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Gob spent the remainder of the night with Safara until he felt a voice call to him, he knew it was time to go.
He threw open his eyelids and standing at the entrance of his tent was one of his assigned guards.
"Lord commander of assassins, forgive my intrusion. The prince requires you"
Gob flirted with the idea of donning his amour but ultimately decided against it.
It would be no use against the blast from the pterodactyls anyways.
He made his way to the fore of the encampment, already standing were the prince of Xan, Prince Johann,the unnamed,  Persus and all the warriors available in the encampment.
He took his spot beside Persus.
He could hear an all too familiar sound of wings beating against the winds.
Gob was remorseful. If he had detached himself from Safara perhaps they would have stood a chance but because of his attachment, they stood no chance.
He glanced around, all the faces he met were frightened and filled of terror.
His glance fell on prince Johann, there was a determined look on his face which strangely calmed Gob.
Prince Cirrus's voice broke out
"They are close, any ideas?"
There was silence. He nodded his head in resignation.
"To a glorious death then".
Ten enormous pterodactyls emerged from the horizon and flew with tremendous speed towards them.
There was  pin drop silence  as fear gripped the army.
One of the pterodactyls hovered over them and prepared to open its mouth.
Gob's peripheral view caught sight of a projectile rocketing towards the pterodactyl.
The projectile struck the demon rider high in the sky causing a bright light to blast forth and pummeling the demon and the pterodactyl down to the earth.
The army below scampered for safety as the massive beast fell to the earth.
Prince Cirrus took a good look at the demon and it's pterodactyl.
He knew very little about magic but he was certain they were abominations which could only be borne from the darkest of black magic.
He inspected the demon, impaled  in its neck was the spear of Loas.
The nine remainder pterodactyls and their riders were incensed with rage, their frightening shrieks reverberated throughout the entire encampment.
They wasted no time in charging towards the army.
Emboldened by the spectacular death of the demon, prince Johann reigned whatever water he could find to himself.
With his powers, he shaped the massive mass of water into a huge ball, just before he could glaciate the water and turn it to ice, the enchanters vulture flew into the water causing it to turn bright green.
Prince Johann went ahead to turn the water to ice with the vulture trapped in it.
The result was a green flaming ice ball.
Johann hurled the ice at the closest pterodactyl, hitting it square in the fast.
A blast ensued which completely incinerated both the pterodactyl and its rider.
On sight of this, the eight remainder pterodactyls fled.
Gob could hardly believe it. Prince took one look at the spear of Loas and shared a gaze with Persus.
"Your highness " a solider yelled.
Prince Cirrus, Persus and Gob  immediately grabbed hand telescopes and viewed the horizon.
Gob could distinguish The enchanter, Yart, Ferdil Sefth and another figure covered entirely in red riding ahead of thousands of soldiers.
Finally, allies had come.

Gob was giddy with excitement as he impatiently waited for Sefth, Yart and Ferdil.
He had no real friends in the encampment except for them.
He hadn't seen Rutherford among them and sincerely hoped he was well.
As his allies came closer, their details became more visible.
Most notable was Sefth.
Not only was his armour ceremonial, there was a crown on his head  his with name used as insignia on the soldiers banners.
Gob did not understand.
He turned his attention to the figure in red. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was Rutherford.
His hair was completely gone and his face was covered in markings which could only have been burnt to his skin.
Ten soldiers surrounded Sefth as he climbed off his horse and it was similar for Rutherford.
Prince Cirrus approached both rulers as Yart did the introductions.
"Your highness prince of Xan, before you is Governor Sefth, the new ruler of Sermin.
He had decided to pledge himself and his army to the cause".
Prince Cirrus gave a slight bow in gratitude.
"And this is" Yart continued referring to Rutherford
"This is the champion of Loas and leader of the worshippers of Loas. He too has come to our aid".
Prince Cirrus did his best to keep his composure as he equally gave a slight bow to Rutherford.
Rutherford stretched his hands towards the direction the spear impaled the demon and instantly,  the spear returned to him.
Gob was awestruck. Prince Cirrus' had very little idea of what was going on, still he acted with class.
"More than words, Xan is grateful for coming to our aid. I'll have a general show you and your men to your tents"

Gob waited a while for calm to take over before attempting to reconnect with his old friends.
He decided to meet first with Rutherford.
When he arrived Sefth's tent, he needed to be announced.
Governor Sefth's captain of the guard made the announcement.
"Your Excellency, Xan's Lord commander of assassins requests an audience with you".
It sounded all too strange to Gob.
He was ushered into Sefth's tent.
Gob was amazed as he met Sefth sitting on a mini throne in full regalia.
He attempted to bow to the governor but Sefth stopped him.
"that is far from necessary. We are friends".
Gob was relieved when Sefth arose and hugged him.
"I was afraid the entire governor thing had gotten to your head" Gob confessed.
"it has but not to the extent that I forget my friends. Besides I wouldn't want to be on the  wrong side of the Lord of assassins"
The two men shared a good laugh and proceeded to having a lengthy and fun-filled conversation.
Gob departed from Sefth's tent with a smile plastered across his face.
He then went in search of Rutherford.
Gob was bewildered when he found him.
Rutherford was kneeling before the spear of Loas, surrounding him were about ten priests who were offering fervent prayers to Loas.
Gob decided it wasn't a good time and turned to leave only to find Rutherford standing behind him. He was startled but he quickly regained his composure.
He turned to look at the priests circle and only the spear of Loas was there.
"It is rude to leave without saluting an old friend" Rutherford rebuked.
Gob pulled Rutherford into a tight hug.
"I thought I lost you"
Gob held the hug for a moment before realizing Rutherford wasn't returning it.
Tentatively, Gob released him from the embrace.
"You have lost me" Rutherford informed.
"I am now one with Loas"
"What does that mean?" Gob enquired.
"being one with Loas means being free from want, need and emotion"
"So you feel nothing? " Gob questioned cautiously.
"I feel nothing" Rutherford concurred.
Gob took a few steps backwards as the reality of the situation hit him.
He had just lost his best friend.

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