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Gob was in the middle of learning sword play with the eight hundredth dragon.
He hadn't met all of them, he'd only chosen his tutors at random.
Each dragon had their own individual principles and value and ofcourse their own style of sword play.
It seemed he had chosen wrong for the eight hundredth dragon was a hard and no nonsense man and so was his sword play.
Because of his hard and brazen nature, Gob believed he was the best man to answer his question.
"why can't I reach Safara". Gob queried.
His tutor gazed at him in annoyance,
"A true warrior is above distraction"
Gob dropped his training blade and approached the dragon.
"she's not a distraction, she's what keeps me sane".
The dragon's displeasure was visible.
But Xaruion was quick to intervene the brewing dispute between the two dragons.
"Your predecessor is right, the arathani is not to be trusted" Xaruion advised but it only served to incense Gob.
"my life was fine before you all walked in with your profanity of dragon-hood".
Gob's predecessor was furious.
"you should consider yourself fortunate to be part of a sect such as thus". He roared.
"No", Gob cut in.
" what you should do is realize you're in my dream world, mine.
You have no power here, I Gobbarin Gargil Caridan, two thousand four hundred and fifty- second dragon thereby dismiss all of you loathing mongrels from my dreamland.
Instantly, the dragons, the cave and everything pertaining to the dragons vanished. He found himself standing directly under the tree where he and Safara had escapades.
In haste, he threw his head up.
Staring down at him was Safara, cloaked in her white garment and beautiful like the evening sky.
Gob swung through branches till he got to her. He took her in his arms as gently as one would a priceless antique.
"I thought you forgot about me" Safara cooed in her almost melodious voice.
"Never" God cut in.
He released her from the bondage of his hug and planted a kiss in her forehead, Safara wasn't satisfied for she pulled him close and kissed him full on his lips.
"I see you've met your dragons"
Safara continued.
Gob laughed.
"The training is bitter work and they don't like you very much". Gob confessed.
"Neither will your princess, she has arrived the north for your sake hasn't she?, perhaps she's the reason you no more yearn for me"
Gob chuckled at her jealousy as he held her.
"Princess Eveliet sees me as nothing but a play thing, besides there is only one princess I want, need and yearn for, that's you"
He dramatically opened his arms, inviting her for a hug, she melted into him.
He hugged her as if she would evaporate from his arms.
She leaned into his ears and spoke.
"you truly believe she came all the way here just because she thought you a play thing  why are you so clueless?"
Gob laughed.
" My love you're surely mistaken".

During the subsequent days, Dawn stayed behind on the request of the prince and each time the prince watched in awe as her hands glided gracefully through string.
It had been four days since Eveliet left for the north.
The prince watched with keen as Dawn performed in his tent.
When she finale, the prince applauded, not because it was customary to applaud a performer but because her performance could rub shoulders with the best in the world.
Dawn's smile was wide just as it was beautiful, not even the servant garment she wore could cloak her beauty.
The prince's expression was hidden behind his mask as he stared at her.
"would it be too much to ask if I requested you take off your mask, at least when it's just the two of us".
The prince managed to hold his composure as his heart sank.
It was the right words from the wrong person.
What he'd give to hear those words from Dalian's lips.
"I shall be heading north to bring home my sister". He interjected, completely changing the topic.
Dawn took cue and bowed.
"shall I pack your supply?"
"you don't have to go through the strain, I'll have someone else see to it"
"no" Dawn countered, "I want to do it" she finished.
The prince nodded in surrender.

The prince strode towards the stables with a sack of apples,he hadn't seen flame in days and he would definitely need some peace offering if he hoped to mount him.
He changed his mind about his movements, he would ride south to the southern fortress for reconnaissance then head north for his sister.
He arrived the stables. The instant he stepped his feet in the structure, he could distinguish her scent among the dung and excrement.
He scanned the structure for her, he found her at the right wing of the stable, she was stroking her horse.
Upon a closer look, he noticed she had a travel bag slung over her shoulders and she was dressed for what would seem a prolonged travel.
His heart yearned for her, Dalian felt eyes on her. She spun while bracing herself for any eventuality.
She found the prince at the entrance of the stable with a bag of apples in hand. Immediately, she bowed.
The prince nodded in her direction.
He very much wanted to ask where she was headed but despite being a prince, she wasn't under his command and so, it was not of his business.
He walked over to flame's stable and made peace with him.
Before long, he led flame out of the stables leaving Dalian to saddle her horse.
As he rode for the south, he had no idea that his heartthrob Dalian was heading for the north.

2. The prince.
4. Eveliet
5. The wizard.
6. Rutherford
9. Prince Johann (the Shavian).
Give reasons for your choice..
Love you all..

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