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Persus announced himself and waited patiently all to no avail.
There was no response coming from the enchanter's tent.
He held nothing against the enchanter only that he found him a bit eccentric.
He parted the covers of tent and let himself in.
The sight that met him momentarily set him aback. The enchanter was in his knees while the vulture perched on his shoulders leaned into his ears and whispered into it.
Both creatures seemed so deep in conversation that Persus decided to leave and perhaps return on a later time.
He paced briskly towards the entrance of the tent and pushed against the opening but the covers wouldn't budge.
When he applied pressure, the entire tent turned into a structure of solid dense stone.
It could only be enchantment.
He spun to confront the enchanter but the enchanter was no longer knelling,  he was right there in front of him but Persus didn't flinch, Instead he quietly reached for his twin shields which hung across his back.
The enchanter noticed this and smiled but uttered not a word instead the vulture perched on his shoulder issued an instruction to Persus in an unnatural voice.
It's words were..
"stay calm soldier".
Upon hearing this, Persus stayed his hand from reaching for his weapon.
"the prince headed south leaving you in charge"
It wasn't a question so Persus gave no response whatsoever.
"there is a dark cloud looming, you have to be ready to act when the cloud breaks forth and spills its content".
"And you? " Persus inquired.
"An enchanter who stays put courts danger".
Persus watched as both the enchanter and his vulture simultaneously incarnated a spell in a tongue he'd never heard.
The enchanter began to disintegrate into a cloud of smoke.
Persus watched in awe as the vulture absorbed the smoke into itself and despite the tent being solid stone, the vulture flew right through it.
Immediately the vulture was gone, the tent reverted to normal.

Days passed and each day saw the northern fortress migrate towards completion. Gob has patched things up the best he could with the dragons but his night was usually divided between his training with them and his bout of romps with Safara.
He was satisfied with the amount of boomerangs they had produced, they had produced more than twenty thousand boomerangs, meaning each solider could go into a fight armed with four boomerangs.
A feminine voice called to him, he spun to find one of Eveliet's  female guards.
The guard bowed to Gob in standard military fashion. Gob knew for certain Eveliet had summoned him still he waited for her to deliver her message.
He was right of course, his mistress had sent for him.
Obediently like a good little plaything, he left in response to his mistress call.
He ascended the long winding stairs to whence the princess had arraigned a meeting.
He was mildly surprised to find a table was set out for him and in public, Eveliet had always preferred meeting him in private but here she had rolled out a table in the full glare of the public eye.
He bowed to her.
" My meek plaything" princess Eveliet cooed.
"take a seat"
Gob obliged as he drew himself a seat.
Princess Eveliet did a bit of a twirl as she approached Gob.
" plaything, lately I have been bored in your fortress"
Gob didn't know where she was headed but he was certain it wouldn't end well.
" well I decided to try out new things" Eveliet continued.
She signalled to her guards.
Instantly, a concealed pot was presented in the table.
Gob eyed the pot suspiciously before throwing Eveliet a questioning look.
Eveliet open the conceal to reveal the red liquid beneath.
Gob took one sniff and it's stench hit him.
"What is this?" he questioned.
"Don't be silly my plaything, this is my very first attempt at making wine, doesn't it smell wonderful?"
Gob gave off a forced smile.
"bring my plaything a goblet"
Instantly, a cup was provided for Gob.
Gob heaved as he watched her guard pour the stenched liquid into his cup.
"drink" she urged
Gob braced himself for it, in one go he emptied the contents of the cup into his stomach to avoid getting them on his tongue still the liquid found it's way to his tongue.
Gob struggled to keep his nausea in check.
His men noticed and laughed openly.
The situation vexed Gob beyond respite.
"so what do you think? " Eveliet chirped in.
"It is wonderful, infact I would like my men to equally have a taste of this sweet nectar".
"Of course " Eveliet quipped in excitement.
Instantly all the men in sight were given goblets.
The look on their faces after tasting the wine gave Gob absolute satisfaction and so much joy.
It was then one of his men approached him, simultaneously one of Eveliet's guards approached her.
Both soldiers whispered to their respective superiors.
Gob's eyes widened in bewilderment as his solider whispered to him while Eveliet blurted in utter annoyance.
"what do you mean lady Dalian is here. Why is that bitch here in the north?"
Gob strode briskly away from Eveliet and headed straight for the fortress gates, unknown to him, Eveliet was hot on his heels.
Gob waited as his men ushered in Dalian.
Dalian prowled majestically towards Gob in all her glory.
Gob couldn't deny her beauty but couldn't also deny the fact that he felt nothing for her.
Dalian gave him a charming smile of which he tried his utmost to return.
Before he could get some chance to talk, Princess Eveliet barged in.
"Why are you here?" the princess growled.
"shouldn't you answer the same question?" Dalian shot back.
Eveliet was incensed.
"Your place is with my brother, by his side as his betrothed but you've abandoned that honour and you are here. Why?"
"it's not of your concern, your highness" Eveliet returned.
"I see. Well then throw her in prison till he learns some manners".
Immediately, her guards grabbed Dalian.
"she just had a long journey, she should have some rest" Gob countered.
" I agree, she can rest in prison".

2. The prince.
4. Eveliet
5. The wizard.
6. Rutherford
9. Prince Johann (the Shavian).
Give reasons for your choice..
Love you all..

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