so have you, there's a crown on your head now".
Sefth chuckled,
"Am still the same person you used to know".
"am not the same person you used to know"
Rutherford replied.
"I know. Still we were sent here to gather allies, seems we're the allies.
When shall we march?".
"my people are in disarray, I need to insure them before marching to war".
"very well, I shall wait for you. After you see to your task, our armies shall march together"
Rutherford gave a sharp nod of agreement.

2. The prince.
4. Eveliet
5. The wizard.
6. Rutherford
Give reasons for your choice..
Love you all..

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