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Princess Eveliet ran enthusiastically through the dense forest that surrounded the Encampment.
They had managed to get past the guards undetected, she had never been outside the encampment so she ran, as fast as her legs could carry her.
When Gob realised she was heading straight into Alcrons territory he doubled his pace and caught up with her.
"what do you think you're doing?" he wheezed.
"I just want to take a closer look at them".
"you are crazy" Gob cursed. "do you want to get us killed?"
"You're my guard and you have an obligation to follow and protect me even with your life,"
With that Eveliet ran deeper into Alcron territory leaving Gob no choice but to follow.
They burrowed through Alcron territory until they arrived at the Alcron base camp.
It was a filthy and smutty place smeared with offensive smell.
There was a group of about a hundred Alcrons all brandishing their blades.
Gob and princess Eveliet' took vintage positions in the bush in order to watch them.
The Alcrons brought out a man bound tightly in chains who appeared to have been beaten for days, on the sight of the man the Alcrons rose on him.
They had no interest in his flesh, only his blood they stabbed his flesh with their blades while they greedily gurgled his blood.
The pained screams of the man filled the forest.
Eveliet rose in a bid to confront the Alcrons but Gob held her in place.
"what are you doing? " Gob rasped in whisper.
"we need to help him". Eveliet countered.
"it's too late"
"you're just being a coward".
Gob knew his banter with the princess would attract the Alcrons attention.
It didn't take long before he heard a low whistle approach them.
Gob did the have to think twice to realize it was an arrow, he sighed in utter weariness was he pulled the princess out of harms way allowing the arrow to pass harmlessly.
They had been spotted, more whistles cried.
Gob grabbed princess Eveliet by the hand and both royalties ran deeper into the forest.
No matter how far they ran or how deep they went into the forest, the Alcrons always seemed to be just behind them.
It was then it hit him, they were tracking them using their scent.
He scanned the area, there was a cluster of wild berries.
He smeared the berries on himself then grabbed the princess.
"you wouldn't dare touch me with such filth "
the princess challenged.
"it's either this or we get eaten by the Alcrons"
"if you smear me with that I promise I'll feed your carcass to the birds of the air".
"you need to stay alive to do that"
With that Gob held her down and  covered her with berry juice.
Persus barged into the Prince's tent an act he seldom did.
The prince didn't seem to mind as he keep his focus on his map.
Persus took a moment before speaking so the prince could look at him still the prince made no motion to look up from his map.
Persus knew his words would shock the prince to his marrow.
"Eveliet is missing"
Instantaneously, the prince's shot up from his map.
"what do you mean Eveliet is missing"
the prince bellowed.
"she has been missing for several hours" Persus replied.
"several hours, and am just bring informed? "
"it seems her guards attempted to find her before reporting upon their failure"
The prince rose from his seat, reached for his blade then strode out of the tent with Persus closely behind him"
"we've searched a mile radius from the encampment the only spot we've not been able to search is in Alcron territory and we have reason to believe she's there.
The prince went into a frenzy the mere thought of his sister in Alcron territory sent fear down his spine.
"flame" He roared.
Despite the stables being more than half a mile from his location  flame could be seen galloping out of his stable towards his master.
"who's with her" the prince questioned.
"her guard Gob is equally missing it is possible he is with her".
The prince mounted flame in one fluid motion.
A solider brought commander Persus his horse.
Just as both leaders of the Xan army were about to ride off, a horse galloped toward them in full speed, it was the unnamed.
The unnamed took a moment to drink in the sight of both Persus and the prince.
His expressions was safely hidden under his hood
Persus had always found it oddly amusing that while the prince decided to hide his face behind a mask, the unnamed hid his face under a hood. Perhaps he should find himself a hat so as to fit the status quo.
When the unnamed spoke, there was an air of relative calm to it.
"Alcrons have sieged the encampment"
Persus's eyes went wild.
The prince knew he couldn't leave.
He turned towards Persus.
"do all in your power to find her, for my sake".
Despite his disdain for the spoilt princess, Persus knew what she meant to the prince.
"I won't fail you" he assured.
With that the prince and the unnamed rode of towards the battle line while Persus rode off towards Alcron territory.

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