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Yart led Ferdil and Sefth into the enormous banquet prepared by the governor of Sermin in honour of Yart for saving his life.
Yart and his company sat at the high table reserved for nobilities and personalities.
They and other dignitaries in attendance had to patiently await  the governor who was obviously running late.
There was an orchestra on hand to add life to the atmosphere.
An orgy of food surrounded the guests.
Yart cared not for fancy banquets nor glamorous parties.
His biggest concerns were getting Rutherford back and convincing the governor to dispatch his troops in aid of Xan.
It didn't take long before the doors to the hall was pulled open.
The captain of the governor's bodyguard marched in with his squadron of men to inspect the hall. When he was satisfied, he ushered the governor and his heir who was being bared by a maid.
The governor drunk walked through the crowd of dignitaries. It was obvious he was heavy in drinking.
He took to the stage and in his own unique way called for silence.
The entire hall went mute.
"that man", he began, pointing at Yart
"Saved my life. We do not take such deeds lightly, In fact, our custom dictates that  in the absence or death of the royal family, only a hero who saved the governor's life can ascend the throne.
But that is not going to happen because my heir is hale and hearty.
The savages who claim to be worshipers of Loas, those scavengers, rotten eggs and apology that passes for human beings want me dead.
But they will never ascend the throne. Sermin will never bow to those Loas scum".
It then dawned on him.
"unless they want to replace me with my infant son"
He took a long scrutinising look at his son.
Sefth was first to see the malicious intent in the governor's eyes.
He leapt from whence he sat and sprinted towards the infant who was being carried his maid.
Before Sefth could get to the stage, the governor pulled a blade from the soldier closet to him.
He lunged the blade at the infant,
Sefth arrived a second too late, he had no choice but to cover the infant.
The blade pierced through his back and penetrated the Infant and his maid.
All three individuals fell to the ground.
In rage, Yart drew his dagger and threw without aiming.
The dagger flew true and struck the governor in his forehead.
The guests went into an uncontrollable frenzy and hundreds of guards stormed the hall.

Grand commander Persus felt a wrong in the air as he approached his tent.
He stayed calm and slowed his pace. He was well aware he was walking into an ambush.
His suspicion was confirmed when he found his guards lying unconscious on the ground.
He was an outstanding fighter who had tremendous confidence in his abilities.
With an air of arrogance, he marched forward while is mind processed who'd want to attack him.
"Could it be a coup" he wondered.
Then he heard it, a slosh sound.
There was a spear heading towards him in tremendous speed.
He had very little time to react but he wouldn't be a grand commander if he couldn't evade a spear.
With flair, he side stepped the spear with ease.
Twelve men clad in nothing but loincloths and armed with long and crudely produced spears emerged from the seeming shadows.
Persus was certain they weren't Xan soldiers. With a grin, he reached for his twin shields which were strapped to his back.
He wielded the double shields on either sides of his hand.
A spear flew straight towards him, he held his shield between himself and in incoming spear.
The spear shattered upon collision.
He leapt high into the air and brought his shield down hard on one of his attackers.
The worshipper of Loas offered his spear in a feeble attempt to parry the blow from the shield but Persus's shield broke through his spear and struck him square in the chest, knocking the air out of his wind pipe and sending him   limp to the ground.
The rest of his attackers surrounded him and hurled their  spears.
Persus was greatly surprised by their accuracy. He wasted no time in holding his double shields in protection of himself from the incoming spears.
He smiled as he watched his attackers hurl all their weapons at him leaving them defenseless.
He activated the mechanism that caused blades to protrude from the sides of his shield.
He hurled both shields at his defenseless attackers. To his horror, the worshippers of Loas conjured spears from thin air.
The men who were defenseless moments ago were armed with two spears each.
Persus was bewildered, his attackers threw their spears at his airborne shields deflecting them and causing them to fly far away from his reach.
The tables were turned, he was now defenseless.
Still he stayed calm, shield or no shield he was still a top fighter although the odds were stacked against him it didn't stop him from being one of the most dangerous fighters in Xan.
He braced himself for their onslaught.
But the prince of Xan crashed into the scene and delivered a powerful kick to the attacker closest to him which sent him crumbling to the ground.
That opening was all Persus needed, in a matter of seconds, he dropped every attacker like sacks of sand.
The leader of the worshippers of Loas confronted the prince.
"who are you" the prince questioned.
"my name is Mamor and  I am the leader of the guards of Loas"
At the mention of Loas, Persus's ear lit up.
"Loas as in the spear of Loas?"
"yes, the vessel for Loas has been chosen and the spear is required to complete the ritual".
Although his face was hidden behind his cloth mask, the prince smiled nonetheless.
"My great grandfather father subdued the worshippers of Loas and obtained the spear.
It has been in my family for three generations but no king could unlock the powers of the spear.
When I was younger, my father believed I'd be the vessel of Loas, the one to unlock the power sealed within it but I knew in my heart I wasn't.
Turns out I was right and he was wrong".

Yart waited outside the council hall for the council members of Sermin to reach a consensus.
He had killed off the governor of Sermin, a prospective ally whose army would have gone so long way in helping Xan during the war, he had obviously surrendered Rutherford to whatever fate awaited him with his abductors, he had left an almost dying Sefth in the incompetent hands of his elder brother Ferdil.
He knew he was a horrible person.
The doors of the council hall was thrown open and out came the council men.
Their leader addressed Yart.
"The governor is dead, so is his son.
By custom the throne should to go his kin but there is no other.
The only option left is for the throne to go to a hero who saved the royal family.
You are one of two heroes who saved a royal member but your claim to the throne is voided for you murdered the governor. Though your intents were noble, nonetheless you spilled the blood of a royal.
The throne shall go to the your solider Sefth who did his utmost to save the prince though he failed".
Yart was taken aback.
He could hear fatigued footsteps running towards him.
It was his brother Ferdil.
"Sefth is awake, he declared."
Yart shook his head and corrected.
"No, governor Sefth is awake".

Authors note.
Who is your best character.
1.  Gob
2. The prince.
4. Eveliet
5. The wizard.
6. Rutherford
Give reasons for your choice..
Love you all..

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