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Dawn replaced the Prince's beddings with clean ones, she was well aware he would arrive late, for days, he had been consumed with imparting sword lessons to his sister.
Already, she had readied his dinner but as usual, he could end up not touching it.
She glanced round the tent, it was spotless, it was time to do the hardest part of her task; wait for the Prince's return.
She found a corner of the tent to sit while she awaited, it did not take long for her to doze off.
Much later into the night, prince Cirrus walked into his tent, he was not surprised at the tidy state of his tent, he spotted Dawn in a corner fast asleep.
Dawn felt a cold hand on her cheek, without opening her eyes, she knew it was him, for he always woke her up in similar fashion.
Just as she had always done for years, she pretended to still be asleep.
Prince Cirrus picked her up effortlessly and placed her on his well arranged bed, he pulled a blanket over her and tucked her in.
According to habit, Dawn knew he would resort to sleeping on the ground, she was well aware it was cruel to continuously force him into spending his nights on the floor but this was the only way she could get close to him.
However to her disappointment, the Prince turned and left the tent.

Persus was outside his camp polishing his shields, he had flouted curfew but no one dared question him lest they incurred his wrath.
His mind fantasized continuously over the blond Queen. He knew he has fallen for her and the thought filled him with happiness and fear all at once.
It was then he felt a presence behind him, he did not panic however because he knew who it was. Persus had wondered when the presence he would make an appearance.
Prince Cirrus emerged seemingly from the shadows and took a seat beside his best friend.
Both warriors sat in silence, their friendship was never about hugs and cheer.
They could speak to each other's soul without uttering a word, and in that darkness and silence, each man knew the other would always have his back.
Unknown to prince Cirrus, few block away was Dawn spying on him.

In just a few days, Gob had done his best in turning the dragon village around, everyone was assigned tasks while he oversaw each activity daily.
His training was even better, it turned out he was a dragon prodigy and was able to perform even the most difficult fire techniques with ease. He had even figured out how to get to the dragon cave without falling asleep, all in all, he was shaping up to be an effective dragon lord.
Gob stepped away from inspecting the plantation and moved towards his horse. He was followed closely by his aides, just before he could mount his horse, he heard the dragon's call.
He mounted his steed nonetheless and gave a wordless instruction to his aides not to follow him.
His horse cantered towards the outskirts of the village as he closed his eyes and connected his spirit to the cave.
It didn't take him long to appear in the dragon cave.
"Why am I summoned",
Gob blared, eager to be done with whatever they intended.
It's time to go to the next phase of your training as lord dragon.
Gob sighed in near frustration, day after day and night after night, he was forced to train his fire and it was nothing short of gruesome, whatever this next phase was, it would certainly be twice as horrible.
"The hour has drawn nigh that ye find ye dragon."
At the mention of dragon, Gob's eyes lit up.
He was led deeper into the cave, to depths he had never been.
Gob arrived at a chamber filled to the brim with dragon eggs.
Xaruion pulled close to him and spoke to him in a tone that was almost considered stern.
"A lord dragon only gets one dragon in his lifetime. Out of the millions of dragon eggs present here, you can only choose one.
Remember, your dragon is meant to be your soulmate. Just like us, each have their personalities and traits; choose wisely."
Gob walked through the enormous chamber, there was dragon eggs situated almost everywhere, some where shiny, some colorful, and some less so.
They were so many that he knew not whom to choose. It was then he stumbled on it, a blue dragon egg with a slight crack, in many ways the egg resonated with him, because just like him, it was scarred and imperfect.
He reached for the egg, immediately he picked it up, his predecessors collectively roared and in the process fire erupted from their mouths and encircled both Gob and the egg.
Gob felt the full force of the spiritual ritual, with a loud roar, he breathed fire on the dragon egg.
It was then he heard the dragon's voice in his head.
The voice was feminine, and the creature spoke wasn't in the common tounge but somehow Gob understood it and interpreted it as
"Name me"
Gob took a deep breath, when he spoke it sounded like the crackling of wild fire.
Which was Verlian for; soul of my soul.
Gob's spirit was thrown out of the cave and back into his body.
It was then Gob realized he was still riding. It did not take long before he sighted a huge creature in the sky headed towards him.
A bit of fear gripped him as the creature approached with tremendous speed.
The closer it got, the more Gob could make out it's features, it was a blue dragon the size of two horses.
Gob reined his horse to a halt as the she landed in front of him.
She was designed with intricate tattoos and was oddly muscular but all in all she she was a beautiful dragon.
From his vintage point, Gob could make out the scar on her face.
He dismounted his horse and tentatively walked towards her, when he got close enough, he heard her voice loud and clear in his head.
"Soul of my soul".

Dawn was in the stables watching the prince give his sister sword lessons. Even with her inexperienced eyes, it was easy to see that Eveilet was a horrible student, she challenged the prince at every turn and complained about everything.
Infact prince Cirrus was practically beg teaching her through the entire lesson.
She has grown up with both siblings and although many people thought Eveliet to be evil, she knew that was far from the case.
Although she could be very assertive, she was nothing near evil.
The door of the stables creaked and all three pairs of eyes followed the sound.
In came Dalian, garbed in an exotic garment which served to further accentuate her already intoxicating beauty.
Dawn studied the way prince Cirrus gazed at Dalian and became sad.
She knew both of them were fated for marriage and she had come to terms that the love of her life would be off to marry a woman who had no affections for him but it did not make it any easier.
Eveliet was quick to throw a jab,
"The shameless she demon makes an appearance".
Dalian ignored the remark and bowed to the prince according to custom.
Eveliet was livid,
"How dare you hold me in contempt wrench,
Prince Cirrus's voice broke out.
"I want to speak to her in private,"
Eveliet stared down Dalian before exiting the stables, Prince Cirrus threw Dawn a glare and she scampered out as well.
The prince took a moment to drink in Dalians beauty, he had built a wall to guard his heart against her but all such resolve had dissolved.
He was still madly in love with her.
"What brings you here, in the middle of the night?"
Dalians heaved as she chose her words.
"My Lord, I have been a bystander to this war for too long, I hope to be granted a position in your army."

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